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Allow using PostgreSQL from Clojure as effortlessly as possible by reading connection parameter defaults from PostgreSQL environment variables PGDATABASE, PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER and by reading password from ~/.pgpass if available.

Allow using PostgreSQL from Clojure as effortlessly as possible by reading connection parameter defaults from
PostgreSQL environment variables PGDATABASE, PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER and by reading password from ~/.pgpass if available.
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(box obj)
(box p1 p2)
(box x1 y1 x2 y2)

Create a PGbox object

Create a PGbox object
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(circle obj)
(circle center-point r)
(circle x y r)

Create a PGcircle object

Create a PGcircle object
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(close! {:keys [datasource] :as db-spec})

Close db-spec if possible. Return true if the datasource was closeable and closed.

Close db-spec if possible. Return true if the datasource was closeable and closed.
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Reasonable defaults as with the psql command line tool. Use username for user and db. Don't use host.

Reasonable defaults as with the psql command line tool.
Use username for user and db. Don't use host.
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(env-spec {:keys [PGDATABASE PGHOST PGPORT PGUSER] :as env})

Get db spec by reading PG* variables from the environment.

Get db spec by reading PG* variables from the environment.
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(getenv->map x)

Convert crazy non-map thingy which comes from (System/getenv) into a keywordized map. If no argument given, fetch env with (System/getenv).

Convert crazy non-map thingy which comes from (System/getenv) into a keywordized map.
If no argument given, fetch env with (System/getenv).
sourceraw docstring


(interval &
          {:keys [years months days hours minutes seconds]
           :or {years 0 months 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds 0.0}})

Create a PGinterval. (pg/interval :hours 2)

Create a PGinterval. (pg/interval :hours 2)
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(line obj)
(line p1 p2)
(line x1 y1 x2 y2)

Create a PGline object

Create a PGline object
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(lseg obj)
(lseg p1 p2)
(lseg x1 y1 x2 y2)

Create a PGlseg object

Create a PGlseg object
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(money amount)

Create PGmoney object

Create PGmoney object
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(object type value)

Make a custom PGobject, e.g. (pg/object "json" "{}")

Make a custom PGobject, e.g. (pg/object "json" "{}")
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(path obj)
(path points open?)

Create a PGpath object

Create a PGpath object
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(point obj)
(point x y)

Create a PGpoint object

Create a PGpoint object
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(polygon points-or-str)

Create a PGpolygon object

Create a PGpolygon object
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(pool & rest)


(spec & {:keys [password] :as opts})

Create database spec for PostgreSQL. Uses PG* environment variables by default and acceps options in the form: (pg-spec :dbname ... :host ... :port ... :user ... :password ...)

Create database spec for PostgreSQL. Uses PG* environment variables by default
and acceps options in the form:
(pg-spec :dbname ... :host ... :port ... :user ... :password ...)
sourceraw docstring


(tables db)


(xml s)

Make PostgreSQL XML object

Make PostgreSQL XML object
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