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Basic Usage - Hiccup, Writing



(write-patch "basics.pd"
             [:-]           ; Nodes are created from hiccup, which is just plain vectors.
                            ; The first item is always the node name, as a keyword.
             [:+ 1 2]       ; Literals are passed as creation arguments.
             [:msg "bang"]  ;
             [:* [:msg 3]]) ; Nesting nodes creates connections between them.


Node Arguments

(write-patch "arguments.pd" 
             [:pack "f f f" ; Argument position determines the connection inlet:
              [:msg 1]      ; Connected to first inlet.
              nil           ; `nil` skips an inlet.
              [:msg 3]])    ; Connected to third inlet.



Options can be passed as the second argument to both Nodes (through hiccup) and Patches (through write-patch etc.). You can find a list of supported options in the List of supported Options. These are relevant for UI nodes like Sliders, Toggles, Bangs etc., and also contain the graphing options for subpatches.

(write-patch "options.pd"
             {:width 200 :height 80} ; Set patch options as the second argument to `write-patch`.
             [:bng {:name 'b         ; Set node options as the second element in hiccup vectors.
                    :x 100 :y 5
                    :size 64
                    :label-text "red!"
                    :fg-color -258049}
              [:metro 500 [:loadbang]]])


Inlets and Outlets

(write-patch "inlet-and-outlet.pd"
              (inlet [:msg "second inlet"] 1)              ; Specify target inlet explicitly with `inlet` function.
              (inlet [:msg "first inlet"] 0)]
             [:print "over 9000" (outlet [:moses 9000] 1)] ; Specify target outlet explicitly with `outlet` function.
             [:+ 1 (inlet (outlet [:select 3] 1) 1)])      ; `inlet` and `outlet` can be combined.

inlet and outlet

Referencing Nodes

(write-patch "other.pd"
             [:loadbang {:name 'lb}]                      ; Giving Nodes a `:name` allows them to be referenced by `other`.
             [:print "loaded!" (other 'lb)]
             [:print "zero" (other 'm)]                   ; The named Node can be defined later, too.
             [:print "one or more" (outlet (other 'm) 1)] ; `inlet` and `outlet` also work with `other`.
             [:moses {:name 'm} 1])


Connecting Nodes

(write-patch "connect.pd"
             (connect [:loadbang] [:print "hello world!"])    ; Use `connect` to connect nodes explicitly.
             (connect [:moses] 1 [:pack] 1)                   ; Use 4 arguments to specify inlet and outlet ...
             (connect (outlet (inlet [:select] 1) 1) [:pack]) ; ... or use `inlet` and `outlet`.
                                                              ; Note: they are used on the originating node.
             [:msg {:name 'tik} "bang"]
             [:metro {:name 'tok} 200]
             (connect (other 'tik) (other 'tok)))             ; It works fine with `other` as well.



(let [hues 32
      size 18
      width (+ 32 (* hues size))]
   {:width width
    :view-width width
    :view-height 32 :graph-on-parent 1}
   [:msg "; all-bangs color $1 0 0"
    (inlet [:msg (color-runtime 255 0 0) [:msg "red"]] 0)       ; Use `color-runtime` for sending color values during runtime.
    (inlet [:msg (color-runtime 0 255 0) [:msg "green"]] 0)
    (inlet [:msg (color-runtime 0 0 255) [:msg "blue"]] 0)]
   (map #(vector :bng {:x (+ 16 (* % size)) :y 5
                       :receive-symbol "all-bangs"
                       :bg-color (color-file                    ; Use `color-file` for color values stored in the file.
                                  (hsl2rgb (/ % hues) 1 0.5))}) ; Helper function `hsl2rgb` is available.
        (range hues))))


Patch Options list Supported Nodes Node Options list Live Reloading Advanced Usage Recursion

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