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a simple Clojure client for reCAPTCHA API (v1.0 and v2.0).


Include the library in your leiningen project dependencies:

[clj-recaptcha "0.0.3"]

Displaying reCAPTCHA

To make the reCAPTCHA widget appear when your page loads, you will need to insert a snippet of JavaScript & non-JavaScript code in your <form> element. To generate the snippet, use:

reCAPTCHA v1.0

(ns your.namespace
    (:require [clj-recaptcha.client :as c]))

(c/render "your-public-key" :ssl? true :display {:theme "clean" :lang "de"})

Optional parameters:

  • :error - an error message to display (default nil)
  • :ssl? - use HTTPS or HTTP? (default false)
  • :noscript? - include
    • :display - a map of attributes for reCAPTCHA custom theming (default nil)
    • :iframe-height - the height of noscript iframe (deafult 300)
    • :iframe-width - the width of noscript iframe (default 500)

    reCAPTCHA v2.0

    (ns your.namespace
        (:require [clj-recaptcha.client-v2 :as c]))
    (c/render "your-public-key")

    Verifying the User's Answer

    After your page is successfully displaying reCAPTCHA, you need to configure your form to check whether the answers entered by the users are correct. Here's how it can be done:

    reCAPTCHA v1.0

    (ns your.namespace
        (:require [clj-recaptcha.client :as c]))
    (c/verify "your-private-key" "challenge" "response" "")
    ;; {:valid? false :error "incorrect-captcha-sol"}

    Optional parameters:

    • :ssl? - use HTTPS or HTTP? (default false)
    • :proxy-host - a proxy host
    • :proxy-port - a proxy port
    • :connection-manager - a connection manager to be used to speed up requests

    reCAPTCHA v2.0 and v3.0

    (ns your.namespace
        (:require [clj-recaptcha.client-v2 :as c]))
    (c/verify "your-private-key" "response" :remote-ip "")
    ;; {:valid? false
    ;;  :error "incorrect-captcha-sol"}
    (c/verify "your-private-key" "another-response" :remote-ip "")
    ;; {:valid? true
    ;;  :error "incorrect-captcha-sol"
    ;;  :score 0.8                      ;; present in v3
    ;;  :action "buy"                   ;; present in v3
    ;;  :hostname "my-hostname"         ;; present in v3
    ;; }

    Optional parameters:

    • :remote-ip - the IP address of the user who solved the CAPTCHA
    • :proxy-host - a proxy host
    • :proxy-port - a proxy port
    • :connection-manager - a connection manager to be used to speed up requests

    For better performance, you can use a pooled connection manager, that can be passed via :connection-manager option. To create a connection manager:

    (create-conn-manager {:threads 5})

    It's just a shortcut for clj-http.conn-mgr/make-reusable-conn-manager, check clj-http documentation for more details.


    Copyright © 2013 Pavel Prokopenko

    Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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