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title: "Delayed Transitions"

Delayed Transitions

To specify a transition that shall happen automatically after some time, sue the :after keyword:

  {:s1 {:after [{:delay 1000
                 :target :s2
                 :guard some-condition-fn
                 :actions some-action}
                {:delay :2000
                 :target :s3
                 :actions some-action}]}}}

All transtion features like guards and actions could be used here, as you can see in the code snippet above.

Dynamic Delay

The amount of delay could be expressed as a context function.

For example, in a state machine that manages a websocket connection, the reconnection delay could be calculated as a exponential backoff.

(defn calculate-backoff
  "Exponential backoff, with a upper limit of 15 seconds."
  [context & _]
  (-> (js/Math.pow 2 (:retries context))
      (* 1000)
      (min 15000)))

(defn update-retries [context & _]
  (update context :retries inc))

;; Part of the machine definition
 {:connecting   {:entry try-connect
                 :on    {:success-connect :connected}}
  :disconnected {:entry (assign update-retries)
                 :after [{:delay calculate-backoff :target :connecting}]}
  :connected    {:on {:connection-closed :disconnected}}}}

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