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A Clojure(Script) library for unified responses.

Quick Start Guide

Add the following dependency in your project:

;; project.clj or build.boot
[clj-unifier "RELEASE"]

;; deps.edn
{:deps {clj-unifier {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}


(ns example
    [clojure.string :as str]
    [unifier.response :as r]))

;; TODO: add example with meta (e.g. i18n)

;; Database layer

(defonce users [{:user/id 1, :user/email ""}
                {:user/id 2, :user/email ""}])

;; Business logic layer

(def prepare-email (comp str/lower-case str/trim))

(defn get-user-by-email [email]
  (let [email (prepare-email email)]
    (if-some [user (->> users
                     (filter #(= (:user/email %) email))
      (r/as-success :ok user)
      (r/as-error :not-found "user not found"))))

;; HTTP layer

;; HTTP helpers

(defn with-status [status body]
  {:status status
   :body   body})

(defn with-type [type x]
  (if (vector? type)
    (update x :type #(conj type %))
    (assoc x :type type)))

(defn as-http-response [x]
  (r/as-response (with-type [:http] x)))

;; HTTP wrappers

(defmethod r/as-response [:http :ok] [x]
  (with-status 200 (r/get-data x)))

(defmethod r/as-response [:http :not-found] [x]
  (with-status 404 (r/get-data x)))

;; HTTP handlers

(defn handler [email]
  (as-http-response (get-user-by-email email)))

;; Usage examples

(handler "")
;; => {:status 200, :body #:user{:id 1, :email ""}}

(handler "")
;; => {:status 200, :body #:user{:id 2, :email ""}}

(handler "")
;;  => {:status 404, :body "user not found"}


# Run REPL & connect from your IDE
$ make dev


# Run all tests
$ make test

# Run Clojure tests
$ make test-clj

# Run ClojureScript tests
$ make test-cljs


# create a new git tag (available types `patch`, `minor`, `major`)
$ make patch

# push a new git tag
$ make release

Available commands

$ make help
help                           Show help
clean                          Clean
dev                            Run REPL
lint                           Run linter
test-cljs                      Run ClojureScript tests
test-clj                       Run Clojure tests
test                           Run tests
jar                            Build jar
install                        Install locally
deploy                         Deploy to repository
init                           Init first version
patch                          Increment patch version
minor                          Increment minor version
major                          Increment major version
release                        Release a new version

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