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(make-bar-chart dataset title options)

Shortcut to make-category-chart (with {:chart-type :bar-chart} in options.)

Shortcut to make-category-chart (with {:chart-type :bar-chart} in options.)
sourceraw docstring


(make-category-chart dataset title options)

Make line chart from specified arguments. Option keys (with meaning) are below: :chart-type :line-chart or :bar-chart (default) :category-title category axis label (default "Categories") :value-title value axis label (default "Values") :orientation :horizontal or :vertical (default) :legend? true (default) or false :tooltips? true (default) or false

Make line chart from specified arguments. Option keys (with meaning) are below:
:chart-type      :line-chart or :bar-chart (default)
:category-title  category axis label (default "Categories")
:value-title     value axis label (default "Values")
:orientation     :horizontal or :vertical (default)
:legend?         true (default) or false
:tooltips?       true (default) or false
sourceraw docstring


(make-category-dataset chart-data options)

Make category dataset (useful for line chart, bar chart etc.) from given arguments. Chart data must be a list of maps. Options include: :group-key - the key used for not value, but for group name

Make category dataset (useful for line chart, bar chart etc.) from given arguments.
Chart data must be a list of maps. Options include:
:group-key - the key used for not value, but for group name
sourceraw docstring


(make-line-chart dataset title options)

Shortcut to make-category-chart (with {:chart-type :line-chart} in options.)

Shortcut to make-category-chart (with {:chart-type :line-chart} in options.)
sourceraw docstring


(make-pie-chart dataset title options)

Make pie chart from specified arguments. Chart data must be a list of pairs (either a list of single-pair maps, or list of two-element vectors.) Options may include the following: :chart-type :pie-chart (default) or :pie-chart-3d :legend? true (default) or false :tooltips? true (default) or false

Make pie chart from specified arguments. Chart data must be a list of pairs (either a list of single-pair maps,
or list of two-element vectors.) Options may include the following:
:chart-type :pie-chart (default) or :pie-chart-3d
:legend?    true (default) or false
:tooltips?  true (default) or false
sourceraw docstring


(make-pie-chart-3d dataset title options)

Short cut to make-pie-chart with {:chart-type :pie-chart-3d} in options.

Short cut to make-pie-chart with {:chart-type :pie-chart-3d} in options.
sourceraw docstring


(make-pie-dataset chart-data)

Make pie dataset from specified arguments. Chart data must be a list of maps.

Make pie dataset from specified arguments. Chart data must be a list of maps.
sourceraw docstring


(make-time-series-chart dataset title options)

Make line chart from specified arguments. Option keys (with meaning) are below: :time-title time axis label (required) :value-title value axis label (required) :legend? true (default) or false :tooltips? true (default) or false

Make line chart from specified arguments. Option keys (with meaning) are below:
:time-title  time axis label (required)
:value-title value axis label (required)
:legend?     true (default) or false
:tooltips?   true (default) or false
sourceraw docstring


(make-time-series-dataset chart-data options)

Make time-series dataset (useful for graphing continuous events, e.g. metrics events) from given arguments. Chart data must be a list of maps. Options include: :name - string, keyword or any Comparable type (required) :unit - any of :millis, :second (default), :minute, :hour, :day, :week, :month, :year

Make time-series dataset (useful for graphing continuous events, e.g. metrics events) from given arguments. Chart
data must be a list of maps. Options include:
:name  - string, keyword or any Comparable type (required)
:unit  - any of :millis, :second (default), :minute, :hour, :day, :week, :month, :year
sourceraw docstring


(save-chart-as-file chart file-or-filename options)

Save the specified chart as file. Options can include the following: :width +ve integer (default 640) :height +ve integer (default 480) :image-format :png or :jpeg (autodiscovers from filename by default)

Save the specified chart as file. Options can include the following:
:width   +ve integer (default 640)
:height  +ve integer (default 480)
:image-format :png or :jpeg (autodiscovers from filename by default)
sourceraw docstring

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