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The bean function produces a thin wrapper over JavaScript objects, implementing the map abstraction:

(require '[cljs-bean.core :refer [bean]])

(bean #js {:a 1, :b 2})
;; {:a 1, :b 2}

If a bean is going to be retained, the object passed should be effectively immutable, as the resulting bean is backed by the object.

By default, the bean function behaves like Clojure’s in that it is not recursive:

(bean #js {:a 1, :obj #js {:x 13, :y 17}, :arr #js [1 2 3]})
;; {:a 1, :obj #js {:x 13, :y 17}, :arr #js [1 2 3]}

On the other hand, CLJS Bean provides ->clj and ->js converters, which are recursive.

(require '[cljs-bean.core :refer [->clj ->js]])

(->clj #js {:a 1, :obj #js {:x 13, :y 17}, :arr #js [1 2 3]})
;; {:a 1, :obj {:x 13, :y 17}, :arr [1 2 3]}

You can update an object produced by ->clj

(-> *1 (update-in [:obj :y] inc) (update :arr pop))
;; {:a 1, :obj {:x 13, :y 18}, :arr [1 2]}

and the result above can be converted back to JavaScript via a constant time call to ->js:

(->js *1)
;; #js {:a 1, :obj #js {:x 13, :y 18}, :arr #js [1 2]}

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