(abort! channel)
Attempt to close the given channel and abort the pending HTTP request with which it is associated.
Attempt to close the given channel and abort the pending HTTP request with which it is associated.
(apply-default-headers! xhr headers)
Takes an XhrIo object and applies the default-headers to it.
Takes an XhrIo object and applies the default-headers to it.
(apply-response-type! xhr response-type)
Takes an XhrIo object and sets response-type if not nil.
Takes an XhrIo object and sets response-type if not nil.
(build-xhr {:keys [with-credentials? default-headers response-type]
:as request})
Builds an XhrIo object from the request parameters.
Builds an XhrIo object from the request parameters.
(jsonp {:keys [timeout callback-name cancel keywordize-keys?]
:or {keywordize-keys? true}
:as request})
Execute the JSONP request corresponding to the given Ring request map and return a core.async channel.
Execute the JSONP request corresponding to the given Ring request map and return a core.async channel.
(request {:keys [request-method] :as request})
Execute the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request map and return a core.async channel.
Execute the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request map and return a core.async channel.
(xhr {:keys [request-method headers body cancel progress] :as request})
Execute the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request map and return a core.async channel.
Execute the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request map and return a core.async channel.
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