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cljs-msgpack-lite is a lightweight and convenient wrapper around msgpack-lite for ClojureScript.

Usage and Examples



[cljs-msgpack-lite "0.1.5"]

to your project dependencies (e.g., project.clj for leiningen).

Also, install the msgpack-lite node package, e.g.:

npm install msgpack-lite --save

Encode and Decode

cljs-msgpack-lite defines encode to encode objects into a buffer:

=> (def buffer (encode 42))
=> (type buffer)

decode decodes a buffer:

=> (decode buffer)

Collections (coll?), maps (map?) and sets (PersistentHashSet) are automatically converted into their JS counterparts before encoding and after decoding:

=> (-> ["foo" "bar" "baz"] encode decode)
["foo" "bar" "baz"]
=> (-> {:foo "foo" :bar "bar"} encode decode)
{"foo" "foo", "bar" "bar"}

Note that the keys are turned into strings, which already happens during encode (JS does only support strings for keys). To keywordize keys recursively, add :keywordize-keys true to decode:

=> (-> {:foo "foo" :bar "bar"} encode (decode :keywordize-keys true))
{:foo "foo", :bar "bar"}

decode internally uses js->clj to convert any JS objects to their ClojureScript counterparts. If you don't want this, add :js->clj false to decode to get the "raw" result:

=> (-> {:foo "foo" :bar "bar"} encode (decode :js->clj false))
#js {:foo "foo", :bar "bar"}

Clojure(Script) Types

For encoding and decoding ClojureScript types unknown to JS (e.g., keywords), the codec created by cljs-msgpack-lite.clj-codec/create-clj-codec can be used. A codec is passed to encode and decode via the :codec option:

=> (require '[cljs-msgpack-lite.clj-codec :refer [create-clj-codec]])
=> (def clj-codec (create-clj-codec))
=> (-> :foo (encode :codec clj-codec) (decode :codec clj-codec))

clj-codec defines the same extensions as defined by clojure-msgpack with the same type identifiers so that both are mutually compatible. However, ClojureScript does not support Clojure's Ratio and Char. For these two types, surrogate types are defined in cljs-msgpack-lite:

(defrecord CljChar [character])
(defrecord CljRatio [numerator denominator])

For example:

=> (def ratio-buffer (-> (->CljRatio 1 3) (encode :codec clj-codec)))

=> (def ratio (decode ratio-buffer :codec clj-codec))

=> (:numerator ratio)
=> (:denominator ratio)

The following table summarizes all types in accordancw with clojure-msgpack:

ClojureScript TypeMessage Pack ID

By default, CLJS maps are converted to and from JS objects. In particular, the keys of CLJS maps are converted to strings as JavaScript only supports this type of key. Also, CLJS lists are converted to JS arrays, losing their flavour of being a list. To avoid this, additional extensions are defined for CLJS maps (PersistentArrayMap) and CLJS lists, for technical reasons one for the empty list '() and for non-empty lists.

ClojureScript TypeMessage Pack ID

These can be inluded by passing :include-map true for maps and :include-list true for lists to create-clj-codec, e.g., (create-clj-codec :include-map true :include-list true).

By default, these extensions are deactivated and they break compatibility with clojure-msgpack.

Defining a Codec

You can define a new codec using create-codec which takes the same parameters as createCodec in the msgpack module (see msgpack-lite documentation), also in a "clojurized" form, e.g.:

(def my-codec
  (create-codec :preset true))


Suppose you create your own type:

(defrecord Game [title year platforms reviews])
(defrecord Review [site score])
(def botw 
     (->Game "Zelda: Breath of the Wild" 2018 :switch 
     [(->Review "GameSpot" 10) (->Review "Polygon" 10) (->Review "IGN" 10)]))

To encode this type, you need to define packers: A packer is a function that takes a value and translates it into a buffer. For instance:

(defn game-packer [{:keys [title year platforms reviews]}] 
  (encode [title year platforms reviews]))

(defn review-packer [{:keys [site score]}]
  (encode [site score]))

We chose to pack the values into arrays but a hash map would also be possible. Next we create a new codec. Since we use ClojureScript-specific types within our data structure (keywords), we extend cls-codec:

(def game-codec 
  (-> (create-clj-codec) 
      (add-ext-packer! 0x40 Game game-packer)
      (add-ext-packer! 0x41 Review review-packer)))

add-ext-packer! takes as parameters the codec, a unique byte id for msgpack encoding and decoding, the type and the packer function. Note the exclamation mark in add-ext-packer! which indicates that this function is not pure. In fact, the codec gets altered (by msgpack-lite).

We can now encode our data type:

(encode botw :codec game-codec)
#object[Buffer [...]]

A little bit of "magic" happened in the background: We called encode with the option :codec game-codec, whereas in the packers we call encode without any further options, in particular, without the codec. What happens is that the initial call rebinds encode to a function with the options from the initial call automatically passed to encode. Any option passed with a recursive call overwrites the initially passed option.


For decoding, we define unpackers which, not surprisingly, take a msgpack buffer and produce the filled data structures. In our case:

(defn game-unpacker [buffer] 
  (let [decoded-array (decode buffer)] 
    (apply ->Game decoded-array)))

(defn review-unpacker [buffer] 
  (as-> buffer _ 
        (decode _) 
        (apply ->Review _)))

And we can add it to our codec:

(def game-codec 
  (-> (create-clj-codec) 
      (add-ext-packer! 0x40 Game game-packer)
      (add-ext-unpacker! 0x40 game-unpacker)
      (add-ext-packer! 0x41 Review review-packer)
      (add-ext-unpacker! 0x41 Review review-unpacker)))

Or shorter:

(def game-codec 
  (-> (create-clj-codec) 
      (add-ext-packers! 0x40 Game game-packer game-unpacker)
      (add-ext-packers! 0x41 Review review-packer review-unpacker)))

We can now decode the type Game and Review using decode:

=> (def botw-encoded (encode botw :codec game-codec))
=> (decode otw-encoded :codec game-codec)
{:title "Zelda: Breath of the Wild",
 :year 2018,
 :platforms "switch",
 [{"site" "GameSpot", "score" 10}
  {"site" "Polygon", "score" 10}
  {"site" "IGN", "score" 10}]}

Note that the underlying types here are really our records from above.

As with encode above, decode gets rebound in the recursive calls and any options passed to the initial call are automatically passed to the all subsequent calls.

Encoding and Decoding Streams

To encode to and decode from a stream, respectively, Transforms can be created by create-encode-transform and create-decode-transform. The following example defines an encode-to-file and a decode-from-file function for storing ClojureScript objects to a file and retrieving them back:

  (:require [cljs-msgpack-lite.core :as msp]))

(def fs (js/require "fs"))

(defn encode-to-file [data file-path & opts]
  (let [encode-transform (apply msp/create-encode-transform opts)
        fos (.createWriteStream fs file-path)]
    (.pipe encode-transform fos)
    (.write encode-transform data)
    (.end encode-transform)
    (.end fos)))

(defn decode-from-file [file-path callback & opts]
  (let [decode-transform (apply msp/create-decode-transform opts)
        fis (.createReadStream fs file-path)]
    (.pipe fis decode-transform)
    (.on fis "readable"
         (fn []
           (let [res (.read decode-transform)]
             (.end decode-transform)
             (callback res))))))

Note that each function creates a transform that is piped to a file stream. The options passed to create-encode-transform and create-decode-transform are the same as for encode and decode, respectively. For instance:

=> (def clj-codec (create-clj-codec))

=> (def some-fancy-cljs-data {:foo "bar" :array [1 2 3] :list '("a" "b" "c")})

=> (encode-to-file some-fancy-cljs-data "test.msp" :codec clj-codec)

=> (decode-from-file "test.msp"
        #(print % " = " some-fancy-cljs-data " ? " (= % some-fancy-cljs-data))
        :codec clj-codec :keywordize-keys true)
{:foo bar, :array [1 2 3], :list (a b c)}  =  {:foo bar, :array [1 2 3], :list (a b c)}  ?  true


Copyright ©2018 Christopher Auer

Distributed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file at the top level of this repo.

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