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A ClojureScript interface to the styled-components library.

The main interface of styled-components' template strings is replaced by ClojureScript maps.

It's mostly a lightweight transformation from ClojureScript maps to the form that a template literal gets invoked with.


This library will require "styled-components" from node_modules.

You can install it like so:

yarn add styled-components
# or
npm i -D styled-components

Then specify this library as a dependency:

[cljs-styled-components "0.1.4"]


Add the dependency to your namespace form:

;; Plain React elements (e.g. used in fulcro):
[cljs-styled-components.core :refer [defstyled defkeyframes theme-provider clj-props set-default-theme!]]

;; For reagent support:
[cljs-styled-components.reagent :refer [defstyled defkeyframes theme-provider clj-props set-default-theme!]]

Here is a very simple usage:

(defstyled row-container
  :div {:display "flex"})

Which is functionally equivalent to the JS:

const RowContainer = styled.div`
  display: flex;
const rowContainer = (props, children) => React.createElement(RowContainer, props, children)

The first argument is the Var name that will be created, the second argument can be one of:

The third argument must be a ClojureScript map, this is computed at runtime so you can construct this map anyway you like.

A more featureful example:

(defstyled number-cell-styled
                    (clj-props (fn [{:keys [selected? answered? answered-correctly? background-color]}]
                                   background-color background-color
                                   selected? "darkGrey"
                                   (and answered? answered-correctly?) "green"
                                   (and answered? (not answered-correctly?)) "red"
                                   :else "hsl(37, 67%, 99%)")))
   :font-family     "patua"
   :color           #(goog.object/getValueByKeys % "theme" "textColor")
   :padding         "0"
   :height          cell-size-px
   :width           cell-size-px
   :min-width       cell-size-px
   :font-size       (str (/ cell-size 2) "px")
   :display         "flex"
   :justify-content "center"
   :align-items     "center"
   "@media (max-width: 700px)"
                    {:height    sm-cell-size-px
                     :min-width sm-cell-size-px
                     :width     sm-cell-size-px}})

(set-default-theme! number-cell-styled #js {:textColor "red"})

Nested selectors are supported as shown in this example with media queries.


Any property value that is a function will get passed the props that the component was rendered with.

The props will be a JavaScript object, to make the code more cljs friendly the following custom is used:

;; At render time any data under the `:clj` key will remain as ClojureScript
;; data structures.
(example {:clj {:round? true}})

;; Then pull them out with the helper `clj-props`
(defstyled example :div
           {:color         "red"
            :border        "1px solid blue"
            :border-radius (clj-props #(if (:round? %) "10px" "0px"))})

The top level map will converted to a JS object with (clj->js) (the :clj key is dissoc'ed first).

Example using JS data structures:

;; render time:
(example2 {:color "blue"})

(defstyled example :div
           {:color #(goog.object/get % "color")})

Theme support

This is essentially the unmodified theme code that styled-components uses, so everything must be in JS data.

(defstyled theme-user :div
           {:color #(goog.object/getValueByKeys % "theme" "textColor")})

(def theme
  #js {:textColor "purple"})

;; fulcro
  (theme-provider #js {:theme theme}
      (theme-user "hello")))

;; reagent
[theme-provider #js {:theme theme}
   [theme-user "hello"]]]


  [cljs-styled-components.core :refer [clj-props] :refer-macros [defstyled defkeyframes]])

;; This just delegates to keyframes helper of styled-components.
  "from { transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to { transform: rotate(360deg); }")

;; `spin` will be the animation name generated by styled-components
(defstyled rotate-text :span
           {:animation (str spin " 2s linear infinite")
            :display "inline-block"
            :font-size "20px"})

;; Then just render like any component.
(defn animation [txt]
      (rotate-text txt))

Style Mixins


The styles are just maps so you can use whatever code you want to combine them together:

(def row
  {:display "flex"
   :justify-content "space-between"})

(defstyled my-list :div
    {:background "blue"}))

JS Objects

This library plays well with "mixins" such as polished

yarn add polished

Support for nested objects of properties is included, for example, many of the mixins in polished ( have this shape:

const div = styled.div`
  backgroundImage: url(logo.png);

In cljs we need a map to have an even number of forms so support for this is added by putting the mixins under the keyword: :styled/mixins.

Here's an example:

(defstyled mixme :section
           {:background-color "lightblue"
            :opacity 1
            :font-size (em "16px")
                              [(position "absolute" "-22px" "5px" "5px" "4px")
                               (transitions "opacity 0.5s ease-in 0s")
                               (size "40px" "300px")
                               (borderStyle "solid" "dashed" "dotted" "double")]
            ":hover"          {:opacity 0.5}})

(defn mixins []
      (dom/div {:style {:position "relative"}}
               (mixme " hi ")))

If you only need one mixin, you can just include it and do not need to embed in a vector:

(defstyled :div
  {:background-image: "url(logo.png)"
   :sytled/mixins (hideText)})

Sometime after adding support for the above I realized you could also just:

(defstyled my-component :div
    (js->clj (position "absolute" "-22px" "5px" "5px" "4px"))
    {:color "blue"}))

(def sample-one
  (apply merge
           [(position "absolute" "-22px" "5px" "5px" "4px")
            (transitions "opacity 0.5s ease-in 0s")
            (size "40px" "300px")
            (borderStyle "solid" "dashed" "dotted" "double")
            {:background-color "lightblue"
             :opacity          1
             :font-size        (em "16px")
             ":hover"          {:opacity 0.5}}])))

So either of the these forms work for including style mixin objects.

Implementation notes

In JS:

const aVar = 'good';

// These are equivalent:
fn`this is a ${aVar} day`;
fn([ 'this is a ', ' day' ], aVar);

So you could use styled components from ClojureScript directly by using the second form, but this library is an experiment in making it a bit nicer to work with from ClojureScript.

You can read more about template literals here:

and here:


Right now all dev is done in dev cards.

yarn start

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Run tests

# Optional but starts shadow cljs server for quicker test compile times.
yarn start
yarn test


MIT License.

Copyright © 2018 Daniel Vingo.

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