(copy-crossovers crossover-path crossovers)
(crossover-macro-paths crossovers)
(crossover-needs-update? from-resource to-file)
(find-crossovers crossovers macros?)
(get-path-safe url)
Pull a local file path out of a resource URL. Without this, it's possible to end up with weird paths like /C:/x/y/z on Windows, which are troublesome to deal with.
Pull a local file path out of a resource URL. Without this, it's possible to end up with weird paths like /C:/x/y/z on Windows, which are troublesome to deal with.
(write-crossover from-resource to-file)
Write a temp file and atomically rename to the real file to prevent the compiler from reading a half-written file.
Write a temp file and atomically rename to the real file to prevent the compiler from reading a half-written file.
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