Information about an object monitor lock. An object monitor is locked when entering a synchronization block or method on that object.
MXBean Mapping MonitorInfo is mapped to a CompositeData with attributes as specified in the from method.
Information about an object monitor lock. An object monitor is locked when entering a synchronization block or method on that object. MXBean Mapping MonitorInfo is mapped to a CompositeData with attributes as specified in the from method.
(*from cd)
Returns a MonitorInfo object represented by the given CompositeData. The given CompositeData must contain the following attributes as well as the attributes specified in the
mapped type for the LockInfo class:
Attribute Name Type
lockedStackFrame CompositeData as specified in the stackTrace attribute defined in the ThreadInfo.from method.
lockedStackDepth java.lang.Integer
cd - CompositeData representing a MonitorInfo -
returns: a MonitorInfo object represented
by cd if cd is not null;
null otherwise. -
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if cd does not represent a MonitorInfo with the attributes described above.
Returns a MonitorInfo object represented by the given CompositeData. The given CompositeData must contain the following attributes as well as the attributes specified in the mapped type for the LockInfo class: Attribute Name Type lockedStackFrame CompositeData as specified in the stackTrace attribute defined in the ThreadInfo.from method. lockedStackDepth java.lang.Integer cd - CompositeData representing a MonitorInfo - `` returns: a MonitorInfo object represented by cd if cd is not null; null otherwise. - `` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if cd does not represent a MonitorInfo with the attributes described above.
(->monitor-info class-name identity-hash-code stack-depth stack-frame)
Construct a MonitorInfo object.
class-name - the fully qualified name of the class of the lock object. - java.lang.String
identity-hash-code - the identity hash code of the lock object. - int
stack-depth - the depth in the stack trace where the object monitor was locked. - int
stack-frame - the stack frame that locked the object monitor. - java.lang.StackTraceElement
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if stackDepth ≥ 0 but stackFrame is null, or stackDepth < 0 but stackFrame is not null.
Constructor. Construct a MonitorInfo object. class-name - the fully qualified name of the class of the lock object. - `java.lang.String` identity-hash-code - the identity hash code of the lock object. - `int` stack-depth - the depth in the stack trace where the object monitor was locked. - `int` stack-frame - the stack frame that locked the object monitor. - `java.lang.StackTraceElement` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if stackDepth ≥ 0 but stackFrame is null, or stackDepth < 0 but stackFrame is not null.
(get-locked-stack-depth this)
Returns the depth in the stack trace where the object monitor was locked. The depth is the index to the StackTraceElement array returned in the ThreadInfo.getStackTrace() method.
returns: the depth in the stack trace where the object monitor
was locked, or a negative number if not available. - int
Returns the depth in the stack trace where the object monitor was locked. The depth is the index to the StackTraceElement array returned in the ThreadInfo.getStackTrace() method. returns: the depth in the stack trace where the object monitor was locked, or a negative number if not available. - `int`
(get-locked-stack-frame this)
Returns the stack frame that locked the object monitor.
returns: StackTraceElement that locked the object monitor,
or null if not available. - java.lang.StackTraceElement
Returns the stack frame that locked the object monitor. returns: StackTraceElement that locked the object monitor, or null if not available. - `java.lang.StackTraceElement`
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