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Used for exporting a remote object with JRMP and obtaining a stub that communicates to the remote object. Stubs are either generated at runtime using dynamic proxy objects, or they are generated statically at build time, typically using the rmic tool.

Deprecated: Static Stubs. Support for statically generated stubs is deprecated. This includes the API in this class that requires the use of static stubs, as well as the runtime support for loading static stubs. Generating stubs dynamically is preferred, using one of the five non-deprecated ways of exporting objects as listed below. Do not run rmic to generate static stub classes. It is unnecessary, and it is also deprecated.

There are six ways to export remote objects:

Subclassing UnicastRemoteObject and calling the UnicastRemoteObject() constructor.

Subclassing UnicastRemoteObject and calling the UnicastRemoteObject(port) constructor.

Subclassing UnicastRemoteObject and calling the UnicastRemoteObject(port, csf, ssf) constructor.

Calling the exportObject(Remote) method. Deprecated.

Calling the exportObject(Remote, port) method.

Calling the exportObject(Remote, port, csf, ssf) method.

The fourth technique, exportObject(Remote), always uses statically generated stubs and is deprecated.

The other five techniques all use the following approach: if the java.rmi.server.ignoreStubClasses property is true (case insensitive) or if a static stub cannot be found, stubs are generated dynamically using Proxy objects. Otherwise, static stubs are used.

The default value of the java.rmi.server.ignoreStubClasses property is false.

Statically generated stubs are typically pregenerated from the remote object's class using the rmic tool. A static stub is loaded and an instance of that stub class is constructed as described below.

A "root class" is determined as follows: if the remote object's class directly implements an interface that extends Remote, then the remote object's class is the root class; otherwise, the root class is the most derived superclass of the remote object's class that directly implements an interface that extends Remote.

The name of the stub class to load is determined by concatenating the binary name of the root class with the suffix _Stub.

The stub class is loaded by name using the class loader of the root class. The stub class must extend RemoteStub and must have a public constructor that has one parameter of type RemoteRef.

Finally, an instance of the stub class is constructed with a RemoteRef.

If the appropriate stub class could not be found, or if the stub class could not be loaded, or if a problem occurs creating the stub instance, a StubNotFoundException is thrown.

Stubs are dynamically generated by constructing an instance of a Proxy with the following characteristics:

The proxy's class is defined by the class loader of the remote object's class.

The proxy implements all the remote interfaces implemented by the remote object's class.

The proxy's invocation handler is a RemoteObjectInvocationHandler instance constructed with a RemoteRef.

If the proxy could not be created, a StubNotFoundException will be thrown.

Used for exporting a remote object with JRMP and obtaining a stub
that communicates to the remote object. Stubs are either generated
at runtime using dynamic proxy objects, or they are generated statically
at build time, typically using the rmic tool.

Deprecated: Static Stubs. Support for statically
generated stubs is deprecated. This includes the API in this class that
requires the use of static stubs, as well as the runtime support for
loading static stubs.  Generating stubs dynamically is preferred, using one
of the five non-deprecated ways of exporting objects as listed below. Do
not run rmic to generate static stub classes. It is unnecessary, and
it is also deprecated.

There are six ways to export remote objects:

Subclassing UnicastRemoteObject and calling the
UnicastRemoteObject() constructor.

Subclassing UnicastRemoteObject and calling the
UnicastRemoteObject(port) constructor.

Subclassing UnicastRemoteObject and calling the
UnicastRemoteObject(port, csf, ssf) constructor.

Calling the
exportObject(Remote) method.

Calling the
exportObject(Remote, port) method.

Calling the
exportObject(Remote, port, csf, ssf) method.

The fourth technique, exportObject(Remote),
always uses statically generated stubs and is deprecated.

The other five techniques all use the following approach: if the
java.rmi.server.ignoreStubClasses property is true
(case insensitive) or if a static stub cannot be found, stubs are generated
dynamically using Proxy objects. Otherwise,
static stubs are used.

The default value of the
java.rmi.server.ignoreStubClasses property is false.

Statically generated stubs are typically pregenerated from the
remote object's class using the rmic tool. A static stub is
loaded and an instance of that stub class is constructed as described

A "root class" is determined as follows: if the remote object's
class directly implements an interface that extends Remote, then
the remote object's class is the root class; otherwise, the root class is
the most derived superclass of the remote object's class that directly
implements an interface that extends Remote.

The name of the stub class to load is determined by concatenating
the binary name of the root class with the suffix _Stub.

The stub class is loaded by name using the class loader of the root
class. The stub class must extend RemoteStub and must have a
public constructor that has one parameter of type RemoteRef.

Finally, an instance of the stub class is constructed with a

If the appropriate stub class could not be found, or if the stub class
could not be loaded, or if a problem occurs creating the stub instance, a
StubNotFoundException is thrown.

Stubs are dynamically generated by constructing an instance of
a Proxy with the following characteristics:

The proxy's class is defined by the class loader of the remote
object's class.

The proxy implements all the remote interfaces implemented by the
remote object's class.

The proxy's invocation handler is a RemoteObjectInvocationHandler instance constructed with a

If the proxy could not be created, a StubNotFoundException
will be thrown.
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(*export-object obj)
(*export-object obj port)
(*export-object obj port csf ssf)

Exports the remote object to make it available to receive incoming calls, using a transport specified by the given socket factory.

Either socket factory may be null, in which case the corresponding client or server socket creation method of RMISocketFactory is used instead.

obj - the remote object to be exported - java.rmi.Remote port - the port to export the object on - int csf - the client-side socket factory for making calls to the remote object - java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory ssf - the server-side socket factory for receiving remote calls - java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory

returns: remote object stub - java.rmi.Remote

throws: java.rmi.RemoteException - if export fails

Exports the remote object to make it available to receive incoming
 calls, using a transport specified by the given socket factory.

 Either socket factory may be null, in which case
 the corresponding client or server socket creation method of
 RMISocketFactory is used instead.

obj - the remote object to be exported - `java.rmi.Remote`
port - the port to export the object on - `int`
csf - the client-side socket factory for making calls to the remote object - `java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory`
ssf - the server-side socket factory for receiving remote calls - `java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory`

returns: remote object stub - `java.rmi.Remote`

throws: java.rmi.RemoteException - if export fails
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(*unexport-object obj force)

Removes the remote object, obj, from the RMI runtime. If successful, the object can no longer accept incoming RMI calls. If the force parameter is true, the object is forcibly unexported even if there are pending calls to the remote object or the remote object still has calls in progress. If the force parameter is false, the object is only unexported if there are no pending or in progress calls to the object.

obj - the remote object to be unexported - java.rmi.Remote force - if true, unexports the object even if there are pending or in-progress calls; if false, only unexports the object if there are no pending or in-progress calls - boolean

returns: true if operation is successful, false otherwise - boolean

throws: java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException - if the remote object is not currently exported

Removes the remote object, obj, from the RMI runtime. If
 successful, the object can no longer accept incoming RMI calls.
 If the force parameter is true, the object is forcibly unexported
 even if there are pending calls to the remote object or the
 remote object still has calls in progress.  If the force
 parameter is false, the object is only unexported if there are
 no pending or in progress calls to the object.

obj - the remote object to be unexported - `java.rmi.Remote`
force - if true, unexports the object even if there are pending or in-progress calls; if false, only unexports the object if there are no pending or in-progress calls - `boolean`

returns: true if operation is successful, false otherwise - `boolean`

throws: java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException - if the remote object is not currently exported
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(clone this)

Returns a clone of the remote object that is distinct from the original.

returns: the new remote object - java.lang.Object

throws: java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - if clone failed due to a RemoteException.

Returns a clone of the remote object that is distinct from
 the original.

returns: the new remote object - `java.lang.Object`

throws: java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - if clone failed due to a RemoteException.
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