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Defines attribute keys that are used to identify text attributes. These keys are used in AttributedCharacterIterator and AttributedString.

Defines attribute keys that are used to identify text attributes. These
keys are used in AttributedCharacterIterator and AttributedString.
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Static Constant.

Attribute key for input method segments. Input methods often break up text into segments, which usually correspond to words. Values are instances of Annotation holding a null reference.

type: java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute

Static Constant.

Attribute key for input method segments. Input methods often break
 up text into segments, which usually correspond to words.
 Values are instances of Annotation holding a null reference.

type: java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute
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Static Constant.

Attribute key for the language of some text. Values are instances of Locale.

type: java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute

Static Constant.

Attribute key for the language of some text.
  Values are instances of Locale.

type: java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute
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Static Constant.

Attribute key for the reading of some text. In languages where the written form and the pronunciation of a word are only loosely related (such as Japanese), it is often necessary to store the reading (pronunciation) along with the written form. Values are instances of Annotation holding instances of String.

type: java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute

Static Constant.

Attribute key for the reading of some text. In languages where the written form
 and the pronunciation of a word are only loosely related (such as Japanese),
 it is often necessary to store the reading (pronunciation) along with the
 written form.
 Values are instances of Annotation holding instances of String.

type: java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute
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(equals this obj)

Compares two objects for equality. This version only returns true for x.equals(y) if x and y refer to the same object, and guarantees this for all subclasses.

obj - the reference object with which to compare. - java.lang.Object

returns: true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise. - boolean

Compares two objects for equality. This version only returns true
 for x.equals(y) if x and y refer
 to the same object, and guarantees this for all subclasses.

obj - the reference object with which to compare. - `java.lang.Object`

returns: true if this object is the same as the obj
          argument; false otherwise. - `boolean`
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(hash-code this)

Returns a hash code value for the object. This version is identical to the one in Object, but is also final.

returns: a hash code value for this object. - int

Returns a hash code value for the object. This version is identical to
 the one in Object, but is also final.

returns: a hash code value for this object. - `int`
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(to-string this)

Returns a string representation of the object. This version returns the concatenation of class name, "(", a name identifying the attribute and ")".

returns: a string representation of the object. - java.lang.String

Returns a string representation of the object. This version returns the
 concatenation of class name, "(", a name identifying the attribute
 and ")".

returns: a string representation of the object. - `java.lang.String`
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