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The Hijrah calendar is a lunar calendar supporting Islamic calendars.

The HijrahChronology follows the rules of the Hijrah calendar system. The Hijrah calendar has several variants based on differences in when the new moon is determined to have occurred and where the observation is made. In some variants the length of each month is computed algorithmically from the astronomical data for the moon and earth and in others the length of the month is determined by an authorized sighting of the new moon. For the algorithmically based calendars the calendar can project into the future. For sighting based calendars only historical data from past sightings is available.

The length of each month is 29 or 30 days. Ordinary years have 354 days; leap years have 355 days.

CLDR and LDML identify variants:

Chronology ID Calendar Type Locale extension, see Locale Description

Hijrah-umalqura islamic-umalqura ca-islamic-umalqura Islamic - Umm Al-Qura calendar of Saudi Arabia

Additional variants may be available through Chronology.getAvailableChronologies().


Selecting the chronology from the locale uses Chronology.ofLocale(java.util.Locale) to find the Chronology based on Locale supported BCP 47 extension mechanism to request a specific calendar ("ca"). For example,

 Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag("en-US-u-ca-islamic-umalqura");
 Chronology chrono = Chronology.ofLocale(locale);
The Hijrah calendar is a lunar calendar supporting Islamic calendars.

The HijrahChronology follows the rules of the Hijrah calendar system. The Hijrah
calendar has several variants based on differences in when the new moon is
determined to have occurred and where the observation is made.
In some variants the length of each month is
computed algorithmically from the astronomical data for the moon and earth and
in others the length of the month is determined by an authorized sighting
of the new moon. For the algorithmically based calendars the calendar
can project into the future.
For sighting based calendars only historical data from past
sightings is available.

The length of each month is 29 or 30 days.
Ordinary years have 354 days; leap years have 355 days.

CLDR and LDML identify variants:

Chronology ID
Calendar Type
Locale extension, see Locale

Islamic - Umm Al-Qura calendar of Saudi Arabia

Additional variants may be available through Chronology.getAvailableChronologies().


Selecting the chronology from the locale uses Chronology.ofLocale(java.util.Locale)
to find the Chronology based on Locale supported BCP 47 extension mechanism
to request a specific calendar ("ca"). For example,

     Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag("en-US-u-ca-islamic-umalqura");
     Chronology chrono = Chronology.ofLocale(locale);
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Static Constant.

Singleton instance of the Islamic Umm Al-Qura calendar of Saudi Arabia. Other Hijrah chronology variants may be available from Chronology.getAvailableChronologies().

type: java.time.chrono.HijrahChronology

Static Constant.

Singleton instance of the Islamic Umm Al-Qura calendar of Saudi Arabia.
 Other Hijrah chronology variants may be available from

type: java.time.chrono.HijrahChronology
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(date this temporal)
(date this proleptic-year month day-of-month)
(date this era year-of-era month day-of-month)

Obtains a local date in Hijrah calendar system from the era, year-of-era, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.

era - the Hijrah era, not null - java.time.chrono.Era year-of-era - the year-of-era - int month - the month-of-year - int day-of-month - the day-of-month - int

returns: the Hijrah local date, not null - java.time.chrono.HijrahDate

throws: java.time.DateTimeException - if unable to create the date

Obtains a local date in Hijrah calendar system from the
 era, year-of-era, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.

era - the Hijrah era, not null - `java.time.chrono.Era`
year-of-era - the year-of-era - `int`
month - the month-of-year - `int`
day-of-month - the day-of-month - `int`

returns: the Hijrah local date, not null - `java.time.chrono.HijrahDate`

throws: java.time.DateTimeException - if unable to create the date
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(date-epoch-day this epoch-day)

Obtains a local date in the Hijrah calendar system from the epoch-day.

epoch-day - the epoch day - long

returns: the Hijrah local date, not null - java.time.chrono.HijrahDate

throws: java.time.DateTimeException - if unable to create the date

Obtains a local date in the Hijrah calendar system from the epoch-day.

epoch-day - the epoch day - `long`

returns: the Hijrah local date, not null - `java.time.chrono.HijrahDate`

throws: java.time.DateTimeException - if unable to create the date
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(date-now this)
(date-now this zone)

Description copied from interface: Chronology

zone - the zone ID to use, not null - java.time.ZoneId

returns: the current local date using the system clock, not null - java.time.chrono.HijrahDate

Description copied from interface: Chronology

zone - the zone ID to use, not null - `java.time.ZoneId`

returns: the current local date using the system clock, not null - `java.time.chrono.HijrahDate`
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(date-year-day this proleptic-year day-of-year)
(date-year-day this era year-of-era day-of-year)

Obtains a local date in Hijrah calendar system from the era, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.

era - the Hijrah era, not null - java.time.chrono.Era year-of-era - the year-of-era - int day-of-year - the day-of-year - int

returns: the Hijrah local date, not null - java.time.chrono.HijrahDate

throws: java.time.DateTimeException - if unable to create the date

Obtains a local date in Hijrah calendar system from the
 era, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.

era - the Hijrah era, not null - `java.time.chrono.Era`
year-of-era - the year-of-era - `int`
day-of-year - the day-of-year - `int`

returns: the Hijrah local date, not null - `java.time.chrono.HijrahDate`

throws: java.time.DateTimeException - if unable to create the date
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(era-of this era-value)

Description copied from interface: Chronology

era-value - the era value - int

returns: the calendar system era, not null - java.time.chrono.HijrahEra

Description copied from interface: Chronology

era-value - the era value - `int`

returns: the calendar system era, not null - `java.time.chrono.HijrahEra`
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(eras this)

Description copied from interface: Chronology

returns: the list of eras for the chronology, may be immutable, not null - java.util.List<java.time.chrono.Era>

Description copied from interface: Chronology

returns: the list of eras for the chronology, may be immutable, not null - `java.util.List<java.time.chrono.Era>`
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(get-calendar-type this)

Gets the calendar type of the Islamic calendar.

The calendar type is an identifier defined by the Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML) specification. It can be used to lookup the Chronology using Chronology.of(String).

returns: the calendar system type; non-null if the calendar has a standard type, otherwise null - java.lang.String

Gets the calendar type of the Islamic calendar.

 The calendar type is an identifier defined by the
 Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML) specification.
 It can be used to lookup the Chronology using Chronology.of(String).

returns: the calendar system type; non-null if the calendar has
    a standard type, otherwise null - `java.lang.String`
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(get-id this)

Gets the ID of the chronology.

The ID uniquely identifies the Chronology. It can be used to lookup the Chronology using Chronology.of(String).

returns: the chronology ID, non-null - java.lang.String

Gets the ID of the chronology.

 The ID uniquely identifies the Chronology. It can be used to
 lookup the Chronology using Chronology.of(String).

returns: the chronology ID, non-null - `java.lang.String`
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(leap-year? this proleptic-year)

Description copied from interface: Chronology

proleptic-year - the proleptic-year to check, not validated for range - long

returns: true if the year is a leap year - boolean

Description copied from interface: Chronology

proleptic-year - the proleptic-year to check, not validated for range - `long`

returns: true if the year is a leap year - `boolean`
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(local-date-time this temporal)

Description copied from interface: Chronology

temporal - the temporal object to convert, not null - java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor

returns: the local date-time in this chronology, not null - java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDateTime<java.time.chrono.HijrahDate>

Description copied from interface: Chronology

temporal - the temporal object to convert, not null - `java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor`

returns: the local date-time in this chronology, not null - `java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDateTime<java.time.chrono.HijrahDate>`
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(proleptic-year this era year-of-era)

Description copied from interface: Chronology

era - the era of the correct type for the chronology, not null - java.time.chrono.Era year-of-era - the chronology year-of-era - int

returns: the proleptic-year - int

Description copied from interface: Chronology

era - the era of the correct type for the chronology, not null - `java.time.chrono.Era`
year-of-era - the chronology year-of-era - `int`

returns: the proleptic-year - `int`
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(range this field)

Description copied from interface: Chronology

field - the field to get the range for, not null - java.time.temporal.ChronoField

returns: the range of valid values for the field, not null - java.time.temporal.ValueRange

Description copied from interface: Chronology

field - the field to get the range for, not null - `java.time.temporal.ChronoField`

returns: the range of valid values for the field, not null - `java.time.temporal.ValueRange`
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(resolve-date this field-values resolver-style)

Description copied from class: AbstractChronology

field-values - the map of fields to values, which can be updated, not null - java.util.Map resolver-style - the requested type of resolve, not null - java.time.format.ResolverStyle

returns: the resolved date, null if insufficient information to create a date - java.time.chrono.HijrahDate

Description copied from class: AbstractChronology

field-values - the map of fields to values, which can be updated, not null - `java.util.Map`
resolver-style - the requested type of resolve, not null - `java.time.format.ResolverStyle`

returns: the resolved date, null if insufficient information to create a date - `java.time.chrono.HijrahDate`
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(zoned-date-time this temporal)
(zoned-date-time this instant zone)

Description copied from interface: Chronology

instant - the instant to create the date-time from, not null - java.time.Instant zone - the time-zone, not null - java.time.ZoneId

returns: the zoned date-time, not null - java.time.chrono.ChronoZonedDateTime<java.time.chrono.HijrahDate>

Description copied from interface: Chronology

instant - the instant to create the date-time from, not null - `java.time.Instant`
zone - the time-zone, not null - `java.time.ZoneId`

returns: the zoned date-time, not null - `java.time.chrono.ChronoZonedDateTime<java.time.chrono.HijrahDate>`
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