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The DataHandler class provides a consistent interface to data available in many different sources and formats. It manages simple stream to string conversions and related operations using DataContentHandlers. It provides access to commands that can operate on the data. The commands are found using a CommandMap.

DataHandler and the Transferable Interface DataHandler implements the Transferable interface so that data can be used in AWT data transfer operations, such as cut and paste and drag and drop. The implementation of the Transferable interface relies on the availability of an installed DataContentHandler object corresponding to the MIME type of the data represented in the specific instance of the DataHandler.

DataHandler and CommandMaps The DataHandler keeps track of the current CommandMap that it uses to service requests for commands (getCommand, getAllCommands, getPreferredCommands). Each instance of a DataHandler may have a CommandMap associated with it using the setCommandMap method. If a CommandMap was not set, DataHandler calls the getDefaultCommandMap method in CommandMap and uses the value it returns. See CommandMap for more information.

DataHandler and URLs The current DataHandler implementation creates a private instance of URLDataSource when it is constructed with a URL.

The DataHandler class provides a consistent interface to data
available in many different sources and formats.
It manages simple stream to string conversions and related operations
using DataContentHandlers.
It provides access to commands that can operate on the data.
The commands are found using a CommandMap.

DataHandler and the Transferable Interface
DataHandler implements the Transferable interface so that data can
be used in AWT data transfer operations, such as cut and paste and
drag and drop. The implementation of the Transferable interface
relies on the availability of an installed DataContentHandler
object corresponding to the MIME type of the data represented in
the specific instance of the DataHandler.

DataHandler and CommandMaps
The DataHandler keeps track of the current CommandMap that it uses to
service requests for commands (getCommand,
getAllCommands, getPreferredCommands).
Each instance of a DataHandler may have a CommandMap associated with
it using the setCommandMap method.  If a CommandMap was
not set, DataHandler calls the getDefaultCommandMap
method in CommandMap and uses the value it returns. See
CommandMap for more information.

DataHandler and URLs
The current DataHandler implementation creates a private
instance of URLDataSource when it is constructed with a URL.
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(*set-data-content-handler-factory new-factory)

Sets the DataContentHandlerFactory. The DataContentHandlerFactory is called first to find DataContentHandlers. The DataContentHandlerFactory can only be set once.

If the DataContentHandlerFactory has already been set, this method throws an Error.

new-factory - the DataContentHandlerFactory - javax.activation.DataContentHandlerFactory

throws: java.lang.Error - if the factory has already been defined.

Sets the DataContentHandlerFactory.  The DataContentHandlerFactory
 is called first to find DataContentHandlers.
 The DataContentHandlerFactory can only be set once.

 If the DataContentHandlerFactory has already been set,
 this method throws an Error.

new-factory - the DataContentHandlerFactory - `javax.activation.DataContentHandlerFactory`

throws: java.lang.Error - if the factory has already been defined.
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(->data-handler ds)
(->data-handler obj mime-type)


Create a DataHandler instance representing an object of this MIME type. This constructor is used when the application already has an in-memory representation of the data in the form of a Java Object.

obj - the Java Object - java.lang.Object mime-type - the MIME type of the object - java.lang.String


Create a DataHandler instance representing an object
 of this MIME type.  This constructor is
 used when the application already has an in-memory representation
 of the data in the form of a Java Object.

obj - the Java Object - `java.lang.Object`
mime-type - the MIME type of the object - `java.lang.String`
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(data-flavor-supported? this flavor)

Returns whether the specified data flavor is supported for this object.

This method iterates through the DataFlavors returned from getTransferDataFlavors, comparing each with the specified flavor.

flavor - the requested flavor for the data - java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor

returns: true if the data flavor is supported - boolean

Returns whether the specified data flavor is supported
 for this object.

 This method iterates through the DataFlavors returned from
 getTransferDataFlavors, comparing each with
 the specified flavor.

flavor - the requested flavor for the data - `java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor`

returns: true if the data flavor is supported - `boolean`
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(get-all-commands this)

Return all the commands for this type of data. This method returns an array containing all commands for the type of data represented by this DataHandler. The MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler is used to call through to the getAllCommands method of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.

returns: the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands - javax.activation.CommandInfo[]

Return all the commands for this type of data.
 This method returns an array containing all commands
 for the type of data represented by this DataHandler. The
 MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
 is used to call through to the getAllCommands method
 of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.

returns: the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands - `javax.activation.CommandInfo[]`
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(get-bean this cmdinfo)

A convenience method that takes a CommandInfo object and instantiates the corresponding command, usually a JavaBean component.

This method calls the CommandInfo's getCommandObject method with the ClassLoader used to load the javax.activation.DataHandler class itself.

cmdinfo - the CommandInfo corresponding to a command - javax.activation.CommandInfo

returns: the instantiated command object - java.lang.Object

A convenience method that takes a CommandInfo object
 and instantiates the corresponding command, usually
 a JavaBean component.

 This method calls the CommandInfo's getCommandObject
 method with the ClassLoader used to load
 the javax.activation.DataHandler class itself.

cmdinfo - the CommandInfo corresponding to a command - `javax.activation.CommandInfo`

returns: the instantiated command object - `java.lang.Object`
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(get-command this cmd-name)

Get the command cmdName. Use the search semantics as defined by the CommandMap installed in this DataHandler. The MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler is used to call through to the getCommand method of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.

cmd-name - the command name - java.lang.String

returns: the CommandInfo corresponding to the command - javax.activation.CommandInfo

Get the command cmdName. Use the search semantics as
 defined by the CommandMap installed in this DataHandler. The
 MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
 is used to call through to the getCommand method
 of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.

cmd-name - the command name - `java.lang.String`

returns: the CommandInfo corresponding to the command - `javax.activation.CommandInfo`
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(get-content this)

Return the data in its preferred Object form.

If the DataHandler was instantiated with an object, return the object.

If the DataHandler was instantiated with a DataSource, this method uses a DataContentHandler to return the content object for the data represented by this DataHandler. If no DataContentHandler can be found for the the type of this data, the DataHandler returns an InputStream for the data.

returns: the content. - java.lang.Object

throws: - if an IOException occurs during this operation.

Return the data in its preferred Object form.

 If the DataHandler was instantiated with an object, return
 the object.

 If the DataHandler was instantiated with a DataSource,
 this method uses a DataContentHandler to return the content
 object for the data represented by this DataHandler. If no
 DataContentHandler can be found for the
 the type of this data, the DataHandler returns an
 InputStream for the data.

returns: the content. - `java.lang.Object`

throws: - if an IOException occurs during this operation.
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(get-content-type this)

Return the MIME type of this object as retrieved from the source object. Note that this is the full type with parameters.

returns: the MIME type - java.lang.String

Return the MIME type of this object as retrieved from
 the source object. Note that this is the full
 type with parameters.

returns: the MIME type - `java.lang.String`
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(get-data-source this)

Return the DataSource associated with this instance of DataHandler.

For DataHandlers that have been instantiated with a DataSource, this method returns the DataSource that was used to create the DataHandler object. In other cases the DataHandler constructs a DataSource from the data used to construct the DataHandler. DataSources created for DataHandlers not instantiated with a DataSource are cached for performance reasons.

returns: a valid DataSource object for this DataHandler - javax.activation.DataSource

Return the DataSource associated with this instance
 of DataHandler.

 For DataHandlers that have been instantiated with a DataSource,
 this method returns the DataSource that was used to create the
 DataHandler object. In other cases the DataHandler
 constructs a DataSource from the data used to construct
 the DataHandler. DataSources created for DataHandlers not
 instantiated with a DataSource are cached for performance

returns: a valid DataSource object for this DataHandler - `javax.activation.DataSource`
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(get-input-stream this)

Get the InputStream for this object.

For DataHandlers instantiated with a DataSource, the DataHandler calls the DataSource.getInputStream method and returns the result to the caller.

For DataHandlers instantiated with an Object, the DataHandler first attempts to find a DataContentHandler for the Object. If the DataHandler can not find a DataContentHandler for this MIME type, it throws an UnsupportedDataTypeException. If it is successful, it creates a pipe and a thread. The thread uses the DataContentHandler's writeTo method to write the stream data into one end of the pipe. The other end of the pipe is returned to the caller. Because a thread is created to copy the data, IOExceptions that may occur during the copy can not be propagated back to the caller. The result is an empty stream.

returns: the InputStream representing this data -

throws: - if an I/O error occurs

Get the InputStream for this object.

 For DataHandlers instantiated with a DataSource, the DataHandler
 calls the DataSource.getInputStream method and
 returns the result to the caller.

 For DataHandlers instantiated with an Object, the DataHandler
 first attempts to find a DataContentHandler for the Object. If
 the DataHandler can not find a DataContentHandler for this MIME
 type, it throws an UnsupportedDataTypeException.  If it is
 successful, it creates a pipe and a thread.  The thread uses the
 DataContentHandler's writeTo method to write the
 stream data into one end of the pipe.  The other end of the pipe
 is returned to the caller.  Because a thread is created to copy
 the data, IOExceptions that may occur during the copy can not be
 propagated back to the caller. The result is an empty stream.

returns: the InputStream representing this data - ``

throws: - if an I/O error occurs
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(get-name this)

Return the name of the data object. If this DataHandler was created with a DataSource, this method calls through to the DataSource.getName method, otherwise it returns null.

returns: the name of the object - java.lang.String

Return the name of the data object. If this DataHandler
 was created with a DataSource, this method calls through
 to the DataSource.getName method, otherwise it
 returns null.

returns: the name of the object - `java.lang.String`
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(get-output-stream this)

Get an OutputStream for this DataHandler to allow overwriting the underlying data. If the DataHandler was created with a DataSource, the DataSource's getOutputStream method is called. Otherwise, null is returned.

returns: the OutputStream -


Get an OutputStream for this DataHandler to allow overwriting
 the underlying data.
 If the DataHandler was created with a DataSource, the
 DataSource's getOutputStream method is called.
 Otherwise, null is returned.

returns: the OutputStream - ``

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(get-preferred-commands this)

Return the preferred commands for this type of data. This method calls the getPreferredCommands method in the CommandMap associated with this instance of DataHandler. This method returns an array that represents a subset of available commands. In cases where multiple commands for the MIME type represented by this DataHandler are present, the installed CommandMap chooses the appropriate commands.

returns: the CommandInfo objects representing the preferred commands - javax.activation.CommandInfo[]

Return the preferred commands for this type of data.
 This method calls the getPreferredCommands method
 in the CommandMap associated with this instance of DataHandler.
 This method returns an array that represents a subset of
 available commands. In cases where multiple commands for the
 MIME type represented by this DataHandler are present, the
 installed CommandMap chooses the appropriate commands.

returns: the CommandInfo objects representing the preferred commands - `javax.activation.CommandInfo[]`
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(get-transfer-data this flavor)

Returns an object that represents the data to be transferred. The class of the object returned is defined by the representation class of the data flavor.

For DataHandler's created with DataSources or URLs:

The DataHandler attempts to locate a DataContentHandler for this MIME type. If one is found, the passed in DataFlavor and the type of the data are passed to its getTransferData method. If the DataHandler fails to locate a DataContentHandler and the flavor specifies this object's MIME type and the class, this object's InputStream is returned. Otherwise it throws an UnsupportedFlavorException.

For DataHandler's created with Objects:

The DataHandler attempts to locate a DataContentHandler for this MIME type. If one is found, the passed in DataFlavor and the type of the data are passed to its getTransferData method. If the DataHandler fails to locate a DataContentHandler and the flavor specifies this object's MIME type and its class, this DataHandler's referenced object is returned. Otherwise it throws an UnsupportedFlavorException.

flavor - the requested flavor for the data - java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor

returns: the object - java.lang.Object

throws: java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException - if the data could not be converted to the requested flavor

Returns an object that represents the data to be
 transferred. The class of the object returned is defined by the
 representation class of the data flavor.

 For DataHandler's created with DataSources or URLs:

 The DataHandler attempts to locate a DataContentHandler
 for this MIME type. If one is found, the passed in DataFlavor
 and the type of the data are passed to its getTransferData
 method. If the DataHandler fails to locate a DataContentHandler
 and the flavor specifies this object's MIME type and the class, this object's InputStream
 is returned.
 Otherwise it throws an UnsupportedFlavorException.

 For DataHandler's created with Objects:

 The DataHandler attempts to locate a DataContentHandler
 for this MIME type. If one is found, the passed in DataFlavor
 and the type of the data are passed to its getTransferData
 method. If the DataHandler fails to locate a DataContentHandler
 and the flavor specifies this object's MIME type and its class,
 this DataHandler's referenced object is returned.
 Otherwise it throws an UnsupportedFlavorException.

flavor - the requested flavor for the data - `java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor`

returns: the object - `java.lang.Object`

throws: java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException - if the data could not be converted to the requested flavor
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(get-transfer-data-flavors this)

Return the DataFlavors in which this data is available.

Returns an array of DataFlavor objects indicating the flavors the data can be provided in. The array is usually ordered according to preference for providing the data, from most richly descriptive to least richly descriptive.

The DataHandler attempts to find a DataContentHandler that corresponds to the MIME type of the data. If one is located, the DataHandler calls the DataContentHandler's getTransferDataFlavors method.

If a DataContentHandler can not be located, and if the DataHandler was created with a DataSource (or URL), one DataFlavor is returned that represents this object's MIME type and the class. If the DataHandler was created with an object and a MIME type, getTransferDataFlavors returns one DataFlavor that represents this object's MIME type and the object's class.

returns: an array of data flavors in which this data can be transferred - java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor[]

Return the DataFlavors in which this data is available.

 Returns an array of DataFlavor objects indicating the flavors
 the data can be provided in. The array is usually ordered
 according to preference for providing the data, from most
 richly descriptive to least richly descriptive.

 The DataHandler attempts to find a DataContentHandler that
 corresponds to the MIME type of the data. If one is located,
 the DataHandler calls the DataContentHandler's
 getTransferDataFlavors method.

 If a DataContentHandler can not be located, and if the
 DataHandler was created with a DataSource (or URL), one
 DataFlavor is returned that represents this object's MIME type
 and the class.  If the
 DataHandler was created with an object and a MIME type,
 getTransferDataFlavors returns one DataFlavor that represents
 this object's MIME type and the object's class.

returns: an array of data flavors in which this data can be transferred - `java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor[]`
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(set-command-map this command-map)

Set the CommandMap for use by this DataHandler. Setting it to null causes the CommandMap to revert to the CommandMap returned by the CommandMap.getDefaultCommandMap method. Changing the CommandMap, or setting it to null, clears out any data cached from the previous CommandMap.

command-map - the CommandMap to use in this DataHandler - javax.activation.CommandMap

Set the CommandMap for use by this DataHandler.
 Setting it to null causes the CommandMap to revert
 to the CommandMap returned by the
 CommandMap.getDefaultCommandMap method.
 Changing the CommandMap, or setting it to null,
 clears out any data cached from the previous CommandMap.

command-map - the CommandMap to use in this DataHandler - `javax.activation.CommandMap`
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(write-to this os)

Write the data to an OutputStream.

If the DataHandler was created with a DataSource, writeTo retrieves the InputStream and copies the bytes from the InputStream to the OutputStream passed in.

If the DataHandler was created with an object, writeTo retrieves the DataContentHandler for the object's type. If the DataContentHandler was found, it calls the writeTo method on the DataContentHandler.

os - the OutputStream to write to -

throws: - if an I/O error occurs

Write the data to an OutputStream.

 If the DataHandler was created with a DataSource, writeTo
 retrieves the InputStream and copies the bytes from the
 InputStream to the OutputStream passed in.

 If the DataHandler was created with an object, writeTo
 retrieves the DataContentHandler for the object's type.
 If the DataContentHandler was found, it calls the
 writeTo method on the DataContentHandler.

os - the OutputStream to write to - ``

throws: - if an I/O error occurs
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