Thrown when an application attempts to access a sequence of Class objects each corresponding to a TypeMirror.
Thrown when an application attempts to access a sequence of Class objects each corresponding to a TypeMirror.
(->mirrored-types-exception types)
Constructs a new MirroredTypesException for the specified types.
types - the types being accessed - java.util.List
Constructor. Constructs a new MirroredTypesException for the specified types. types - the types being accessed - `java.util.List`
(get-type-mirrors this)
Returns the type mirrors corresponding to the types being accessed. The type mirrors may be unavailable if this exception has been serialized and then read back in.
returns: the type mirrors in construction order, or null if unavailable - java.util.List<? extends javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror>
Returns the type mirrors corresponding to the types being accessed. The type mirrors may be unavailable if this exception has been serialized and then read back in. returns: the type mirrors in construction order, or null if unavailable - `java.util.List<? extends javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror>`
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