Underlying security services instantiate and pass a ChoiceCallback to the handle method of a CallbackHandler to display a list of choices and to retrieve the selected choice(s).
Underlying security services instantiate and pass a ChoiceCallback to the handle method of a CallbackHandler to display a list of choices and to retrieve the selected choice(s).
(->choice-callback prompt choices default-choice multiple-selections-allowed)
Construct a ChoiceCallback with a prompt, a list of choices, a default choice, and a boolean specifying whether or not multiple selections from the list of choices are allowed.
prompt - the prompt used to describe the list of choices. - java.lang.String
choices - the list of choices. - java.lang.String[]
default-choice - the choice to be used as the default choice when the list of choices are displayed. This value is represented as an index into the choices array. - int
multiple-selections-allowed - boolean specifying whether or not multiple selections can be made from the list of choices. - boolean
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if prompt is null, if prompt has a length of 0, if choices is null, if choices has a length of 0, if any element from choices is null, if any element from choices has a length of 0 or if defaultChoice does not fall within the array boundaries of choices.
Constructor. Construct a ChoiceCallback with a prompt, a list of choices, a default choice, and a boolean specifying whether or not multiple selections from the list of choices are allowed. prompt - the prompt used to describe the list of choices. - `java.lang.String` choices - the list of choices. - `java.lang.String[]` default-choice - the choice to be used as the default choice when the list of choices are displayed. This value is represented as an index into the choices array. - `int` multiple-selections-allowed - boolean specifying whether or not multiple selections can be made from the list of choices. - `boolean` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if prompt is null, if prompt has a length of 0, if choices is null, if choices has a length of 0, if any element from choices is null, if any element from choices has a length of 0 or if defaultChoice does not fall within the array boundaries of choices.
(allow-multiple-selections this)
Get the boolean determining whether multiple selections from the choices list are allowed.
returns: whether multiple selections are allowed. - boolean
Get the boolean determining whether multiple selections from the choices list are allowed. returns: whether multiple selections are allowed. - `boolean`
(get-choices this)
Get the list of choices.
returns: the list of choices. - java.lang.String[]
Get the list of choices. returns: the list of choices. - `java.lang.String[]`
(get-default-choice this)
Get the defaultChoice.
returns: the defaultChoice, represented as an index into
the choices list. - int
Get the defaultChoice. returns: the defaultChoice, represented as an index into the choices list. - `int`
(get-prompt this)
Get the prompt.
returns: the prompt. - java.lang.String
Get the prompt. returns: the prompt. - `java.lang.String`
(get-selected-indexes this)
Get the selected choices.
returns: the selected choices, represented as indexes into the
choices list. - int[]
Get the selected choices. returns: the selected choices, represented as indexes into the choices list. - `int[]`
(set-selected-index this selection)
Set the selected choice.
selection - the selection represented as an index into the choices list. - int
Set the selected choice. selection - the selection represented as an index into the choices list. - `int`
(set-selected-indexes this selections)
Set the selected choices.
selections - the selections represented as indexes into the choices list. - int[]
throws: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if multiple selections are not allowed, as determined by allowMultipleSelections.
Set the selected choices. selections - the selections represented as indexes into the choices list. - `int[]` throws: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if multiple selections are not allowed, as determined by allowMultipleSelections.
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