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Provides simple implementations for most methods in JavaFileObject. This class is designed to be subclassed and used as a basis for JavaFileObject implementations. Subclasses can override the implementation and specification of any method of this class as long as the general contract of JavaFileObject is obeyed.

Provides simple implementations for most methods in JavaFileObject.
This class is designed to be subclassed and used as a basis for
JavaFileObject implementations.  Subclasses can override the
implementation and specification of any method of this class as
long as the general contract of JavaFileObject is obeyed.
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(delete this)

This implementation does nothing. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed.

returns: false - boolean

This implementation does nothing.  Subclasses can change this
 behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is

returns: false - `boolean`
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(get-access-level this)

This implementation returns null. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of JavaFileObject is obeyed.

returns: the access level - javax.lang.model.element.Modifier

This implementation returns null.  Subclasses can
 change this behavior as long as the contract of
 JavaFileObject is obeyed.

returns: the access level - `javax.lang.model.element.Modifier`
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(get-char-content this ignore-encoding-errors)

This implementation always throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed.

ignore-encoding-errors - ignore encoding errors if true - boolean

returns: a CharSequence if available; null otherwise - java.lang.CharSequence

throws: - if an I/O error occurred

This implementation always throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException.  Subclasses can change this
 behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is

ignore-encoding-errors - ignore encoding errors if true - `boolean`

returns: a CharSequence if available; null otherwise - `java.lang.CharSequence`

throws: - if an I/O error occurred
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(get-kind this)

Description copied from interface: JavaFileObject

returns: this.kind -$Kind

Description copied from interface: JavaFileObject

returns: this.kind - `$Kind`
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(get-last-modified this)

This implementation returns 0L. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed.

returns: 0L - long

This implementation returns 0L.  Subclasses can change
 this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is

returns: 0L - `long`
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(get-name this)

Description copied from interface: FileObject

returns: a user-friendly name - java.lang.String

Description copied from interface: FileObject

returns: a user-friendly name - `java.lang.String`
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(get-nesting-kind this)

This implementation returns null. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of JavaFileObject is obeyed.

returns: the nesting kind, or null if the nesting kind is not known - javax.lang.model.element.NestingKind

This implementation returns null.  Subclasses can
 change this behavior as long as the contract of
 JavaFileObject is obeyed.

returns: the nesting kind, or null if the nesting kind
 is not known - `javax.lang.model.element.NestingKind`
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(name-compatible? this simple-name kind)

This implementation compares the path of its URI to the given simple name. This method returns true if the given kind is equal to the kind of this object, and if the path is equal to simpleName kind.extension or if it ends with "/" simpleName kind.extension.

This method calls getKind() and toUri() and does not access the fields uri and kind directly.

Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of JavaFileObject is obeyed.

simple-name - a simple name of a class - java.lang.String kind - a kind -$Kind

returns: true if this file object is compatible; false otherwise - boolean

This implementation compares the path of its URI to the given
 simple name.  This method returns true if the given kind is
 equal to the kind of this object, and if the path is equal to
 simpleName  kind.extension or if it ends with "/"  simpleName  kind.extension.

 This method calls getKind() and toUri() and
 does not access the fields uri and kind

 Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract
 of JavaFileObject is obeyed.

simple-name - a simple name of a class - `java.lang.String`
kind - a kind - `$Kind`

returns: true if this file object is compatible; false
 otherwise - `boolean`
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(open-input-stream this)

This implementation always throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed.

returns: an InputStream -

throws: - if an I/O error occurred

This implementation always throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException.  Subclasses can change this
 behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is

returns: an InputStream - ``

throws: - if an I/O error occurred
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(open-output-stream this)

This implementation always throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed.

returns: an OutputStream -

throws: - if an I/O error occurred

This implementation always throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException.  Subclasses can change this
 behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is

returns: an OutputStream - ``

throws: - if an I/O error occurred
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(open-reader this ignore-encoding-errors)

Wraps the result of getCharContent(boolean) in a Reader. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed.

ignore-encoding-errors - ignore encoding errors if true - boolean

returns: a Reader wrapping the result of getCharContent -

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this file object was opened for writing and does not support reading

Wraps the result of getCharContent(boolean) in a Reader.
 Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of
 FileObject is obeyed.

ignore-encoding-errors - ignore encoding errors if true - `boolean`

returns: a Reader wrapping the result of getCharContent - ``

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this file object was opened for writing and does not support reading
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(open-writer this)

Wraps the result of openOutputStream in a Writer. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed.

returns: a Writer wrapping the result of openOutputStream -

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this file object was opened for reading and does not support writing

Wraps the result of openOutputStream in a Writer.  Subclasses
 can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed.

returns: a Writer wrapping the result of openOutputStream - ``

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this file object was opened for reading and does not support writing
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(to-string this)

Description copied from class: Object

returns: a string representation of the object. - java.lang.String

Description copied from class: Object

returns: a string representation of the object. - `java.lang.String`
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(to-uri this)

Description copied from interface: FileObject

returns: a URI -

Description copied from interface: FileObject

returns: a URI - ``
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