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A Clojure library for working with public VK API


(use 'clojure-vk.auth, 'clojure-vk.core)

; Getting url for authorization
(def auth-url
    {:scope (scope :offline),
     :response-type "token"}))

; Getting user by id
(def durov (vk :users :get {:user-ids "durov"})) ;= {:id 1, :first-name "Павел", :last-name "Дуров"}



Currently the library can't authorize automatically, but it provides several functions that can help you

Making requests

All requests are performed using clojure-vk/vk function with signature [category method params]. For example, you need to call API method users.getFollowers. Category here is :users, and the method is :get-followers.

Note: you can either pass the method name in camelCase or kebab-case, the library will handle conversion for you. Also, every keyword in result gets converted to kebab-case (params get converted vice versa)

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