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(century-of-era o__1863__auto__)

The century-of-era value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :centuryOfEra))

The century-of-era value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :centuryOfEra))`
raw docstring


(century-of-era-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the century-of-era of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :centuryOfEra)

The property referring to the century-of-era of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :centuryOfEra)`
raw docstring


(clockhour-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The clockhour-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :clockhourOfDay))

The clockhour-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :clockhourOfDay))`
raw docstring


(clockhour-of-day-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the clockhour-of-day of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :clockhourOfDay)

The property referring to the clockhour-of-day of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :clockhourOfDay)`
raw docstring


(clockhour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__)

The clockhour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday))

The clockhour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday))`
raw docstring


(clockhour-of-halfday-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the clockhour-of-halfday of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :clockhourOfHalfday)

The property referring to the clockhour-of-halfday of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :clockhourOfHalfday)`
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(day-of-month o__1863__auto__)

The day-of-month value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :dayOfMonth))

The day-of-month value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :dayOfMonth))`
raw docstring


(day-of-month-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the day-of-month of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :dayOfMonth)

The property referring to the day-of-month of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :dayOfMonth)`
raw docstring


(day-of-week o__1863__auto__)

The day-of-week value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :dayOfWeek))

The day-of-week value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :dayOfWeek))`
raw docstring


(day-of-week-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the day-of-week of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :dayOfWeek)

The property referring to the day-of-week of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :dayOfWeek)`
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(day-of-year o__1863__auto__)

The day-of-year value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :dayOfYear))

The day-of-year value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :dayOfYear))`
raw docstring


(day-of-year-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the day-of-year of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :dayOfYear)

The property referring to the day-of-year of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :dayOfYear)`
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(days o__1863__auto__)

The days value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :days))

The days value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :days))`
raw docstring


(days-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the days of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :days)

The property referring to the days of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :days)`
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(era o__1863__auto__)

The era value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :era))

The era value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :era))`
raw docstring


(era-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the era of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :era)

The property referring to the era of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :era)`
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(halfday-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The halfday-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :halfdayOfDay))

The halfday-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :halfdayOfDay))`
raw docstring


(halfday-of-day-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the halfday-of-day of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :halfdayOfDay)

The property referring to the halfday-of-day of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :halfdayOfDay)`
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(hour-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The hour-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :hourOfDay))

The hour-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :hourOfDay))`
raw docstring


(hour-of-day-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the hour-of-day of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :hourOfDay)

The property referring to the hour-of-day of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :hourOfDay)`
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(hour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__)

The hour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :hourOfHalfday))

The hour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :hourOfHalfday))`
raw docstring


(hour-of-halfday-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the hour-of-halfday of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :hourOfHalfday)

The property referring to the hour-of-halfday of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :hourOfHalfday)`
raw docstring


(hours o__1863__auto__)

The hours value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :hours))

The hours value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :hours))`
raw docstring


(hours-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the hours of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :hours)

The property referring to the hours of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :hours)`
raw docstring


(max-century-of-era o__1863__auto__)

The maximum century-of-era value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :centuryOfEra))

The maximum century-of-era value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :centuryOfEra))`
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(max-clockhour-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The maximum clockhour-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :clockhourOfDay))

The maximum clockhour-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :clockhourOfDay))`
raw docstring


(max-clockhour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__)

The maximum clockhour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday))

The maximum clockhour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday))`
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(max-day-of-month o__1863__auto__)

The maximum day-of-month value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :dayOfMonth))

The maximum day-of-month value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :dayOfMonth))`
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(max-day-of-week o__1863__auto__)

The maximum day-of-week value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :dayOfWeek))

The maximum day-of-week value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :dayOfWeek))`
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(max-day-of-year o__1863__auto__)

The maximum day-of-year value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :dayOfYear))

The maximum day-of-year value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :dayOfYear))`
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(max-days o__1863__auto__)

The maximum days value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :days))

The maximum days value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :days))`
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(max-era o__1863__auto__)

The maximum era value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :era))

The maximum era value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :era))`
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(max-halfday-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The maximum halfday-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :halfdayOfDay))

The maximum halfday-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :halfdayOfDay))`
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(max-hour-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The maximum hour-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :hourOfDay))

The maximum hour-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :hourOfDay))`
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(max-hour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__)

The maximum hour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :hourOfHalfday))

The maximum hour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :hourOfHalfday))`
raw docstring


(max-hours o__1863__auto__)

The maximum hours value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :hours))

The maximum hours value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :hours))`
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(max-millis o__1863__auto__)

The maximum millis value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :millis))

The maximum millis value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :millis))`
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(max-millis-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The maximum millis-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :millisOfDay))

The maximum millis-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :millisOfDay))`
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(max-millis-of-second o__1863__auto__)

The maximum millis-of-second value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :millisOfSecond))

The maximum millis-of-second value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :millisOfSecond))`
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(max-minute-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The maximum minute-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :minuteOfDay))

The maximum minute-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :minuteOfDay))`
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(max-minute-of-hour o__1863__auto__)

The maximum minute-of-hour value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :minuteOfHour))

The maximum minute-of-hour value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :minuteOfHour))`
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(max-minutes o__1863__auto__)

The maximum minutes value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :minutes))

The maximum minutes value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :minutes))`
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(max-month-of-year o__1863__auto__)

The maximum month-of-year value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :monthOfYear))

The maximum month-of-year value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :monthOfYear))`
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(max-months o__1863__auto__)

The maximum months value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :months))

The maximum months value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :months))`
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(max-second-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The maximum second-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :secondOfDay))

The maximum second-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :secondOfDay))`
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(max-second-of-minute o__1863__auto__)

The maximum second-of-minute value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :secondOfMinute))

The maximum second-of-minute value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :secondOfMinute))`
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(max-seconds o__1863__auto__)

The maximum seconds value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :seconds))

The maximum seconds value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :seconds))`
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(max-week-of-weekyear o__1863__auto__)

The maximum week-of-weekyear value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :weekOfWeekyear))

The maximum week-of-weekyear value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :weekOfWeekyear))`
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(max-weeks o__1863__auto__)

The maximum weeks value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :weeks))

The maximum weeks value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :weeks))`
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(max-weekyear o__1863__auto__)

The maximum weekyear value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :weekyear))

The maximum weekyear value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :weekyear))`
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(max-weekyear-of-century o__1863__auto__)

The maximum weekyear-of-century value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :weekyearOfCentury))

The maximum weekyear-of-century value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :weekyearOfCentury))`
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(max-year o__1863__auto__)

The maximum year value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :year))

The maximum year value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :year))`
raw docstring


(max-year-of-century o__1863__auto__)

The maximum year-of-century value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :yearOfCentury))

The maximum year-of-century value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :yearOfCentury))`
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(max-year-of-era o__1863__auto__)

The maximum year-of-era value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :yearOfEra))

The maximum year-of-era value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :yearOfEra))`
raw docstring


(max-years o__1863__auto__)

The maximum years value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (max-value (property date :years))

The maximum years value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(max-value (property date :years))`
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(millis o__1863__auto__)

The millis value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :millis))

The millis value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :millis))`
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(millis-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The millis-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :millisOfDay))

The millis-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :millisOfDay))`
raw docstring


(millis-of-day-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the millis-of-day of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :millisOfDay)

The property referring to the millis-of-day of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :millisOfDay)`
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(millis-of-second o__1863__auto__)

The millis-of-second value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :millisOfSecond))

The millis-of-second value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :millisOfSecond))`
raw docstring


(millis-of-second-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the millis-of-second of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :millisOfSecond)

The property referring to the millis-of-second of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :millisOfSecond)`
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(millis-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the millis of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :millis)

The property referring to the millis of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :millis)`
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(min-century-of-era o__1863__auto__)

The minimum century-of-era value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :centuryOfEra))

The minimum century-of-era value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :centuryOfEra))`
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(min-clockhour-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The minimum clockhour-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :clockhourOfDay))

The minimum clockhour-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :clockhourOfDay))`
raw docstring


(min-clockhour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__)

The minimum clockhour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday))

The minimum clockhour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday))`
raw docstring


(min-day-of-month o__1863__auto__)

The minimum day-of-month value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :dayOfMonth))

The minimum day-of-month value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :dayOfMonth))`
raw docstring


(min-day-of-week o__1863__auto__)

The minimum day-of-week value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :dayOfWeek))

The minimum day-of-week value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :dayOfWeek))`
raw docstring


(min-day-of-year o__1863__auto__)

The minimum day-of-year value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :dayOfYear))

The minimum day-of-year value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :dayOfYear))`
raw docstring


(min-days o__1863__auto__)

The minimum days value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :days))

The minimum days value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :days))`
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(min-era o__1863__auto__)

The minimum era value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :era))

The minimum era value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :era))`
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(min-halfday-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The minimum halfday-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :halfdayOfDay))

The minimum halfday-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :halfdayOfDay))`
raw docstring


(min-hour-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The minimum hour-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :hourOfDay))

The minimum hour-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :hourOfDay))`
raw docstring


(min-hour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__)

The minimum hour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :hourOfHalfday))

The minimum hour-of-halfday value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :hourOfHalfday))`
raw docstring


(min-hours o__1863__auto__)

The minimum hours value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :hours))

The minimum hours value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :hours))`
raw docstring


(min-millis o__1863__auto__)

The minimum millis value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :millis))

The minimum millis value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :millis))`
raw docstring


(min-millis-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The minimum millis-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :millisOfDay))

The minimum millis-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :millisOfDay))`
raw docstring


(min-millis-of-second o__1863__auto__)

The minimum millis-of-second value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :millisOfSecond))

The minimum millis-of-second value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :millisOfSecond))`
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(min-minute-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The minimum minute-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :minuteOfDay))

The minimum minute-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :minuteOfDay))`
raw docstring


(min-minute-of-hour o__1863__auto__)

The minimum minute-of-hour value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :minuteOfHour))

The minimum minute-of-hour value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :minuteOfHour))`
raw docstring


(min-minutes o__1863__auto__)

The minimum minutes value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :minutes))

The minimum minutes value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :minutes))`
raw docstring


(min-month-of-year o__1863__auto__)

The minimum month-of-year value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :monthOfYear))

The minimum month-of-year value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :monthOfYear))`
raw docstring


(min-months o__1863__auto__)

The minimum months value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :months))

The minimum months value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :months))`
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(min-second-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The minimum second-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :secondOfDay))

The minimum second-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :secondOfDay))`
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(min-second-of-minute o__1863__auto__)

The minimum second-of-minute value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :secondOfMinute))

The minimum second-of-minute value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :secondOfMinute))`
raw docstring


(min-seconds o__1863__auto__)

The minimum seconds value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :seconds))

The minimum seconds value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :seconds))`
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(min-week-of-weekyear o__1863__auto__)

The minimum week-of-weekyear value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :weekOfWeekyear))

The minimum week-of-weekyear value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :weekOfWeekyear))`
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(min-weeks o__1863__auto__)

The minimum weeks value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :weeks))

The minimum weeks value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :weeks))`
raw docstring


(min-weekyear o__1863__auto__)

The minimum weekyear value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :weekyear))

The minimum weekyear value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :weekyear))`
raw docstring


(min-weekyear-of-century o__1863__auto__)

The minimum weekyear-of-century value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :weekyearOfCentury))

The minimum weekyear-of-century value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :weekyearOfCentury))`
raw docstring


(min-year o__1863__auto__)

The minimum year value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :year))

The minimum year value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :year))`
raw docstring


(min-year-of-century o__1863__auto__)

The minimum year-of-century value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :yearOfCentury))

The minimum year-of-century value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :yearOfCentury))`
raw docstring


(min-year-of-era o__1863__auto__)

The minimum year-of-era value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :yearOfEra))

The minimum year-of-era value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :yearOfEra))`
raw docstring


(min-years o__1863__auto__)

The minimum years value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (min-value (property date :years))

The minimum years value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(min-value (property date :years))`
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(minute-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The minute-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :minuteOfDay))

The minute-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :minuteOfDay))`
raw docstring


(minute-of-day-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the minute-of-day of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :minuteOfDay)

The property referring to the minute-of-day of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :minuteOfDay)`
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(minute-of-hour o__1863__auto__)

The minute-of-hour value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :minuteOfHour))

The minute-of-hour value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :minuteOfHour))`
raw docstring


(minute-of-hour-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the minute-of-hour of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :minuteOfHour)

The property referring to the minute-of-hour of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :minuteOfHour)`
raw docstring


(minutes o__1863__auto__)

The minutes value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :minutes))

The minutes value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :minutes))`
raw docstring


(minutes-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the minutes of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :minutes)

The property referring to the minutes of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :minutes)`
raw docstring


(month-of-year o__1863__auto__)

The month-of-year value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :monthOfYear))

The month-of-year value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :monthOfYear))`
raw docstring


(month-of-year-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the month-of-year of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :monthOfYear)

The property referring to the month-of-year of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :monthOfYear)`
raw docstring


(months o__1863__auto__)

The months value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :months))

The months value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :months))`
raw docstring


(months-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the months of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :months)

The property referring to the months of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :months)`
raw docstring


(second-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The second-of-day value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :secondOfDay))

The second-of-day value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :secondOfDay))`
raw docstring


(second-of-day-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the second-of-day of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :secondOfDay)

The property referring to the second-of-day of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :secondOfDay)`
raw docstring


(second-of-minute o__1863__auto__)

The second-of-minute value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :secondOfMinute))

The second-of-minute value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :secondOfMinute))`
raw docstring


(second-of-minute-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the second-of-minute of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :secondOfMinute)

The property referring to the second-of-minute of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :secondOfMinute)`
raw docstring


(seconds o__1863__auto__)

The seconds value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :seconds))

The seconds value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :seconds))`
raw docstring


(seconds-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the seconds of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :seconds)

The property referring to the seconds of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :seconds)`
raw docstring


(week-of-weekyear o__1863__auto__)

The week-of-weekyear value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :weekOfWeekyear))

The week-of-weekyear value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :weekOfWeekyear))`
raw docstring


(week-of-weekyear-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the week-of-weekyear of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :weekOfWeekyear)

The property referring to the week-of-weekyear of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :weekOfWeekyear)`
raw docstring


(weeks o__1863__auto__)

The weeks value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :weeks))

The weeks value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :weeks))`
raw docstring


(weeks-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the weeks of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :weeks)

The property referring to the weeks of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :weeks)`
raw docstring


(weekyear o__1863__auto__)

The weekyear value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :weekyear))

The weekyear value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :weekyear))`
raw docstring


(weekyear-of-century o__1863__auto__)

The weekyear-of-century value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :weekyearOfCentury))

The weekyear-of-century value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :weekyearOfCentury))`
raw docstring


(weekyear-of-century-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the weekyear-of-century of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :weekyearOfCentury)

The property referring to the weekyear-of-century of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :weekyearOfCentury)`
raw docstring


(weekyear-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the weekyear of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :weekyear)

The property referring to the weekyear of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :weekyear)`
raw docstring


(with-century-of-era o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its century-of-era set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :centuryOfEra) value)

The same date/partial with its century-of-era set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :centuryOfEra) value)`
raw docstring


(with-clockhour-of-day o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-day set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :clockhourOfDay) value)

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-day set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :clockhourOfDay) value)`
raw docstring


(with-clockhour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-halfday set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday) value)

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-halfday set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday) value)`
raw docstring


(with-day-of-month o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its day-of-month set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :dayOfMonth) value)

The same date/partial with its day-of-month set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :dayOfMonth) value)`
raw docstring


(with-day-of-week o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its day-of-week set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :dayOfWeek) value)

The same date/partial with its day-of-week set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :dayOfWeek) value)`
raw docstring


(with-day-of-year o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its day-of-year set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :dayOfYear) value)

The same date/partial with its day-of-year set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :dayOfYear) value)`
raw docstring


(with-days o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its days set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :days) value)

The same date/partial with its days set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :days) value)`
raw docstring


(with-era o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its era set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :era) value)

The same date/partial with its era set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :era) value)`
raw docstring


(with-halfday-of-day o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its halfday-of-day set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :halfdayOfDay) value)

The same date/partial with its halfday-of-day set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :halfdayOfDay) value)`
raw docstring


(with-hour-of-day o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its hour-of-day set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :hourOfDay) value)

The same date/partial with its hour-of-day set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :hourOfDay) value)`
raw docstring


(with-hour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its hour-of-halfday set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :hourOfHalfday) value)

The same date/partial with its hour-of-halfday set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :hourOfHalfday) value)`
raw docstring


(with-hours o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its hours set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :hours) value)

The same date/partial with its hours set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :hours) value)`
raw docstring


(with-max-century-of-era o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its century-of-era set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :centuryOfEra))

The same date/partial with its century-of-era set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :centuryOfEra))`
raw docstring


(with-max-clockhour-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :clockhourOfDay))

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :clockhourOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-max-clockhour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-halfday set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday))

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-halfday set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday))`
raw docstring


(with-max-day-of-month o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its day-of-month set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :dayOfMonth))

The same date/partial with its day-of-month set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :dayOfMonth))`
raw docstring


(with-max-day-of-week o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its day-of-week set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :dayOfWeek))

The same date/partial with its day-of-week set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :dayOfWeek))`
raw docstring


(with-max-day-of-year o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its day-of-year set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :dayOfYear))

The same date/partial with its day-of-year set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :dayOfYear))`
raw docstring


(with-max-days o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its days set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :days))

The same date/partial with its days set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :days))`
raw docstring


(with-max-era o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its era set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :era))

The same date/partial with its era set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :era))`
raw docstring


(with-max-halfday-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its halfday-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :halfdayOfDay))

The same date/partial with its halfday-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :halfdayOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-max-hour-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its hour-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :hourOfDay))

The same date/partial with its hour-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :hourOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-max-hour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its hour-of-halfday set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :hourOfHalfday))

The same date/partial with its hour-of-halfday set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :hourOfHalfday))`
raw docstring


(with-max-hours o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its hours set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :hours))

The same date/partial with its hours set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :hours))`
raw docstring


(with-max-millis o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its millis set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :millis))

The same date/partial with its millis set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :millis))`
raw docstring


(with-max-millis-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its millis-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :millisOfDay))

The same date/partial with its millis-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :millisOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-max-millis-of-second o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its millis-of-second set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :millisOfSecond))

The same date/partial with its millis-of-second set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :millisOfSecond))`
raw docstring


(with-max-minute-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its minute-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :minuteOfDay))

The same date/partial with its minute-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :minuteOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-max-minute-of-hour o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its minute-of-hour set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :minuteOfHour))

The same date/partial with its minute-of-hour set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :minuteOfHour))`
raw docstring


(with-max-minutes o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its minutes set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :minutes))

The same date/partial with its minutes set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :minutes))`
raw docstring


(with-max-month-of-year o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its month-of-year set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :monthOfYear))

The same date/partial with its month-of-year set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :monthOfYear))`
raw docstring


(with-max-months o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its months set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :months))

The same date/partial with its months set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :months))`
raw docstring


(with-max-second-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its second-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :secondOfDay))

The same date/partial with its second-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :secondOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-max-second-of-minute o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its second-of-minute set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :secondOfMinute))

The same date/partial with its second-of-minute set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :secondOfMinute))`
raw docstring


(with-max-seconds o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its seconds set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :seconds))

The same date/partial with its seconds set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :seconds))`
raw docstring


(with-max-week-of-weekyear o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its week-of-weekyear set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :weekOfWeekyear))

The same date/partial with its week-of-weekyear set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :weekOfWeekyear))`
raw docstring


(with-max-weeks o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its weeks set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :weeks))

The same date/partial with its weeks set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :weeks))`
raw docstring


(with-max-weekyear o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its weekyear set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :weekyear))

The same date/partial with its weekyear set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :weekyear))`
raw docstring


(with-max-weekyear-of-century o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its weekyear-of-century set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :weekyearOfCentury))

The same date/partial with its weekyear-of-century set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :weekyearOfCentury))`
raw docstring


(with-max-year o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its year set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :year))

The same date/partial with its year set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :year))`
raw docstring


(with-max-year-of-century o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its year-of-century set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :yearOfCentury))

The same date/partial with its year-of-century set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :yearOfCentury))`
raw docstring


(with-max-year-of-era o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its year-of-era set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :yearOfEra))

The same date/partial with its year-of-era set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :yearOfEra))`
raw docstring


(with-max-years o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its years set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-max-value (property date :years))

The same date/partial with its years set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-max-value (property date :years))`
raw docstring


(with-millis o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its millis set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :millis) value)

The same date/partial with its millis set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :millis) value)`
raw docstring


(with-millis-of-day o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its millis-of-day set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :millisOfDay) value)

The same date/partial with its millis-of-day set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :millisOfDay) value)`
raw docstring


(with-millis-of-second o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its millis-of-second set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :millisOfSecond) value)

The same date/partial with its millis-of-second set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :millisOfSecond) value)`
raw docstring


(with-min-century-of-era o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its century-of-era set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :centuryOfEra))

The same date/partial with its century-of-era set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :centuryOfEra))`
raw docstring


(with-min-clockhour-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :clockhourOfDay))

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :clockhourOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-min-clockhour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-halfday set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday))

The same date/partial with its clockhour-of-halfday set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :clockhourOfHalfday))`
raw docstring


(with-min-day-of-month o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its day-of-month set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :dayOfMonth))

The same date/partial with its day-of-month set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :dayOfMonth))`
raw docstring


(with-min-day-of-week o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its day-of-week set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :dayOfWeek))

The same date/partial with its day-of-week set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :dayOfWeek))`
raw docstring


(with-min-day-of-year o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its day-of-year set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :dayOfYear))

The same date/partial with its day-of-year set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :dayOfYear))`
raw docstring


(with-min-days o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its days set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :days))

The same date/partial with its days set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :days))`
raw docstring


(with-min-era o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its era set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :era))

The same date/partial with its era set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :era))`
raw docstring


(with-min-halfday-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its halfday-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :halfdayOfDay))

The same date/partial with its halfday-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :halfdayOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-min-hour-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its hour-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :hourOfDay))

The same date/partial with its hour-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :hourOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-min-hour-of-halfday o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its hour-of-halfday set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :hourOfHalfday))

The same date/partial with its hour-of-halfday set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :hourOfHalfday))`
raw docstring


(with-min-hours o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its hours set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :hours))

The same date/partial with its hours set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :hours))`
raw docstring


(with-min-millis o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its millis set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :millis))

The same date/partial with its millis set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :millis))`
raw docstring


(with-min-millis-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its millis-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :millisOfDay))

The same date/partial with its millis-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :millisOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-min-millis-of-second o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its millis-of-second set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :millisOfSecond))

The same date/partial with its millis-of-second set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :millisOfSecond))`
raw docstring


(with-min-minute-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its minute-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :minuteOfDay))

The same date/partial with its minute-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :minuteOfDay))`
raw docstring


(with-min-minute-of-hour o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its minute-of-hour set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :minuteOfHour))

The same date/partial with its minute-of-hour set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :minuteOfHour))`
raw docstring


(with-min-minutes o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its minutes set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :minutes))

The same date/partial with its minutes set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :minutes))`
raw docstring


(with-min-month-of-year o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its month-of-year set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :monthOfYear))

The same date/partial with its month-of-year set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :monthOfYear))`
raw docstring


(with-min-months o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its months set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :months))

The same date/partial with its months set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :months))`
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(with-min-second-of-day o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its second-of-day set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :secondOfDay))

The same date/partial with its second-of-day set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :secondOfDay))`
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(with-min-second-of-minute o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its second-of-minute set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :secondOfMinute))

The same date/partial with its second-of-minute set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :secondOfMinute))`
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(with-min-seconds o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its seconds set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :seconds))

The same date/partial with its seconds set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :seconds))`
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(with-min-week-of-weekyear o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its week-of-weekyear set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :weekOfWeekyear))

The same date/partial with its week-of-weekyear set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :weekOfWeekyear))`
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(with-min-weeks o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its weeks set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :weeks))

The same date/partial with its weeks set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :weeks))`
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(with-min-weekyear o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its weekyear set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :weekyear))

The same date/partial with its weekyear set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :weekyear))`
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(with-min-weekyear-of-century o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its weekyear-of-century set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :weekyearOfCentury))

The same date/partial with its weekyear-of-century set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :weekyearOfCentury))`
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(with-min-year o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its year set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :year))

The same date/partial with its year set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :year))`
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(with-min-year-of-century o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its year-of-century set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :yearOfCentury))

The same date/partial with its year-of-century set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :yearOfCentury))`
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(with-min-year-of-era o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its year-of-era set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :yearOfEra))

The same date/partial with its year-of-era set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :yearOfEra))`
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(with-min-years o__1863__auto__)

The same date/partial with its years set to the maximum value. Equivalent to (with-min-value (property date :years))

The same date/partial with its years set to the maximum value.
Equivalent to `(with-min-value (property date :years))`
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(with-minute-of-day o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its minute-of-day set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :minuteOfDay) value)

The same date/partial with its minute-of-day set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :minuteOfDay) value)`
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(with-minute-of-hour o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its minute-of-hour set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :minuteOfHour) value)

The same date/partial with its minute-of-hour set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :minuteOfHour) value)`
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(with-minutes o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its minutes set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :minutes) value)

The same date/partial with its minutes set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :minutes) value)`
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(with-month-of-year o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its month-of-year set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :monthOfYear) value)

The same date/partial with its month-of-year set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :monthOfYear) value)`
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(with-months o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its months set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :months) value)

The same date/partial with its months set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :months) value)`
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(with-second-of-day o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its second-of-day set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :secondOfDay) value)

The same date/partial with its second-of-day set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :secondOfDay) value)`
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(with-second-of-minute o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its second-of-minute set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :secondOfMinute) value)

The same date/partial with its second-of-minute set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :secondOfMinute) value)`
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(with-seconds o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its seconds set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :seconds) value)

The same date/partial with its seconds set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :seconds) value)`
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(with-week-of-weekyear o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its week-of-weekyear set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :weekOfWeekyear) value)

The same date/partial with its week-of-weekyear set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :weekOfWeekyear) value)`
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(with-weeks o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its weeks set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :weeks) value)

The same date/partial with its weeks set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :weeks) value)`
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(with-weekyear o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its weekyear set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :weekyear) value)

The same date/partial with its weekyear set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :weekyear) value)`
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(with-weekyear-of-century o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its weekyear-of-century set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :weekyearOfCentury) value)

The same date/partial with its weekyear-of-century set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :weekyearOfCentury) value)`
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(with-year o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its year set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :year) value)

The same date/partial with its year set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :year) value)`
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(with-year-of-century o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its year-of-century set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :yearOfCentury) value)

The same date/partial with its year-of-century set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :yearOfCentury) value)`
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(with-year-of-era o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its year-of-era set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :yearOfEra) value)

The same date/partial with its year-of-era set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :yearOfEra) value)`
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(with-years o__1863__auto__ v__1864__auto__)

The same date/partial with its years set to the provided value. Equivalent to (with-value (property date :years) value)

The same date/partial with its years set to the provided value.
Equivalent to `(with-value (property date :years) value)`
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(year o__1863__auto__)

The year value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :year))

The year value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :year))`
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(year-of-century o__1863__auto__)

The year-of-century value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :yearOfCentury))

The year-of-century value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :yearOfCentury))`
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(year-of-century-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the year-of-century of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :yearOfCentury)

The property referring to the year-of-century of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :yearOfCentury)`
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(year-of-era o__1863__auto__)

The year-of-era value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :yearOfEra))

The year-of-era value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :yearOfEra))`
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(year-of-era-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the year-of-era of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :yearOfEra)

The property referring to the year-of-era of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :yearOfEra)`
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(year-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the year of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :year)

The property referring to the year of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :year)`
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(years o__1863__auto__)

The years value of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (value (property date :years))

The years value of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(value (property date :years))`
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(years-prop o__1863__auto__)

The property referring to the years of the provided date/partial. Equivalent to (property date :years)

The property referring to the years of the provided date/partial.
Equivalent to `(property date :years)`
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