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Various glitching pixel filters or functions


Use following filters with [[filter-channels]] function.

  • Slitscan - x/y slitscan simulation based on wave functions
  • Shift-channels - just shift channels
  • Mirror - mirror image along different axes
  • Slitscan2 - slitscan simulation based on vector fields
  • Fold - apply vector field on the image
  • Pix2line - convert pixel into horizontal line


Short sketches operating on images/pixels.

  • Blend - compose two images in glitchy way

All filters are equiped with random configuration generator.

Various glitching pixel filters or functions

### Filter

Use following filters with [[filter-channels]] function.

* Slitscan - x/y slitscan simulation based on wave functions
* Shift-channels - just shift channels
* Mirror - mirror image along different axes
* Slitscan2 - slitscan simulation based on vector fields
* Fold - apply vector field on the image
* Pix2line - convert pixel into horizontal line

### Machines

Short sketches operating on images/pixels.

* Blend - compose two images in glitchy way

All filters are equiped with random configuration generator.
raw docstring


(blend-machine p1 p2)
(blend-machine {:keys [switch? in1-cs in2-cs out-cs in1-to? in2-to? out-to?
                       blend-ch1 blend-ch2 blend-ch3]}

Blend two Pixels based on configuration.

The idea is to compose channels separately in different color spaces.

Full flow does following steps:

  • convert inputs to (or from) selected color spaces
  • compose each channel separately using different method
  • convert output to (or from) selected color space


  • :switch? - reverse input order
  • :in1-cs - color space for first image
  • :in2-cs - color space for second image
  • :out-cs - color space for output
  • :in1-to?, :in2-to?, :cs-to? - which conversion to select: to color space or from color space
  • :blend-ch1, :blend-ch2, :blend-ch3 - blend methods for each channel
Blend two `Pixels` based on configuration.

The idea is to compose channels separately in different color spaces.

Full flow does following steps:

* convert inputs to (or from) selected color spaces
* compose each channel separately using different method
* convert output to (or from) selected color space


* `:switch?` -  reverse input order
* `:in1-cs` - color space for first image
* `:in2-cs` - color space for second image
* `:out-cs` - color space for output
* `:in1-to?`, `:in2-to?`, `:cs-to?` - which conversion to select: to color space or from color space
* `:blend-ch1`, `:blend-ch2`, `:blend-ch3` - blend methods for each channel
sourceraw docstring



Random configuration for blend machine.

Random configuration for blend machine.
sourceraw docstring


(fold {:keys [fields r]})

Folding filter based on vector fields.


  • :fields - vector fields configuration [[combine]]
  • :r - range value 1.0-3.0
Folding filter based on vector fields.


* `:fields` - vector fields configuration [[combine]]
* `:r` -  range value 1.0-3.0
sourceraw docstring


Generate random configuration for vector fields slitscan.

  • r - field range (default 2.0)
  • d - fields configuration depth (default up to 3)
Generate random configuration for vector fields slitscan.

* `r` - field range (default 2.0)
* `d` - fields configuration depth (default up to 3)
sourceraw docstring


(mirror t)

Mirror image for given (or random) mirroring functions.

Mirror image for given (or random) mirroring functions.
sourceraw docstring



Generate random mirroring functions.

Generate random mirroring functions.
sourceraw docstring


Map of names and mirroring functions

Map of names and mirroring functions
sourceraw docstring


(pix2line {:keys [tolerance whole] :as config})

Pix2line effect. Convert pixels to lines.


  • :nx, :ny - grid size
  • :scale - grid scaling factor
  • :tolerance - factor which regulates when start new line
  • :nseed - noise seed
  • :whole - skip lines or not
  • :shiftx, :shifty - noise shift
Pix2line effect. Convert pixels to lines.


* `:nx`, `:ny` - grid size
* `:scale` - grid scaling factor
* `:tolerance` - factor which regulates when start new line
* `:nseed` - noise seed
* `:whole` - skip lines or not
* `:shiftx`, `:shifty` - noise shift
sourceraw docstring



Make random config for pix2line.

Make random config for pix2line.
sourceraw docstring


(shift-channels {:keys [x-shift y-shift] :or {x-shift 0.05 y-shift -0.05}})

Shift channels by given amount.


  • :x-shift - shift amount along x axis
  • :y-shift - shift amount along y axis
Shift channels by given amount.


* `:x-shift` - shift amount along x axis
* `:y-shift` - shift amount along y axis
sourceraw docstring


(shift-channels-random-config spread)

Random shift values along x and y axes.

Optionally provide spread parameter to define maximum shift value.

Random shift values along x and y axes.

Optionally provide `spread` parameter to define maximum shift value.
sourceraw docstring


(slitscan {:keys [x y] :or {x [(make-random-wave)] y [(make-random-wave)]}})

Create slitscan filter funtion.

Config is a map each axis has it's own list of maps defining waves. Each map contains:

  • :wave - oscillator name (see [[oscillators]].
  • :freq - wave frequency
  • :amp - wave amplitude
  • :phase - wave phase (0-1).
Create slitscan filter funtion.

Config is a map each axis has it's own list of maps defining waves. Each map contains:

* `:wave` - oscillator name (see [[oscillators]].
* `:freq` - wave frequency
* `:amp` - wave amplitude
* `:phase` - wave phase (0-1).
sourceraw docstring


(slitscan-random-config nx ny)

Create list of random waves for each axis separately.

Optionally you can pass number of waves to create for each axis.

Create list of random waves for each axis separately.

Optionally you can pass number of waves to create for each axis.
sourceraw docstring


(slitscan2 {:keys [fields r] :or {r 2.0 fields (var/random-configuration 0)}})

Slitscan filter based on vector fields.


  • :fields - vector fields configuration [[combine]]
  • :r - range value 1.0-3.0
Slitscan filter based on vector fields.


* `:fields` - vector fields configuration [[combine]]
* `:r` -  range value 1.0-3.0
sourceraw docstring


(slitscan2-random-config r)
(slitscan2-random-config r d)

Generate random configuration for vector fields slitscan.

  • r - field range (default 2.0)
  • d - fields configuration depth (default up to 3)
Generate random configuration for vector fields slitscan.

* `r` - field range (default 2.0)
* `d` - fields configuration depth (default up to 3)
sourceraw docstring

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