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Color functions.

This namespace contains color manipulation functions which can be divided into following groups:

  • Color creators
  • Channel manipulations
  • Conversions
  • Palettes / gradients
  • Distances


Color can be represented by following types:

  • fastmath Vec4 - this is core type representing 3 color channels and alpha (RGBA). Values are double type from [0-255] range. color, gray creators returns Vec4 representation.
  • fastmath Vec3 - 3 channels (RGB), assuming alpha set to value of 255.
  • fastmath Vec2 - gray with alpha
  • java.awt.Color - Java AWT representation. Creators are awt-color, awt-gray. Use to-awt-color to convert to this representation.
  • keyword - one of the defined names (see named-colors-list)
  • Integer - packed ARGB value. If value is less than 0xff000000, alpha is set to 0xff. Example: 0xffaa01.
  • String - CSS (#rgb or #rgba) or string containg hexadecimal representation ("ffaa01")
  • any seqable - list, vector containing 2-4 elements. Conversion is done by applying content to color function.

To create color from individual channel values use color function. To create gray for given intensity call gray.

By default color is treated as RGB with values from ranges [0.0-255.0] inclusive.

All funtions internally convert any color representation to Vec4 type using to-color function..

Coloured list of all names

Color/ channel manipulations

You can access individual channels by calling on of the following:

  • red or ch0 - to get first channel value.
  • green or ch1 - to get second channel value.
  • blue or ch2 - to get third channel value.
  • alpha - to get alpha value.
  • luma - to get luma or brightness (range from 0 (black) to 255 (white)).
  • hue - to get hue value in degrees (range from 0 to 360). Hexagon projection.
  • hue-polar - to get hue from polar transformation.

set-ch0, set-ch1, set-ch2 and set-alpha return new color with respective channel set to new value.

General set-channel and get-channel can work with any colorspace.

To make color darker/brighter use darken / [[lighten]] functions. Operations are done in Lab color space.

To change saturation call saturate / desaturate. Operations are done in LCH color space.

You can also modulate color (ie. multiply by given value).


Color can be converted from RGB to other color space (and back). List of color spaces are listed under colorspaces-list variable. There are two types of conversions:

  • raw - with names to-XXX and from-XXX where XXX is color space name. Every color space has it's own value range for each channel. (comp from-XXX to-XXX) acts almost as identity.
  • normalized - with names to-XXX* and from-XXX* where XXX is color space name. to-XXX* returns values normalized to [0-255] range. from-XXX* expects also channel values in range [0-255].

NOTE: there is no information which color space is used. It's just a matter of your interpretation.

NOTE 2: be aware that converting function do not clamp any values to/from expected range.

Color space conversion functions are collected in two maps colorspaces for raw and colorspaces* for normalized functions. Keys are color space names as keyword and values are vectors with to- fn as first and from- fn as second element.

Palettes / gradients


List of all defined colors and palettes:


Palette is just sequence of colors.

There are plenty of them predefined or can be generated:

  • palette to access palette by keyword (from presets), by number (from colourlovers). Use palette to resample palette or convert gradient to palette.
  • [[paletton-palette]] function to generate palette of type: :monochromatic, :triad, :tetrad with complementary color for given hue and configuration. See also Paletton website for details.

Call palette without any parameters to get list of predefined gradients.


Gradient is continuous functions which accepts value from [0-1] range and returns color. Call gradient to create one.

Call gradient without any parameters to obtain list of predefined gradients.

Use gradient to convert any palette to gradient or access predefined gradients by keyword.


To convert palette to gradient call gradient function. You can set interpolation method and colorspace. To convert gradient to palette call palette function.

Call palette to resample palette to other number of colors. Internally input palette is converted to gradient and sampled back.

Use lerp, lerp+, mix, average to mix two colors in different ways.


Several functions to calculate distance between colors (euclidean, delta-xxx etc.).


Color functions.

This namespace contains color manipulation functions which can be divided into following groups:

* Color creators
* Channel manipulations
* Conversions
* Palettes / gradients
* Distances

## Representation

Color can be represented by following types:

* fastmath `Vec4` - this is core type representing 3 color channels and alpha (RGBA). Values are `double` type from `[0-255]` range. [[color]], [[gray]] creators returns `Vec4` representation.
* fastmath `Vec3` - 3 channels (RGB), assuming `alpha` set to value of `255`.
* fastmath `Vec2` - gray with alpha
* `java.awt.Color` - Java AWT representation. Creators are [[awt-color]], [[awt-gray]]. Use [[to-awt-color]] to convert to this representation.
* `keyword` - one of the defined names (see [[named-colors-list]])
* `Integer` - packed ARGB value. If value is less than `0xff000000`, alpha is set to `0xff`. Example: `0xffaa01`.
* `String` - CSS (`#rgb` or `#rgba`) or string containg hexadecimal representation ("ffaa01")
* any `seqable` - list, vector containing 2-4 elements. Conversion is done by applying content to [[color]] function.

To create color from individual channel values use [[color]] function. To create gray for given intensity call [[gray]].

By default color is treated as `RGB` with values from ranges `[0.0-255.0]` inclusive.

All funtions internally convert any color representation to `Vec4` type using [[to-color]] function..

[Coloured list of all names](../static/colors.html)

## Color/ channel manipulations

You can access individual channels by calling on of the following:

* [[red]] or [[ch0]] - to get first channel value.
* [[green]] or [[ch1]] - to get second channel value.
* [[blue]] or [[ch2]] - to get third channel value.
* [[alpha]] - to get alpha value.
* [[luma]] - to get luma or brightness (range from `0` (black) to `255` (white)).
* [[hue]] - to get hue value in degrees (range from 0 to 360). Hexagon projection.
* [[hue-polar]] - to get hue from polar transformation.

[[set-ch0]], [[set-ch1]], [[set-ch2]] and [[set-alpha]] return new color with respective channel set to new value.

General [[set-channel]] and [[get-channel]] can work with any colorspace.

To make color darker/brighter use [[darken]] / [[lighten]] functions. Operations are done in `Lab` color space.

To change saturation call [[saturate]] / [[desaturate]]. Operations are done in `LCH` color space.

You can also [[modulate]] color (ie. multiply by given value).

## Conversions

Color can be converted from RGB to other color space (and back). List of color spaces are listed under [[colorspaces-list]] variable. There are two types of conversions:

* raw - with names `to-XXX` and `from-XXX` where `XXX` is color space name. Every color space has it's own value range for each channel. `(comp from-XXX to-XXX)` acts almost as identity.
* normalized - with names `to-XXX*` and `from-XXX*` where `XXX` is color space name. `to-XXX*` returns values normalized to `[0-255]` range. `from-XXX*` expects also channel values in range `[0-255]`.

NOTE: there is no information which color space is used. It's just a matter of your interpretation.

NOTE 2: be aware that converting function do not clamp any values to/from expected range.

Color space conversion functions are collected in two maps [[colorspaces]] for raw and [[colorspaces*]] for normalized functions. Keys are color space names as `keyword` and values are vectors with `to-` fn as first and `from-` fn as second element.
## Palettes / gradients

### Links

List of all defined colors and palettes:

* [Named palettes](../static/palettes.html)
* [Colourlovers palettes](../static/colourlovers.html)
* [Gradients](../static/gradients.html)

### Palette

Palette is just sequence of colors.

There are plenty of them predefined or can be generated:

* [[palette]] to access palette by keyword (from presets), by number (from colourlovers). Use [[palette]] to resample palette or convert gradient to palette.
* [[paletton-palette]] function to generate palette of type: `:monochromatic`, `:triad`, `:tetrad` with complementary color for given hue and configuration. See also [Paletton]( website for details.

Call [[palette]] without any parameters to get list of predefined gradients.

### Gradient

Gradient is continuous functions which accepts value from `[0-1]` range and returns color. Call [[gradient]] to create one.

Call [[gradient]] without any parameters to obtain list of predefined gradients.

Use [[gradient]] to convert any palette to gradient or access predefined gradients by keyword.

### Conversions

To convert palette to gradient call [[gradient]] function. You can set interpolation method and colorspace.
To convert gradient to palette call [[palette]] function.

Call [[palette]] to resample palette to other number of colors. Internally input palette is converted to gradient and sampled back.

Use [[lerp]], [[lerp+]], [[mix]], [[average]] to mix two colors in different ways.

## Distances

Several functions to calculate distance between colors (`euclidean`, `delta-xxx` etc.).

## References

raw docstring


Blending modes functions for colors, gradients and palettes.

Great collection of blending functions for color channel values. Channel values should be from [0.0,255.0] range.

Use blend-colors, blend-palettes and blend-gradients to blend colors, palettes and gradients.

blend-colors uses simple alpha blending strategy as described here.

Blending can be done separately for each channel.

Blending modes functions for colors, gradients and palettes.

Great collection of blending functions for color channel values. Channel values should be from `[0.0,255.0]` range.

Use [[blend-colors]], [[blend-palettes]] and [[blend-gradients]] to blend colors, palettes and gradients.

[[blend-colors]] uses simple alpha blending strategy as described [here](

Blending can be done separately for each channel.
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Main Clojure2d entry point for Canvas, Window and drawing generatively.

Basic concepts:

  • Image - BufferedImage java object used to store ARGB color information.
  • Canvas - Image which contains graphical context. You draw on it. Similar to processing Graphics object.
  • Window - Window which can display canvas, process events, keeps app/script concept. Similar to Processing sketch with display.
  • Events - Mouse and keyboard events


  • [[ImageProto]] - basic Image operations (Image, Canvas, Window and Pixels (see clojure2d.pixels) implement this protocol.
  • Various events protocols. Events and Window implement these:
    • [[MouseXYProto]] - mouse position related to Window.
    • [[MouseButtonProto]] - status of mouse buttons.
    • [[KeyEventProto]] - keyboard status
    • [[ModifiersProto]] - status of special keys (Ctrl, Meta, Alt, etc.)
  • Additionally Window implements [[PressedProto]] in case you want to check in draw loop if your mouse or key is pressed.


Image is BufferedImage java object. Image can be read from file using load-image function or saved to file with save. ImageProto provides get-image function to access to Image object directly (if you need) There is no function which creates Image directly (use Canvas instead).


To load SVG use load-svg which creates internal Batik object. Object can be rendered to Image with transcode-svg.


Canvas is an object which is used to draw on it. To create new one call canvas function. Provide width and height and optionally quality hint.

Quality hints are as follows:

  • :low - no antialiasing, speed optimized rendering
  • :mid - antialiasing, speed optimized rendering
  • :high - antialiasing, quality optimized rendering (default)
  • :highest - as :high plus PURE_STROKE hint, which can give strange results in some cases.

To draw on Canvas you have to create graphical context. Wrap your code into one of two functions:

  • with-canvas - binding macro (with-canvas [local-canvas canvas-object] ...)
  • with-canvas-> - threading macro (with-canvas-> canvas ...).

Each function in this macro has to accept Canvas as first parameter and return Canvas.

Canvas bound to Window and accessed via callback drawing function (a'ka Processing draw()) has graphical context created automatically.


Java2d keyboard and mouse event handlers can be defined as custom multimethods separately for each window. There are following options:

  • Handlers for particular key with dispatch as a vector of window name and key character (eg. ["name" \c])
  • Handler for given key event with dispatch as a vector of window name and key event (eg. ["name" :key-pressed])
  • Handler for mouse event with dispatch as a vector of window name and mouse event (eg. ["name" :mouse-dragged])

Every event handler accepts as parameters:

  • Event object (java KeyEvent or MouseEvent) - access to the fields through defined protocols
  • Global state - state attached to window

Event handler should return new global state.


Window object is responsible for displaying canvas content and processing events. You can also initialize states here.

To create window and display it call show-window. Function accepts several parameters which are described below.

Window itself simulates workflow which is available in Processing/Quil frameworks.


When window is created following things are done:

  1. Check parameters and create missing values for missed ones.
  2. If :setup function is provided, call it and use returned value as :draw-state
  3. Create JFrame, java.awt.Canvas, pack them, attach event handlers and display
  4. Set global state
  5. Run separated thread which refreshes display with given :fps, if :draw-fn is available it's called before refreshment.

Additional informations:

  • Display refreshment is done by displaying canvas on JFrame. You can set separate quality hints (same as for canvas) for this process with :hint parameter.
  • When you privide drawing function, it's called every refreshment. By default graphical context is created every call - which costs time but is safe in case you want to directly access pixels. The second variant which can be used is to create graphical context once at the moment of window creation. This variant can be forced by setting :refresher parameter to :fast.
  • You can replace canvas attached to window with replace-canvas function.
  • Window itself acts as event object (implements all event protocols)
  • Canvas and window can have different sizes. Display refreshing functions will scale up/down in such case.
  • Events and refreshment are not synchronized. Try to avoid drawing inside event multimethods.
  • You can create as many windows as you want.
  • You can check if window is visible or not with window-active? function.
  • If you provide both :draw-state and :setup. Value returned by :setup has a precedence unless is nil or false.


Following parameters are used:

  • :canvas - canvas which is displayed on window. Default is 200x200px
  • :window-name - name of the window as a string. Used for event multimathods dispatch.
  • :w - width of the window. Default width of the canvas
  • :h - height of the window. Default height of the canvas
  • :fps - frames per second, defaults to 60
  • :draw-fn - drawing function, called before every display refreshment. Function should accept following four parameters:
    • canvas within graphical context (you don't need to use with-canvas or with-canvas-> wrappers.
    • window object
    • current frame number as a long value
    • current state
  • :setup - setup function which should accept two parameters and return initial draw state.
    • canvas withing graphical context
    • window object
  • :state - initial global state
  • :draw-state - initial local (drawing) state. If setup is provided, value returned by it will be used instead.
  • :hint - display quality hint. Use it when window and canvas have different sizes
  • :refresher - when create graphical context for draw: :fast for once or :safe for each call (default).


There are two states managed by library: global state connected to window and draw state connected to callback drawing function.

Global state

Each window has its own state kept in atom. The main idea is to have data which flow between event calls. Every event function accepts state and should return state data. Initial state can be set with show-window :state parameter To access current state from outside the flow call get-state. You can also mutate the state with set-state!.

Local state for drawing function

When drawing callback is used you can keep state between calls. What is returned by callback is passed as a parameter in next call. Drawing function is not synchronized with events that's why local state is introduced. You can still access and change global state.

You can init state from show-window with :draw-state or :setup parameters.

How to draw

There are plenty of functions which you can use to draw on canvas. They can be grouped to:

All operate on canvas and return canvas as a result. Obviously canvas is mutated.


Session is a datetime with its hash kept globally in vector. To access current session names call session-name.

Following functions rely on session:

  • next-filename - generate unique filename based on session
  • log - save any information to the file under name based on session. See log-name.

Session is created automatically when needed. Session management functions are:


Additional utility functions

  • date and time functions
  • to-hex formatter
Main Clojure2d entry point for Canvas, Window and drawing generatively.

Basic concepts:

* Image - `BufferedImage` java object used to store ARGB color information.
* Canvas - Image which contains graphical context. You draw on it. Similar to processing Graphics object.
* Window - Window which can display canvas, process events, keeps app/script concept. Similar to Processing sketch with display.
* Events - Mouse and keyboard events


* [[ImageProto]] - basic Image operations (Image, Canvas, Window and Pixels (see [[clojure2d.pixels]]) implement this protocol.
* Various events protocols. Events and Window implement these:
    * [[MouseXYProto]] - mouse position related to Window.
    * [[MouseButtonProto]] - status of mouse buttons.
    * [[KeyEventProto]] - keyboard status
    * [[ModifiersProto]] - status of special keys (Ctrl, Meta, Alt, etc.)
* Additionally Window implements [[PressedProto]] in case you want to check in draw loop if your mouse or key is pressed.

## Image

Image is `BufferedImage` java object. Image can be read from file using [[load-image]] function or saved to file with [[save]]. ImageProto provides [[get-image]] function to access to Image object directly (if you need)
There is no function which creates Image directly (use Canvas instead).

### SVG

To load SVG use `load-svg` which creates internal Batik object. Object can be rendered to Image with `transcode-svg`.

## Canvas

Canvas is an object which is used to draw on it. To create new one call [[canvas]] function. Provide width and height and optionally quality hint.

Quality hints are as follows:

* `:low` - no antialiasing, speed optimized rendering
* `:mid` - antialiasing, speed optimized rendering
* `:high` - antialiasing, quality optimized rendering (default)
* `:highest` - as `:high` plus `PURE_STROKE` hint, which can give strange results in some cases.

To draw on Canvas you have to create graphical context. Wrap your code into one of two functions:

* [[with-canvas]] - binding macro `(with-canvas [local-canvas canvas-object] ...)`
* [[with-canvas->]] - threading macro `(with-canvas-> canvas ...)`.

Each function in this macro has to accept Canvas as first parameter and return Canvas.

Canvas bound to Window and accessed via callback drawing function (a'ka Processing `draw()`) has graphical context created automatically.

## Events

Java2d keyboard and mouse event handlers can be defined as custom multimethods separately for each window.
There are following options:

* Handlers for particular key with dispatch as a vector of window name and key character (eg. `["name" \c]`)
    * [[key-pressed]] - when key is pressed
    * [[key-released]] - when key is released
    * [[key-typed]] - when key is typed
* Handler for given key event with dispatch as a vector of window name and key event (eg. `["name" :key-pressed]`)
* Handler for mouse event with dispatch as a vector of window name and mouse event (eg. `["name" :mouse-dragged]`)

Every event handler accepts as parameters:

* Event object (java KeyEvent or MouseEvent) - access to the fields through defined protocols
* Global state - state attached to window

Event handler should return new global state.

## Window

Window object is responsible for displaying canvas content and processing events. You can also initialize states here.

To create window and display it call [[show-window]]. Function accepts several parameters which are described below.

Window itself simulates workflow which is available in Processing/Quil frameworks.

### Internals

When window is created following things are done:

1. Check parameters and create missing values for missed ones.
2. If `:setup` function is provided, call it and use returned value as `:draw-state`
3. Create JFrame, java.awt.Canvas, pack them, attach event handlers and display
4. Set global state
5. Run separated thread which refreshes display with given `:fps`, if `:draw-fn` is available it's called before refreshment.

Additional informations:

* Display refreshment is done by displaying canvas on JFrame. You can set separate quality hints (same as for canvas) for this process with `:hint` parameter.
* When you privide drawing function, it's called every refreshment. By default graphical context is created every call - which costs time but is safe in case you want to directly access pixels. The second variant which can be used is to create graphical context once at the moment of window creation. This variant can be forced by setting `:refresher` parameter to `:fast`.
* You can replace canvas attached to window with [[replace-canvas]] function.
* Window itself acts as event object (implements all event protocols)
* Canvas and window can have different sizes. Display refreshing functions will scale up/down in such case.
* Events and refreshment are not synchronized. Try to avoid drawing inside event multimethods.
* You can create as many windows as you want.
* You can check if window is visible or not with [[window-active?]] function.
* If you provide both `:draw-state` and `:setup`. Value returned by `:setup` has a precedence unless is `nil` or `false`.
### Parameters

Following parameters are used:

* `:canvas` - canvas which is displayed on window. Default is 200x200px
* `:window-name` - name of the window as a string. Used for event multimathods dispatch.
* `:w` - width of the window. Default width of the canvas
* `:h` - height of the window. Default height of the canvas
* `:fps` - frames per second, defaults to 60
* `:draw-fn` - drawing function, called before every display refreshment. Function should accept following four parameters:
    * canvas within graphical context (you don't need to use [[with-canvas]] or [[with-canvas->]] wrappers.
    * window object
    * current frame number as a long value
    * current state
* `:setup` - setup function which should accept two parameters and return initial draw state.
    * canvas withing graphical context
    * window object
* `:state` - initial global state
* `:draw-state` - initial local (drawing) state. If `setup` is provided, value returned by it will be used instead.
* `:hint` - display quality hint. Use it when window and canvas have different sizes
* `:refresher` - when create graphical context for draw: `:fast` for once or `:safe` for each call (default).

## States

There are two states managed by library: global state connected to window and draw state connected to callback drawing function.

### Global state

Each window has its own state kept in `atom`. The main idea is to have data which flow between event calls. Every event function accepts state and should return state data.
Initial state can be set with [[show-window]] `:state` parameter 
To access current state from outside the flow call [[get-state]]. You can also mutate the state with [[set-state!]].

### Local state for drawing function

When drawing callback is used you can keep state between calls. What is returned by callback is passed as a parameter in next call. Drawing function is not synchronized with events that's why local state is introduced. You can still access and change global state.

You can init state from [[show-window]] with `:draw-state` or `:setup` parameters.

## How to draw

There are plenty of functions which you can use to draw on canvas. They can be grouped to:

* Primitives like [[point]], [[rect]], etc.
* Tranformations like [[translate]], [[rotate]], etc.
* Text rendering like [[text]], [[set-font-attributes]], etc.
* Image manipulations like [[convolve]]
* Color and style like [[set-color]], [[gradient-mode]], [[set-background]], [[set-stroke]],  etc.

All operate on canvas and return canvas as a result. Obviously canvas is mutated.

## Session

Session is a datetime with its hash kept globally in vector. To access current session names call [[session-name]].

Following functions rely on session:

* [[next-filename]] - generate unique filename based on session
* [[log]] - save any information to the file under name based on session. See [[log-name]].

Session is created automatically when needed. Session management functions are:

* [[make-session]] - create new session
* [[ensure-session]] - create new session when there is no one
* [[close-session]] - close current session
* [[session-name]] - returns current session.

## Utilities

Additional utility functions

* date and time functions
* [[to-hex]] formatter
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Various glitching pixel filters or functions


Use following filters with [[filter-channels]] function.

  • Slitscan - x/y slitscan simulation based on wave functions
  • Shift-channels - just shift channels
  • Mirror - mirror image along different axes
  • Slitscan2 - slitscan simulation based on vector fields
  • Fold - apply vector field on the image
  • Pix2line - convert pixel into horizontal line


Short sketches operating on images/pixels.

  • Blend - compose two images in glitchy way

All filters are equiped with random configuration generator.

Various glitching pixel filters or functions

### Filter

Use following filters with [[filter-channels]] function.

* Slitscan - x/y slitscan simulation based on wave functions
* Shift-channels - just shift channels
* Mirror - mirror image along different axes
* Slitscan2 - slitscan simulation based on vector fields
* Fold - apply vector field on the image
* Pix2line - convert pixel into horizontal line

### Machines

Short sketches operating on images/pixels.

* Blend - compose two images in glitchy way

All filters are equiped with random configuration generator.
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Segment image into parts.

Currently contains only quadtree segmentation.

Segment image into parts.

Currently contains only quadtree segmentation.
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Image pixels as signal

Pixels as Signal

Pixels (Image) can be treated as signal. Conversion to signal is based on strategies of converting image to RAW and then converting to audio. It includes channel data layout and packing into integer, encoding, endianess, etc.

To convert Pixels to signal use pixels->signal function. To convert back use signal->pixels. signal->pixels requires target Pixels object to store result of conversion. Target is mutated then.

To filter Pixels directly (without explicit conversion to and from Signals) you can use [[filter-channels]] with effects-filter.

Image pixels as signal

### Pixels as Signal

`Pixels` (`Image`) can be treated as signal. Conversion to signal is based on strategies of converting image to RAW and then converting to audio. It includes channel data layout and packing into integer, encoding, endianess, etc.

To convert `Pixels` to signal use [[pixels->signal]] function. To convert back use [[signal->pixels]]. [[signal->pixels]] requires target `Pixels` object to store result of conversion. Target is mutated then.

To filter `Pixels` directly (without explicit conversion to and from Signals) you can use [[filter-channels]] with [[effects-filter]].
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Set of various utilities which can be used to display various objects.

Set of various utilities which can be used to display various objects.
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Operations on pixel levels.


Namespace defines three main concepts:

  • Pixels - channel values packed into array.
  • Processors - parallel Pixels processing functions (like filters).
  • Bins - log density renderer


Pixels is type which represents image as int array divided into color channels. Layout is linear and interleaved which means that array is 1D and each pixel is represented by four consecutive values R, G, B, A. After first row goes second and so on.

Pixels allows mutation, you can read and set channel value or color:

  • get-value, [[set-value]] - read or set channel value for given pixel and channel. Value should be within [0-255] range.
  • get-color, [[set-color]] - read or set color for given pixel. Returned color has [[Vec4]] type.
  • get-channel, [[set-channel]] - read or set whole channel as ints.

Pixel access can be made by (x,y) coordinates or by index which is equivalent to (+ x (* y width)).

Pixels implement [[ImageProto]].

Creation / conversions

To create empty Pixels, call pixels.

You can also get and set Pixels from and to Images and Canvases or read from file.


Library supports several processing functions and helpers to parallely manipulate channels or colors. All functions are not destrictive, that means new object is created to store result of manipulation. Every processor accept one or more filtering functions which do the job. There are three main functions:

  • filter-colors - to process colors. Uses function f which accepts color and should return color. Can be used to convert Pixels between different color spaces.
  • filter-channels - to process channel values. Uses function f which accepts channel number (values from 0 to 3), target Pixels and source Pixels and returns integer. You can provide different function for every channel. Can be used to apply filter (like blur).
  • blend-channels - to process pair of Pixels. Uses function f which accepts channel number, target and two Pixel values. compose-channels wrapper can be used to compose two Pixels using one of the blending functions defined in [[clojure2d.colors]] namespace.

Additionally other processing functions are prepared in case you want write own filters or converters:

Color space

To convert whole Pixels into different color space use filter-colors and pass one of the color space conversion functions defined under [[colorspaces*]]. Always use normalized version.

(filter-colors c/to-HSB* pixels-object)


There are several ready to use filters. All defined under [[filters-list]] variable. Some of the filters are creators and should be called with parametrization.

(filter-channels gaussian-blur-3 pixels-object)
(filter-channels (posterize 10) pixels-object)


To compose two Pixels use compose-channels and use name of composing function defined [[blends-list]]. Instead of name you can pass custom composing function.

(compose-channels :multiply pixels-1 pixels-2)

Log Density Rendering

Log Density Renderer was orginally created for fractal flames rendering and produces very smooth results. Details are described in this paper.

Renderer is point based (no other primitives) and supports selection of antialiasing (reconstruction) filters. Density estimation is not supported.

Rendering algorithm collects color channels values and counts number of hits for each pixel. For each pixel weighted average of all color values is calculated and log of number of hits gives alpha value. Pixel color is blended with background using alpha.


First you have to create renderer with renderer function. By default no filter is used. In case you want to use filter call with: filter name as keyword (see below), optional: filter radius (default 2.0) and other filter parameters.

To set point call [[set-color]].

Antialiasing filters

Below you have list of all available antialiasing filters. Each filter has radius and spread parameter.

  • :gaussian
  • :box - only radius
  • :sinc - Windowed sinc filter
  • :mitchell - Mitchell-Netravali filter, additional parameters: B and C (default: 1/3)
  • :cubic
  • :catmull
  • :triangle
  • :cosinebell
  • :blackmann-harris
  • :hann
  • :none or nil - no filter


To convert renderer to Pixels just call to-pixels method with optional configuration. Configuration gives you possibility to control process of transformation to RGB data.

Configuration is a map with following fields:

  • :background - color of the background (default: :black)
  • :gamma-alpha - gamma correction for alpha
  • :gamma-color - gamma correction for color, to adjust vibrancy
  • :vibrancy: 0.0 - use calculated color 1.0 - use gamma corrected color (0.0-1.0) - mix between above
  • :saturation - adjust saturation (0-2)
  • :brightness - adjust brightness (0-2)
  • :contrast - adjust contrast (0-2)

Parallel rendering

Construction of renderer enables parallel computing. Just create as many renderers as you want (you may use [[available-tasks]] value), run rendering in separate threads and then merge result with merge-renderers.

Operations on pixel levels.

## Content

Namespace defines three main concepts:

* Pixels - channel values packed into array.
* Processors - parallel Pixels processing functions (like filters).
* Bins - log density renderer

## Pixels

Pixels is type which represents image as int array divided into color channels. Layout is linear and interleaved which means that array is 1D and each pixel is represented by four consecutive values R, G, B, A. After first row goes second and so on.

Pixels allows mutation, you can read and set channel value or color:

* [[get-value]], [[set-value]] - read or set channel value for given pixel and channel. Value should be within `[0-255]` range.
* [[get-color]], [[set-color]] - read or set color for given pixel. Returned color has [[Vec4]] type.
* [[get-channel]], [[set-channel]] - read or set whole channel as `ints`.

Pixel access can be made by `(x,y)` coordinates or by index which is equivalent to `(+ x (* y width))`.

Pixels implement [[ImageProto]].

### Creation / conversions

To create empty Pixels, call [[pixels]].

You can also get and set Pixels from and to Images and Canvases or read from file.

## Processors

Library supports several processing functions and helpers to parallely manipulate channels or colors. All functions are not destrictive, that means new object is created to store result of manipulation. Every processor accept one or more filtering functions which do the job.
There are three main functions:

* [[filter-colors]] - to process colors. Uses function `f` which accepts color and should return color. Can be used to convert Pixels between different color spaces.
* [[filter-channels]] - to process channel values. Uses function `f` which accepts channel number (values from 0 to 3), target Pixels and source Pixels and returns integer. You can provide different function for every channel. Can be used to apply filter (like blur).
* [[blend-channels]] - to process pair of Pixels. Uses function `f` which accepts channel number, target and two Pixel values. [[compose-channels]] wrapper can be used to compose two Pixels using one of the blending functions defined in [[clojure2d.colors]] namespace.

Additionally other processing functions are prepared in case you want write own filters or converters:

* [[filter-colors-xy]] - process colors using function `f` which accepts Pixels and current position.
* [[filter-channel]] - iterate through channel, `f` accepts channel value and returns new channel value
* [[filter-channel-xy]] - iterate through channel, `f` accepts channel, Pixels and x,y position
* [[blend-channels]] and [[blend-channel-xy]] - similar to two above, `f` accepts two Pixels instead of one.

### Color space

To convert whole Pixels into different color space use [[filter-colors]] and pass one of the color space conversion functions defined under [[colorspaces*]]. Always use normalized version.

(filter-colors c/to-HSB* pixels-object)

### Filters

There are several ready to use filters. All defined under [[filters-list]] variable. Some of the filters are creators and should be called with parametrization.

(filter-channels gaussian-blur-3 pixels-object)
(filter-channels (posterize 10) pixels-object)

### Composing

To compose two Pixels use [[compose-channels]] and use name of composing function defined [[blends-list]]. Instead of name you can pass custom composing function.

(compose-channels :multiply pixels-1 pixels-2)

## Log Density Rendering

Log Density Renderer was orginally created for fractal flames rendering and produces very smooth results. Details are described in this [paper](

Renderer is point based (no other primitives) and supports selection of antialiasing (reconstruction) filters. Density estimation is not supported.

Rendering algorithm collects color channels values and counts number of hits for each pixel. For each pixel weighted average of all color values is calculated and log of number of hits gives alpha value. Pixel color is blended with background using alpha.

### Rendering

First you have to create renderer with [[renderer]] function. By default no filter is used. 
In case you want to use filter call with: filter name as keyword (see below), optional: filter radius (default 2.0) and other filter parameters.

To set point call [[set-color]].

#### Antialiasing filters

Below you have list of all available antialiasing filters. Each filter has radius and spread parameter.

* :gaussian
* :box - only radius
* :sinc - Windowed sinc filter
* :mitchell - Mitchell-Netravali filter, additional parameters: B and C (default: 1/3)
* :cubic
* :catmull
* :triangle
* :cosinebell
* :blackmann-harris
* :hann
* :none or `nil` - no filter

### Converting

To convert renderer to Pixels just call [[to-pixels]] method with optional configuration. Configuration gives you possibility to control process of transformation to RGB data.

Configuration is a map with following fields:

* :background - color of the background (default: :black)
* :gamma-alpha - gamma correction for alpha
* :gamma-color - gamma correction for color, to adjust vibrancy
* :vibrancy:
    0.0 - use calculated color
    1.0 - use gamma corrected color
    (0.0-1.0) - mix between above
* :saturation - adjust saturation (0-2)
* :brightness - adjust brightness (0-2)
* :contrast - adjust contrast (0-2)

### Parallel rendering

Construction of renderer enables parallel computing. Just create as many renderers as you want (you may use [[available-tasks]] value), run rendering in separate threads and then merge result with [[merge-renderers]].
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