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Change Log

0.37.0 (13-12-2017)

  • Update clj-time dependency.
  • Update cljs-time dependency.

0.35.2 (10-12-2017)

  • Update Clojure and ClojureScript dependencies.

0.35.1 (16-11-2017)

  • Fix issue where ::invalid? can sometimes be incorrect.

0.34.0 (23-10-2017)

  • Breaking change to improve value returned from validate. Maps that conform to a validation set are now returned wihtout modification. Maps that do not conform to a validation set are returned with a validation error sequence transposed onto the applicable keys, see example below.
  [:email email?
   :age [between? 18 40]
   [:nested :value] [between? 0 10]] 
   {:email "" :age 10 :nested {:value 19}})

;; {:clova.core/results ("email should be a valid email address." "age is 10 but it must be between 18 and 40." "nested value is 19 but it must be between 0 and 10.") 
;;  :clova.core/invalid? true 
;;  :email ("email should be a valid email address.") 
;;  :age ("age is 10 but it must be between 18 and 40."), 
;;  :nested {:value ("nested value is 19 but it must be between 0 and 10.")}}

0.33.0 (20-10-2017)

  • Added results convenience function
(results [:email required? email?] map-to-validate)

0.32.0 (19-10-2017)

  • Added functonality to support plain vector validators and added exists? validator.

0.31.0 (19-10-2017)

  • Added functonality to support "functional args" to validators, and added not-exists? validator.

(let [database {:emails [""]}
      emails (fn [email] (filter #{email} (:emails database)))
      v-set (validation-set [:email required? [not-exists? emails]])]

  (validate v-set {:email ""})
  ;; {:results (), :valid? true}

  (validate v-set {:email ""})
  ;; {:results (), :valid? true}

  (validate v-set {:email ""})
  ;; {:results (" already exists."),
  ;;  :valid? false}

  (validate v-set {})
  ;; {:results ("email is required."), :valid? false}

0.30.0 (11-08-2016)

  • Added the ability to use arbitrary functions (not specially defined validators) in validation sets.
(let [validation-set (validation-set [:age [> 18]])])

In failure scenarios a generic message format of "%s has value %s, which is invalid." is used.

0.29.0 (10-08-2016)

  • Add validated value and validator arguments as arguments to custom message functions. e.g.
(let [message-func (fn [v-type value args]
                    (case v-type
                      :between (str "Age is " value " but it must be between " (first args) " and " (second args))
    (validate v-set {:age 9} {:default-message-fn message-func}))

0.28.0 (08-08-2016)

  • Add alphanumeric? validator.
(alphanumeric? "abc")

0.27.0 (04-08-2016)

  • Upgrade clojurescript dependency from 1.8.51 > 1.9.93
  • Upgrade clj-time dependency from 0.11.0 > 0.12.0

0.26.0 (11-05-2016)

  • Upgrade clojurescript dependency from 1.8.40 > 1.8.51

0.25.0 (28-04-2016)

  • Upgrade clojurescript dependency from 1.7.228 > 1.8.40

0.24.0 (13-03-2016)

  • Upgrade clojure dependency from 1.7.0 > 1.8.0.

0.22.0 (04-01-2016)

  • Add =? validator.
(=? {:a 1} {:a 1})

0.21.0 (08-12-2015)

  • Add =date? validator.

Not to be confused with the date? validator which tests that a value is a date. The =date? validator checks that a value is equal to a given date.

(=date? "01-01-2011" "01-01-2011")
;; or specify an optional date formatter
(=date? "01-01-2011" "02-01-2011" {:formatter "dd-MM-yyyy"})

0.20.0 (08-12-2015)

  • Add after? validator.
(after? "01-01-2011" "02-01-2012")
;; or specify an optional date formatter
(after? "01-01-2011" "02-01-2012" {:formatter "dd-MM-yyyy"})

0.19.0 (07-12-2015)

  • Add before? validator.
(before? "01-01-2011" "01-01-2012")
;; or specify an optional date formatter
(before? "01-01-2011" "01-01-2012" {:formatter "dd-MM-yyyy"})

0.18.2 (05-12-2015)

  • Fix issue where date validator is unable to handle values that are already "dates". Consider java.util.Date org.joda.time.DateTime and js/Date as valid dates without requiring any additonal validation.

0.18.1 (04-12-2015)

  • Fix bug where a custom string :formatter for the date? validator was never coverted to a clj-time/cljs-time formatter.

0.18.0 (04-12-2015)

  • Add date? validator. It is now possible to do:
(validate (validation-set [:date date?]) {:date "20150101"})

0.17.0 (04-12-2015)

  • Rename anon to as-validator.

0.16.0 (03-12-2015)

  • Add anon function. This can be used to declare an on the fly annonymous validator.
(validate (validation-set [:name (anon #(= % "mark"))]) {:name "mark"})

0.15.0 (02-12-2015)

  • Add stringy? validator.

0.14.0 (01-12-2015)

  • Add numeric? validator.

0.13.0 (29-11-2015)

  • Add much better support for using multiple validators against a key. It is now possible to do the following.
(let [validation-set (core/validation-set [:age required? [greater? 18] [lesser? 30]]))

0.12.0 (29-11-2015)

  • Add :short-circuit? option to validate option map. Can be used to break validation on the first validation failure.

0.11.0 (27-11-2015)

  • Add credit-card? validator based on the Luhn algorithm.

0.10.5 (26-11-2015)

0.10.4 (26-11-2015)

  • No functional difference. Enable package signing for Clojars deployment.

0.10.3 (26-11-2015)

  • Protect against nil values in numerical validators. Where either the value being validated or any of the required validator arguments are nil then that validator will be falsey.

0.10.1 (24-11-2015)

  • Qualify clova specific meta data keys with the clova.core namespace.

    :type becomes :clova.core/type :default-message becomes :clova.core/default-message :allow-missing-key? becomes :clova.core/allow-missing-key? :target becomes :clova.core/target :args becomes :clova.core/args

0.10.0 (23-11-2015)

  • Add support for using validator functions as predicates to all?.
(let [validation-set (core/validation-set [:age [all? [[greater? 18] [lesser? 30]]]])]

0.9.0 (23-11-2015)

  • Add all? validator.
  • Minor readability fixes to remove use of annonymous functions where using an internal Clojure function makes more sense.

0.8.1 (22-11-2015)

  • Fix issue where the one-of? validator does not return a true/false value and when used in isolation can result in erroneous results."

0.8.0 (21-11-2015)

  • Remove required wrapper function and replace it with a required? validator. Instead of wrapping a validator with the required function we can just compose validators. e.g.

    ;; This will failed because the :age key is required
    (validate (core/validation-set
                   [:age core/required?
                    :age [core/between? 18 30]]) {})
    ;; This will fail because age is not between 18 and 30
    (validate (core/validation-set
                   [:age core/required?
                    :age [core/between? 18 30]]) {:age 1})
  • Rename present? validator to not-nil?.

0.7.0 (20-11-2015)

  • Add :clova.core/allow-missing-key? to enable default behaviour where validators do not fail if a key is not present.
  • Add required function to disable :clova.core/allow-missing-key? and force a key to be present.

0.6.0 (19-11-2015)

  • Add longer? validator.
  • Add shorter? validator.

0.5.0 (19-11-2015)

  • Fixed issue where comparing a nil 'value' with numeric type validators would cause a NullPointerException.
  • Add option to pass :default-message-fn to validate in order to support custom validation messages.

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