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(get-user {:keys [base-url] :as config})

Get the JSON object for the logged in user. token: jwt from your redirect url api-key: your api key from supabase base-url: your supabase url

(get-user {:token '' :api-key '' :base-url ''})

 Get the JSON object for the logged in user.
 token: jwt from your redirect url
 api-key: your api key from supabase
 base-url: your supabase url

  {:token  '' 
   :api-key '' 
   :base-url ''})
sourceraw docstring


(refresh-session {:keys [base-url api-key refresh-token]})

Generates a new JWT. @param refresh-token A valid refresh token that was returned on login.

api-key: your api key from supabase base-url: your supabase url

Generates a new JWT.
@param refresh-token A valid refresh token that was returned on login.

api-key: your api key from supabase
base-url: your supabase url
sourceraw docstring


(session-from-url {:keys [base-url url api-key]})

If an account is created, users can login to your app. This functions returns an user

url: your redirect url api-key: your api key from supabase base-url: your supabase url

If an account is created, users can login to your app.
This functions returns an user 

url: your redirect url
api-key: your api key from supabase
base-url: your supabase url

sourceraw docstring


(signin-with-email {:keys [base-url email api-key should-create-user options]})

Disclamer! this function is a opinionated Send a user a passwordless link which they can use to redeem an access_token. After they have clicked the link,client will redirect for your config callback link.

(signin-with-email {:base-url '' :email '' :should-create-user false ; default is true :api-key '' :options {:email-redirect-to ''}})

email-redirect-to: is default from your supabase config on their website api-key: your api key from supabase base-url: your supabase url

Disclamer! this function is a opinionated
Send a user a passwordless link which they can use to redeem an access_token. 
After they have clicked the link,client will redirect for your config callback link.

 {:base-url ''
  :email ''
  :should-create-user false ; default is true
  :api-key ''
  :options {:email-redirect-to ''}})

email-redirect-to: is default from your supabase config on their website
api-key: your api key from supabase
base-url: your supabase url
sourceraw docstring

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