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Common build utilities.

The following high-level defaults are provided:

:target "target", :basis (create-basis {:project "deps.edn"}, :class-dir (str target "/classes"), :jar-file (format "%s/%s-%s.jar" target lib version), :uber-file (format "%s/%s-%s.jar" target lib version) or, if :version is not provided: (format "%s/%s-standalone.jar" target lib)

You are expected to provide :lib and :version as needed.

The following build task functions are provided, with the specified required and optional hash map options:

clean -- opt :target, deploy -- req :lib, :version opt :target, :class-dir, :jar-file (see docstring for additional options) install -- req :lib, :version opt :target, :class-dir, :basis, :jar-file (see docstring for additional options) jar -- req :lib, :version opt :target, :class-dir, :basis, :scm, :src-dirs, :resource-dirs, :tag, :jar-file (see docstring for additional options) uber -- req :lib or :uber-file opt :target, :class-dir, :basis, :scm, :src-dirs, :resource-dirs, :tag, :version (see docstring for additional options) run-task -- [opts aliases] opt :java-opts -- defaults to :jvm-opts from aliases :jvm-opts -- added to :java-opts :main -- defaults to clojure.main :main-args -- defaults to :main-opts from aliases :main-opts -- added to :main-args run-tests -- opt :aliases (plus run-task options) invokes (run-task opts (into [:test] aliases))

All of the above return the opts hash map they were passed (unlike some of the functions in

The following low-level defaults are also provided to make it easier to call the task functions here:

:ns-compile if :main is provided and :sort is not, this defaults to the :main namespace (class),

:scm if :tag is provided, that is used here, else if :version is provided, that is used for :tag here with "v" prefixed,

:src-dirs ["src"]

:src+dirs this is a synthetic option that is used for the file/directory copying that is part of jar and uber and it is computed as :src-dirs plus :resource-dirs, essentially, with the former defaulted as noted above and the latter defaulted to ["resources"] just for the copying but otherwise has no default (for

Common build utilities.

The following high-level defaults are provided:

:target    "target",
:basis     (create-basis {:project "deps.edn"},
:class-dir (str target "/classes"),
:jar-file  (format "%s/%s-%s.jar" target lib version),
:uber-file (format "%s/%s-%s.jar" target lib version)
           or, if :version is not provided:
           (format "%s/%s-standalone.jar" target lib)

You are expected to provide :lib and :version as needed.

The following build task functions are provided, with the
specified required and optional hash map options:

clean     -- opt :target,
deploy    -- req :lib, :version
             opt :target, :class-dir, :jar-file
             (see docstring for additional options)
install   -- req :lib, :version
             opt :target, :class-dir, :basis, :jar-file
             (see docstring for additional options)
jar       -- req :lib, :version
             opt :target, :class-dir, :basis, :scm, :src-dirs,
                 :resource-dirs, :tag, :jar-file
             (see docstring for additional options)
uber      -- req :lib or :uber-file
             opt :target, :class-dir, :basis, :scm, :src-dirs,
                 :resource-dirs, :tag, :version
             (see docstring for additional options)
run-task  -- [opts aliases]
             opt :java-opts -- defaults to :jvm-opts from aliases
                 :jvm-opts  -- added to :java-opts
                 :main      -- defaults to clojure.main
                 :main-args -- defaults to :main-opts from aliases
                 :main-opts -- added to :main-args
run-tests -- opt :aliases (plus run-task options)
             invokes (run-task opts (into [:test] aliases))

All of the above return the opts hash map they were passed
(unlike some of the functions in

The following low-level defaults are also provided to make
it easier to call the task functions here:

:ns-compile if :main is provided and :sort is not, this
            defaults to the :main namespace (class),

:scm        if :tag is provided, that is used here, else
            if :version is provided, that is used for :tag
            here with "v" prefixed,

:src-dirs   ["src"]

:src+dirs   this is a synthetic option that is used for the
            file/directory copying that is part of `jar` and
            `uber` and it is computed as :src-dirs plus
            :resource-dirs, essentially, with the former
            defaulted as noted above and the latter defaulted
            to ["resources"] just for the copying but otherwise
            has no default (for ``).
raw docstring


(clean {:keys [target] :as opts})

Remove the target folder.

Remove the target folder.
sourceraw docstring



Return the default basis.

Return the default basis.
sourceraw docstring


(default-class-dir target)

Return the default class-dir.

May be passed a non-default target directory name.

Return the default `class-dir`.

May be passed a non-default target directory name.
sourceraw docstring


(default-jar-file version)
(default-jar-file lib version)
(default-jar-file target lib version)

Given the lib and version, return the default JAR filename.

lib can be omitted and will default to 'application (for uberjar usage).

May be passed a non-default target directory name.

Given the `lib` and `version`, return the default JAR

`lib` can be omitted and will default to `'application`
(for uberjar usage).

May be passed a non-default target directory name.
sourceraw docstring



Return the default target directory name.

Return the default target directory name.
sourceraw docstring


(deploy {:keys [lib version artifact class-dir installer jar-file pom-file

Deploy the JAR to Clojars.

Requires: :lib, :version

Accepts any options that are accepted by:

  • deps-deploy/deploy

If :artifact is provided, it will be used for the deploy, else :jar-file will be used (making it easy to thread options through jar and deploy, specifying just :jar-file or relying on the default value computed for :jar-file).

Deploy the JAR to Clojars.

Requires: :lib, :version

Accepts any options that are accepted by:
* `deps-deploy/deploy`

If :artifact is provided, it will be used for the deploy,
else :jar-file will be used (making it easy to thread
options through `jar` and `deploy`, specifying just :jar-file
or relying on the default value computed for :jar-file).
sourceraw docstring


(install {:keys [lib version basis class-dir classifier jar-file target]})

Install the JAR to the local Maven repo cache.

Requires: :lib, :version

Accepts any options that are accepted by:

Install the JAR to the local Maven repo cache.

Requires: :lib, :version

Accepts any options that are accepted by:
* ``
sourceraw docstring


(jar {:keys [lib version basis class-dir jar-file main manifest repos
             resource-dirs scm src-dirs src-pom tag target transitive]})

Build the library JAR file.

Requires: :lib, :version

Accepts any options that are accepted by:


Writes pom.xml into META-INF in the :class-dir, then copies :src-dirs + :resource-dirs into :class-dir, then builds :jar-file into :target (directory).

If you are building a JAR in a monorepo and rely on :local/root dependencies for the actual source components, such as in a Polylith project, pass :transitive true to use a 'lifted' basis and to ensure all source files are copied into the JAR.

Build the library JAR file.

Requires: :lib, :version

Accepts any options that are accepted by:

Writes pom.xml into META-INF in the :class-dir, then
copies :src-dirs + :resource-dirs into :class-dir, then
builds :jar-file into :target (directory).

If you are building a JAR in a monorepo and rely on
:local/root dependencies for the actual source components,
such as in a Polylith project, pass :transitive true to
use a 'lifted' basis and to ensure all source files are
copied into the JAR.
sourceraw docstring


(run-task {:keys [java-opts jvm-opts main main-args main-opts] :as opts}

Run a task based on aliases.

If :main-args is not provided and no :main-opts are found in the aliases, default to the Cognitect Labs' test-runner.

Run a task based on aliases.

If :main-args is not provided and no :main-opts are found
in the aliases, default to the Cognitect Labs' test-runner.
sourceraw docstring


(run-tests {:keys [aliases] :as opts})

Run tests.

Always adds :test to the aliases.

Run tests.

Always adds :test to the aliases.
sourceraw docstring


(uber {:keys [lib uber-file] :as opts})

Build the application uber JAR file.

Requires: :lib or :uber-file

Accepts any options that are accepted by:


The uber JAR filename is derived from :lib and :version if provided, else from :uber-file.

If :version is provided, writes pom.xml into META-INF in the :class-dir, then

Compiles :src-dirs into :class-dir, then copies :src-dirs and :resource-dirs into :class-dir, then builds :uber-file into :target (directory).

Build the application uber JAR file.

Requires: :lib or :uber-file

Accepts any options that are accepted by:
* ``
* ``
* ``

The uber JAR filename is derived from :lib
and :version if provided, else from :uber-file.

If :version is provided, writes pom.xml into
META-INF in the :class-dir, then

Compiles :src-dirs into :class-dir, then
copies :src-dirs and :resource-dirs into :class-dir, then
builds :uber-file into :target (directory).
sourceraw docstring

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