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What is an error? Is nil an error? (Not always, but...) How can we describe functions that might return a result or that might fail? What about exceptions--they break referential transparency, but lots of code throws them anyway. What about functions that might need to retry because some external actor (e.g.: the network) might have intermittent failures?

Error handling is rarely clean, but this namespace provides some handy utilities to centralize some of the concerns and solve them once, reliably. ;-)

What is an error?  Is nil an error?  (Not always, but...)  How can we describe functions
that might return a result or that might fail?  What about exceptions--they break referential
transparency, but lots of code throws them anyway.  What about functions that might need to
retry because some external actor (e.g.: the network) might have intermittent failures?

Error handling is rarely clean, but this namespace provides some handy utilities to
centralize some of the concerns and solve them once, reliably.  ;-)
raw docstring


The current log implementation. Defaults to the metalog function.

The current log implementation.  Defaults to the metalog function.
sourceraw docstring


Deprecated. Use errors/seq<- instead.

Deprecated.  Use errors/seq<- instead.
sourceraw docstring


(exception<- x)

Inputs: [x :- s/Any] Returns: Throwable

If x is already Throwable return it, else convert it into an exception using ex-info. The (:error-object result) will be the original value. This is intended--though not strictly required--to be used for values where (failure? value) is true.

Inputs: [x :- s/Any]
Returns: Throwable

If x is already Throwable return it, else convert it into an exception using ex-info.  The
(:error-object result) will be the original value.  This is intended--though not strictly
required--to be used for values where (failure? value) is true.
sourceraw docstring


(expect-within timeout-millis predicate error-message)

Inputs: [timeout-millis :- s/Num predicate :- (=> s/Any []) error-message :- s/Str] Returns: s/Any

Expect the condition specified by predicate to become true within timeout-millis. If this does not happen, throws IllegalStateException including the error-message. On success, returns the truthy value that predicate returned.

Inputs: [timeout-millis :- s/Num predicate :- (=> s/Any []) error-message :- s/Str]
Returns: s/Any

Expect the condition specified by predicate to become true within timeout-millis. If this
does not happen, throws IllegalStateException including the error-message.  On success, returns
the truthy value that predicate returned.
sourceraw docstring


A multimethod that determines if a computation has resulted in a failure. This allows the definition of what constitutes a failure to be extended to new types by the consumer.

An example of how this can function can be extended to new error types exists in this namespace where we extend failure? to include timeout errors.

A multimethod that determines if a computation has resulted in a failure.
This allows the definition of what constitutes a failure to be extended
to new types by the consumer.

An example of how this can function can be extended to new error types
exists in this namespace where we extend failure? to include timeout errors.
sourceraw docstring


(log level & more)

Inputs: [level :- s/Keyword & more :- [s/Any]] Returns: s/Any

Synopsis: (log :log-level & more)

The initial :log-level must be one of the keywords in log-levels. The remainder of the arguments are the objects that will be logged using log-string.

Inputs: [level :- s/Keyword & more :- [s/Any]]
Returns: s/Any

Synopsis: (log :log-level & more)

The initial :log-level must be one of the keywords in log-levels.  The remainder
of the arguments are the objects that will be logged using log-string.
sourceraw docstring


The log levels supported by the metalogger mapped to numbers matching the log4j log levels.

The current log level keywords are: #{:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal}

The log levels supported by the metalogger mapped to numbers matching the log4j
log levels.

The current log level keywords are: #{:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal}
sourceraw docstring


(log-string log-objects)

Inputs: [log-objects :- [s/Any]] Returns: s/Str

Create a log string from a sequence of log objects. Parameters are reordered so that non-Throwables are first followed by Throwable objects. Non-Throwables are returned as their toString representation separated by commas. Throwables are represented by their stack traces, separated by " ==> ".

Inputs: [log-objects :- [s/Any]]
  Returns: s/Str

  Create a log string from a sequence of log objects.  Parameters are reordered
  so that non-Throwables are first followed by Throwable objects.  Non-Throwables
  are returned as their toString representation separated by commas.  Throwables
  are represented by their stack traces, separated by "
sourceraw docstring


(metalog level-keyword & more)

The default log implementation if none is specified:

  • println levels < :error to out
  • println levels >= :error to err
The default log implementation if none is specified:

* println levels < :error to *out*
* println levels >= :error to *err*
sourceraw docstring


(must-be message & body)

If body is truthy returns result of evaluating body, else throws IllegalArgumentException with message.

If body is truthy returns result of evaluating body, else throws IllegalArgumentException with message.
sourceraw docstring


(new-default-job job-name tries pause-millis abort?-fn)

Create a Job object. Only public to make retry? testable.

Create a Job object.  Only public to make retry? testable.
sourceraw docstring


(not-failure value message)

Inputs: [value :- s/Any message :- s/Str] Returns: s/Any

If value is not a failure, returns it, else throws IllegalStateExceoption with the specified message

Inputs: [value :- s/Any message :- s/Str]
Returns: s/Any

If value is not a failure, returns it, else throws IllegalStateExceoption with
the specified message
sourceraw docstring


(not-nil value name)

Inputs: [value :- s/Any name :- s/Str] Returns: s/Any

If value is not nil, returns it, else throws IllegalArgumentExceoption with the message "${name} cannot be nil"

Inputs: [value :- s/Any name :- s/Str]
Returns: s/Any

If value is not nil, returns it, else throws IllegalArgumentExceoption with
the message "${name} cannot be nil"
sourceraw docstring


(retry tries pause-millis f & args)

Retry calling the specified function f & args while pausing pause-millis between attempts. Uncaught exceptions are considered errors. After tries attempts, the last caught exception is re-thrown.

Retry calling the specified function f & args while pausing pause-millis
between attempts.  Uncaught exceptions are considered errors.  After tries
attempts, the last caught exception is re-thrown.
sourceraw docstring


(retry* tries pause-millis f & args)

Retry calling the specified function f & args while pausing pause-millis between attempts. Throwable objects, and uncaught exceptions are all considered errors. After tries attempts, the last error is returned.

Retry calling the specified function f & args while pausing pause-millis
between attempts.  Throwable objects, and uncaught exceptions are all
considered errors.  After tries attempts, the last error is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(retry-statements tries pause-millis)

Specify a retry policy for a function that will be called later. tries is the number of retries allowed for the future function call, and pause-millis is the number of milliseconds to wait between retries.

Returns a multi-arity function. The initial parameter is the function to be called. The remaining parameters (if any) are that function's arguments.

Specify a retry policy for a function that will be called later.  tries is the
number of retries allowed for the future function call, and pause-millis is the
number of milliseconds to wait between retries.

Returns a multi-arity function.  The initial parameter is the function to be called.
The remaining parameters (if any) are that function's arguments.
sourceraw docstring


(retry-with-timeout job-name settings f & args)

Inputs: [job-name :- String settings :- RetrySettings f :- (=> s/Any [s/Any]) & args :- [s/Any]] Returns: s/Any

Retry (apply f args) up to tries times with pause-millis time in between invocation and a timeout value of timeout-millis. On failure, abort?-fn is called with a vector containing the unwrapped exception stack.

(failure is determined via the (failure? x) multimethod so clients can extend the set of values that are considered to be failures.)

If abort?-fn returns true, the errror is considered fatal and no more retries are attempted, even if retries were available.

If the last result is a failure, and that failure is Throwable, the exception is wrapped in a RuntimeException and rethrown.

If the last result is a TIMEOUT-ERROR, a runtime exception is thrown. Otherwise, the failure value itself is returned as the result.

Inputs: [job-name :- String settings :- RetrySettings f :- (=> s/Any [s/Any]) & args :- [s/Any]]
Returns: s/Any

Retry (apply f args) up to tries times with pause-millis time in between invocation and a
timeout value of timeout-millis.  On failure, abort?-fn is called with a vector containing the
unwrapped exception stack.

(failure is determined via the (failure? x) multimethod so clients can extend the set of values
that are considered to be failures.)

If abort?-fn returns true, the errror is considered fatal and no more retries are attempted,
even if retries were available.

If the last result is a failure, and that failure is Throwable, the exception is wrapped in a
RuntimeException and rethrown.

If the last result is a TIMEOUT-ERROR, a runtime exception is thrown.  Otherwise, the failure
value itself is returned as the result.
sourceraw docstring


(retry? job failure-value)

Inputs: [job failure-value :- s/Any] Returns: (s/enum :ABORT-MAX-RETRIES :ABORT-FATAL-ERROR :RETRY-FAILURE :RETRY-TIMEOUT)

Something failed. Examine the retry count and exact failure cause and determine if we can retry the operation. Internal API only; public so we can document using Schema and test.

Inputs: [job failure-value :- s/Any]

Something failed.  Examine the retry count and exact failure cause and determine if we can
retry the operation.  Internal API only; public so we can document using Schema and test.
sourceraw docstring




(seq<- failure)

Inputs: [failure :- (s/pred failure? "(failure? failure) is truthy")] Returns: [Throwable]

Converts failures into seqs of exceptions. If the failure is already an exception (the common case), it returns a seq starting with the root exception, and recursively including (.getCause e) until there are no more causes.

If the failure is a seq, ensures that the result is a seq of excetions.

If the failure isn't already an exception or a seq, it is converted into one first using ex-info. In this case, the :cause in the ex-info map will be the original failure object.

Inputs: [failure :- (s/pred failure? "(failure? failure) is truthy")]
Returns: [Throwable]

Converts failures into seqs of exceptions.  If the failure is already an exception (the common case),
it returns a seq starting with the root exception, and recursively including (.getCause e)
until there are no more causes.

If the failure is a seq, ensures that the result is a seq of excetions.

If the failure isn't already an exception or a seq, it is converted into one first using ex-info.  In this case,
the :cause in the ex-info map will be the original failure object.
sourceraw docstring


(set-global-metalogger f)

Inputs: [f :- (=> s/Any [s/Keyword s/Any])] Returns: s/Any

Set the clj-foundation metalogger globally. f must be a function of type (=> s/Any [s/Keyword s/Any])

Inputs: [f :- (=> s/Any [s/Keyword s/Any])]
Returns: s/Any

Set the clj-foundation metalogger globally.  f must be a function of type
(=> s/Any [s/Keyword s/Any])
sourceraw docstring


(stack-trace<- e)

Inputs: [e :- Throwable] Returns: s/Str

Returns the stack trace(s) associated with e and its (.getCause)s as a String.

Inputs: [e :- Throwable]
Returns: s/Str

Returns the stack trace(s) associated with e and its (.getCause)s as a String.
sourceraw docstring




(throw-or value message f)

Inputs: [value :- s/Any message :- s/Str f :- (=> s/Any [s/Any])] Returns: s/Any

If value is a failure, wrap and throw it in an IllegalStateException with the specified message, else run function on the value and return the result

Inputs: [value :- s/Any message :- s/Str f :- (=> s/Any [s/Any])]
Returns: s/Any

If value is a failure, wrap and throw it in an IllegalStateException
with the specified message, else run function on the value and return the
sourceraw docstring


A timeout error value

A timeout error value
sourceraw docstring


(timeout? e)

True if (= TIMEOUT-ERROR e)

True if (= TIMEOUT-ERROR e)
sourceraw docstring


(trace & more)

Like str but prepends the namespace and line/column of the call site.

Like str but prepends the namespace and line/column of the call site.
sourceraw docstring


(try* body)
(try* body default-value-if-failure)

A variant of try that translates exceptions into return values or a specified default value. Note that body must be a single statement. If you need more than that, then wrap your statement inside a "do".

A variant of try that translates exceptions into return values or a
specified default value.  Note that body must be a single statement.
If you need more than that, then wrap your statement inside a "do". 
sourceraw docstring


(try*-timeout-millis timeout-millis & body)

Execute body with a specified timeout inside a try* block so that thrown exceptions are returned.

On success, returns the result of executing body. On failure, returns either the failure exception or TIMEOUT-ERROR on timeout.

Execute body with a specified timeout inside a try* block so that thrown exceptions
are returned.

On success, returns the result of executing body.  On failure, returns either the
failure exception or TIMEOUT-ERROR on timeout.
sourceraw docstring

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