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HTTP Router

If you’re using the default configuration of HellHound HTTP package (hellhound.components.webserver/default-factory). then you don’t need to learn about the router and can safely skip this section.,

This section contains Pedestal’s router reference which modified a little bit based on HellHound requirements.

HellHound uses Pedestal Router for HTTP routing, So everything you read in this section is applicable to your HellHound application as well.

Routes vs. Routers

HellHound distinguishes between routes and routers.

"Routes" are data that describe a structure of decisions to be made in handling requests.

"Routers" are the functions (supplied as Interceptors) that analyze incoming requests against the routes.

Pedestal uses protocols to connect routes to routers. Either can be varied independently.


Routes are data used by routers. The verbose syntax is the form used directly by routers. The table and terse syntaxes are convenient forms that can be expanded into the verbose syntax.

Users are free to describe routes however they like, so long as the data that reaches the router is in the verbose syntax.

The built in syntaxes are expanded by expand-routes polymorphically on the argument type:

Argument to expand-routesSyntax used







hellhound.http.route/expand-routes is an alias for io.pedestal.http.route/expand-routes

Verbose Syntax

The verbose syntax is a list of maps, with the following structure.

  {:route-name :new-user
   :app-name   :example-app        ; optional
   :path       "/user/:id/*blah"   ; like Ruby on Rails
                                   ; (catch-all route is "/*path")
   :method     :post               ; or :any, :get, :put, ...
   :scheme     :https              ; optional
   :host       ""       ; optional
   :port       "8080"              ; optional
   :interceptors [...]             ; vector of interceptors to be enqueued on the context

   ;; Generated for path-matching:
   :path-re           #"/\Quser\E/([^/]+)/(.+)"
   :path-parts        ["user" :id :blah]
   :path-params       [:id :blah]
   :path-constraints  {:id "([^/]+)"
                       :blah "(.+)"}
   :query-constraints {:name #".+"
                       :search #"[0-9]+"}

:route-name must be unique.

The keys :path-re, :path-parts, :path-params, and :path-constraints are derived from the :path.

Users will not generally write routes directly in verbose format.

Table Syntax

Table syntax is expanded by expand-routes into the full (verbose) syntax shown above.

When the argument to expand-routes is a set, it will be expanded using the table syntax.

In table syntax, each route is a vector of:

  1. Path string

  2. Verb. One of :any, :get, :put, :post, :delete, :patch, :options, :head

  3. Handler or vector of interceptors

  4. Optional route name clause

  5. Optional constraint clause

  ["/user/:id/*blah"  :post  [...] :route-name :new-user :constraints {:id #"[0-9]+"}]

The :host, :port, :app-name, and :scheme are provided in a map that applies to all routes in the list.

  #{{:host "" :scheme :https}
    ["/user/:id/*blah"  :post  [...] :route-name :new-user :constraints {:id #"[0-9]+"}]})

When multiple routes use the same path, they must differ by both verb and route name.

    ["/user/:id"  :post new-user  :route-name :new-user  :constraints {:id #"[0-9]+"}]
    ["/user/:id"  :get  view-user :route-name :view-user :constraints {:id #"[0-9]+"}]

If the last interceptor in the chain has a name, or you supply a symbol that resolves to a function or named interceptor, then the route name will be derived from that.

    ;; Route names will be taken from the symbols
    (defn new-user [request] ,,,)
    (defn view-user [request] ,,,)

      #{["/user/:id"  :post [,,, `new-user]  :constraints {:id #"[0-9]+"}]
        ["/user/:id"  :get  [,,, `view-user] :constraints {:id #"[0-9]+"}]})

    ;; Route names will be taken from the interceptors
    (def new-user-intc {:name :new-user :enter (fn [context] ,,,)})
    (def view-user-intc {:name :view-user :enter (fn [context] ,,,)})

      #{["/user/:id"  :post [,,, new-user-intc]  :constraints {:id #"[0-9]+"}]
        ["/user/:id"  :get  [,,, view-user-intc] :constraints {:id #"[0-9]+"}]})

Terse Syntax

Terse syntax is expanded by expand-routes into the full (verbose) syntax shown above.

When the argument to expand-routes is a vector, it will be expanded using the terse syntax.

In the terse format, a route table is a vector of nested vectors. Each top-level vector describes an "application". The application vector contain the following elements:

  • (Optional) A keyword identifying the application by name

  • (Optional) A URL scheme

  • (Optional) A host name

  • One or more nested vectors specifying routes

;; Application vector with one route vector (which has one route)
[[:hello-world :http ""
 ["/hello-world" {:get hello-world}]]]

Route vectors can be nested arbitrarily deep. Each vector adds a path segment. The nesting structure of the route vectors maps to the hierarchic tree structure of the routes.

Each route vector contains the following:

  1. A path segment. This must begin with a slash.

  2. (Optional) Interceptor metadata for the verb map.

  3. (Optional) Constraint metadata for the verb map.

  4. A verb map

  5. Zero or more child route vectors

The allowed keys in a verb map are:

  • :get

  • :put

  • :post

  • :delete

  • :any

The value of each key is either a handler function or a list of interceptors.

Each verb in the verb map defines a route on the path. This example defines four routes.

[[:hello-world :http ""
 ["/order" {:get list-orders
            :post create-order}
   ["/:id" {:get view-order
            :put update-order}]]]

Interceptor metadata applies to every route in the verb map. In this example load-order-from-db applies to both the :get and :put routes for the path "/order/:id"

[[:hello-world :http ""
 ["/order" {:get list-orders
            :post create-order}
   ["/:id" ^{:interceptors [load-order-from-db]
             :constraints  {:id #"[0-9]+"}}
           {:get view-order
            :put update-order}]]]

(Recall that metadata is attached to the next data structure read. The metadata with constraints and interceptors will be attached to the verb map.)

If multiple routes have the same handler, you will need to distinguish them by providing route names. (This is necessary so URL generation knows which route to use.) A route name is a keyword that goes in the first position of an interceptor vector in the verb map. In the following example, both POST routes have the same handler. We provide the keywords :post-without-id and :post-by-id to distinguish the routes.

[[:hello-world :http ""
 ["/order" {:get  list-orders
            :post [:post-without-id create-order]}
   ["/:id" {:get  query-order
            :post [:post-by-id create-order]}]]]


When your application starts a Pedestal service with create-servlet or create-server, Pedestal creates a router, using the following keys from the service map:



Routes as described above


Key to select a router, or a function that constructs a router

When the value of :io.pedestal.http/router is a keyword, it selects one of the built in routers:

  • :map-tree

  • :prefix-tree

  • :linear-search

RouterPerformanceScaling in # RoutesLimitations

Map Tree

Very fast


Applies when all routes are static. Falls back to prefix tree if any routes have path parameters or wildcards.

Prefix Tree

High performance, space efficient


Wildcard routes always win over explicit paths in the same subtree. E.g., /path/:wild will always match, even if /path/user is defined

Linear Search

Lowest performance


Routes are checked in order. Precedence is precise.

Custom Router

When the value of :io.pedestal.http/router is a function, that function is used to construct a router. The function must take one argument: the collection of fully expanded routes. It must return something that satisfies the Router protocol.

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