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Upgradable Transactions (added in version 1.4.0)


Upgradable transactions begin as read transaction but upgrade into write transaction when a function is called that would modify the database. If possible, this upgrade is performed seamlessly. However, if, prior to upgrading, the transaction reads from a path that has since been (potentially) modified by another concurrent transaction, the body of the transaction will be restarted from the beginning (as a write transaction). This behavior can be overridden by setting the :throw-on-upgrade option (details below).

To create an upgradable transaction you use the with-upgradable-transaction macro which has the form ([[database tx-symbol & {:keys [prefix result-path throw-on-upgrade]}] & body]). This is similar to the with-read-transaction & with-write-transaction macros with two additional optional keyword arguments:

  • :result-path - if this option is supplied the transaction will return the result of calling (get-at tx <:result-path>) after the body is executed (but still within the scope of the transaction.) If this option is not supplied, with-upgradable-transaction evaluates to nil
  • :throw-on-upgrade - if this option is truthy the transaction will not be automatically restarted if a conflict is detected. Instead an clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo will be thrown that contains the ex-data: {:codax/upgraded-transaction <tx>}.
    • You must catch the exception outside the transaction and initiate a new transaction.

Modification functions that will trigger an upgrade from a read to a write transaction include:

  • assoc-at
  • update-at
  • merge-at
  • dissoc-at


Basic Use

(def db (c/open-database! "data/demo-database"))

(defn maybe-update-a
  "If the value at `[:a]` in `db` is not= `value` then set it to `value`
  and increment the `:change-counter`.

  Return the final value of `:change-counter`"
  [db value]
  (c/with-upgradable-transaction [db tx :result-path [:change-counter]]
    (if (= value (c/get-at tx [:a]))
      (-> tx
        (c/update-at [:change-counter] (fn [b] (if b (inc b) 1)))
        (c/assoc-at [:a] value)))))

(def db (c/open-database! "data/demo-database"))

(maybe-update-a db "hello")
;; => 1

(maybe-update-a db "hello")
;; => 1

(maybe-update-a db "world")
;; => 2

(c/destroy-database! db)

Fetching a Result

(def db (c/open-database! "data/demo-database"))

(c/with-upgradable-transaction [db tx :result-path [:my-result]]
  (c/assoc-at tx [:my-result] 12345)))

;; => 12345

(c/destroy-database! db)

Conflicting Interleaved Transactions

(def db (c/open-database! "data/demo-database"))

(let [tx1-read-checkpoint (promise)
      tx2-write-checkpoint (promise)
        (c/with-upgradable-transaction [db tx]
          (c/get-at tx [:somewhere]) ; read value at [:somewhere]
          (print "A. this will print twice because the transaction is restarted when it attempts")
          (print " to upgrade because the interleaved write transaction modified a path, [:something],")
          (println " that this transaction had already read." )
          (deliver tx1-read-checkpoint :complete)
          (deref tx2-write-checkpoint) ; wait for tx2 to write to [:somewhere]
          (let [result-tx (c/assoc-at tx [:somewhere-else] :something)] ; try to write to [:somewhere]
            (println "C. but this will only print once because it occurs after the transaction has upgraded")
        (c/with-write-transaction [db tx] ; (this could also be an upgradable transaction)
          (deref tx1-read-checkpoint) ; wait for tx1 to read from [:somewhere]
          (println "B. interleave a write that conflicts with the other transaction's previous read")
          (c/assoc-at tx [:somewhere] :something-else))
        (deliver tx2-write-checkpoint :complete)

;; A. this will print twice...
;; B. interleave a write...
;; A. this will print twice...
;; C. but this will only print once...
;; => [nil nil]

(c/destroy-database! db)

Non-conflicting Interleaved Transactions

(def db (c/open-database! "data/demo-database"))

(let [tx1-read-checkpoint (promise)
      tx2-write-checkpoint (promise)
        (c/with-upgradable-transaction [db tx]
          (c/get-at tx [:somewhere]) ; read value at [:somewhere]
          (println "A. this will only print once since there is no conflict.")
          (deliver tx1-read-checkpoint :complete)
          (deref tx2-write-checkpoint) ; wait for tx2 to write to [:somewhere-else]
          (let [result-tx (c/assoc-at tx [:somewhere] :something)]
            (println "C. and this will also only print once.")
        (c/with-write-transaction [db tx] ; (this could also be an upgradable transaction)
          (deref tx1-read-checkpoint) ; wait for tx1 to read from [:somewhere]
          (println "B. interleave an unrelated write")
          (c/assoc-at tx [:somewhere-else] :something-else))
        (deliver tx2-write-checkpoint :complete)

;; A. this will only print once...
;; B. interleave a write...
;; C. and this will also only print once.
;; => [nil nil]

(c/destroy-database! db)

Custom Conflict Handling

(def db (c/open-database! "data/demo-database"))

(let [tx1-read-checkpoint (promise)
      tx2-write-checkpoint (promise)
          (c/with-upgradable-transaction [db tx :throw-on-upgrade true]
            (c/get-at tx [:somewhere]) ; read value at [:somewhere]
            (deliver tx1-read-checkpoint :complete)
            (deref tx2-write-checkpoint) ; wait for tx2 to write to [:somewhere]
            (c/assoc-at tx [:somewhere] :something)) ; try to write to [:somewhere]
          (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
            (if (:codax/upgraded-transaction (ex-data e))
              (println "Someone else wrote to [:somewhere]! I'll just give up and do nothing")
              (throw e)))))
        (c/with-write-transaction [db tx] ; (this could also be an upgradable transaction)
          (deref tx1-read-checkpoint) ; wait for tx1 to read from [:somewhere]
          (c/assoc-at tx [:somewhere] :something-else))
        (deliver tx2-write-checkpoint :complete)

;; Someone else wrote to [:somewhere]...
;; => [nil nil]

(c/destroy-database! db)

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