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Utilities for working with Datomic.


Running in production at 6Pages but unstable and subject to change. Let's call it an early release.


The most interesting features in the library are:

  1. transacting deep entities
  2. schema migrations
  3. query abstraction

transacting deep entities

You have a schema that includes deeply nested data, like this entity:

{:blog/posts [
  {:post/title "Crypto eats compute"
   :post/tags [{:tag/name "Cryptocurrencies"}]}
  {:post/title "Machine learning eats compute"
   :post/tags [{:tag/name "Machine Learning"}]}]}

Let's say that the :tag/name attribute is intended to be unique (:db.unique/identity) and an entity with :tag/name "Machine Learning" already exists in the database.

You want to transact this entity, but it's not a single entity. This is actually 5 entities. One is already in the database. To transact it, you would need to:

(d/q db '[:find ?e :where [?e :tag/name "Machine Learning"]]) => 1234

(d/transact db
    [{:db/id "-9874" :tag/name "Cryptocurrencies"}
     {:db/id "-9875"
      :post/title "Machine learning eats compute"
      :post/tags [1234]}
     {:db/id "-9876"
      :post/title "Crypto eats compute"
      :post/tags ["-9874"]}
     {:blog/posts ["-9876" "-9875"]}])

If you also needed the newly created :db/id of the :blog entity, then you would need to go extract it from the d/transact results or make another database query.

These are all things that com.6pages.datomic.transact/entity->transact! does for you. When you give it an entity to transact, this happens:

  • walks the entity to pull out all the child entities
  • check if any of the entities are already in the database (based on attribute uniqueness constraints)
    • if already in the database, determine only attributes that are new or different
  • after the transaction, it updates all the result :db/id's back into the same entity structure

And, it does all this fast. For example, entity->transact! uses core.async/pipeline to run all the queries. Performance was a significant part of the inspiration for this library; querying for dozens of entities on a single thread can be slow.

schema migrations

Datomic recommends that we grow our schema and never break it. However, they leave it up to us (the user) to decide how to manage the migrations of schema accumulation.

This library includes a simple solution.

  • Your application code keeps a collection of schemas
  • com.6pages.datomic.schema stores an applied schema version number in Datomic
  • whenever you add new schemas (new schema version), com.6pages.datomic.schema/update! will make sure that all schema collections have been transacted up to the most recent version

Here's what a collection of schemas might look like:

 ;; version 0
  ;; schema
  {:db/ident       :com.6pages.datomic.schema/version
   :db/valueType   :db.type/long
   :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]

 ;; version 1
  ;; Person
  {:db/ident       :person/id
   :db/valueType   :db.type/uuid
   :db/unique      :db.unique/identity
   :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
  {:db/ident       :person/name
   :db/valueType   :db.type/string
   :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]

 ;; version 2
  {:db/ident       :person/friend
   :db/valueType   :db.type/ref
   :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}]

You must explicitly define the attribute storing the schema version in your first version (there's a validation exception if you forget).

As you need to add more schema definitions, you simply add another version collection and run com.6pages.datomic.schema/update! on all your databases.

query abstraction

The most of my Datomic query look like:

  '[:find (pull ?e [*])
    :in $ ?id
    [?e ::id ?id]]

This library has some simple abstractions to build these types of queries.

(ns person
  (:require [com.6pages.datomic :as d]))
(def opts
  {:client (d/client {}) :db-name "dev"})
(d/p-> opts ['*] [[::id id]]) ;; single result

(d/p->> opts ['*] [[::name "Bob"]]) ;; collection of results


In a Clojure project

  1. add to dependencies

  2. require in a namespace

(ns person
    [com.6pages.datomic :as d]
    [com.6pages.datomic.schema :as ds]
    [com.6pages.datomic.transact :as dt]))
  1. build Datomic client options
(def opts
  {:db-name "dev"
    ;; use your own Datomic client config
    {:server-type :dev-local
     :system "datomic-samples"})})
  1. apply your schema
(def schemas [
  [{:db/ident       :com.6pages.datomic.schema/version
    :db/valueType   :db.type/long
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]
  [{:db/ident       :person/id
    :db/valueType   :db.type/uuid
    :db/unique      :db.unique/identity
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
   {:db/ident       :person/name
    :db/valueType   :db.type/string
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]])
(ds/update! opts schemas)
  1. transact!
(def transact-opts
  {:schemas schemas
   :unique-attrs (ds/schemas->unique-attrs schemas)})
(def entity
    opts transact-opts
    [{:person/id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
      :person/name "Ada"}]))

REPL and tests

  1. setup dev-local
  2. clj -A:local -A:dev (you may also want to add a REPL server, if you're into that sort of thing)

Questions (FAQ)

I don't want entity->transact! to issue the transaction. Can I just get the generated facts?

Yes. See com.6pages.datomic.transact/entity->delta-facts.

How performant is entity->transact!?

Ideally, we would have some tests which show the difference in performance (soon to come). You can run your own test, like this:

(ns user
  (:require [com.6pages.datomic :as d]
            [com.6pages.datomic.transact :as dt]))

(def datomic-opts
  {:client (d/client {}) :db-name "dev"})
(def schemas []) ;; load your schemas
(def transact-opts
    {:schemas schemas
     :unique-attrs (ds/schemas->unique-attrs schemas)})

(def entity {
 ;; generate a deep entity...

(defn entity->retract!
  (let [topts (dt/opts->ensure transact-opts)]
      (->> e
           (dt/entity->flatten topts)
           (mapv dt/entity->retract-fact))))

;; single thread
(def entity-transacted
      (assoc transact-opts :async false)
(entity->retract! entity-transacted)

;; async
(def entity-transacted2
(entity->retract! entity-transacted2)

Datomic's transactor has many features. Does it handle X?

Probably not, but augmenting the library is open for discussion. Some already considered directions are:

CAS (compare and set)

You have a database with a heavy transactor load or high likelyhood of entities changing in a short period of time. If there's a change in the database between the time that entity->transact! is called and the time that the transaction is issued.

transaction functions

No current support but if you have ideas for adding support, then please send issues/PRs.

Related work


Copyright © 2021 6Pages Inc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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