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Returns the product of all the arguments

Returns the product of all the arguments
sourceraw docstring


Returns the sum of all arguments

Returns the sum of all arguments
sourceraw docstring


Returns the difference of the first argument and the sum of all rest do the arguments

Returns the difference of the first argument and the
sum of all rest do the arguments
sourceraw docstring


(/ x)
(/ x y)
(/ x y & more)

Return the quotient of the first argument and the product of all other arguments.

Return the quotient of the first argument and the
product of all other arguments. 
sourceraw docstring


Return true if each argument is smaller than the following ones.

Return true if each argument is smaller than the following ones.
sourceraw docstring


Return true if each argument is smaller than or equal to the following ones.

Return true if each argument is smaller than or equal to the following ones.
sourceraw docstring


Return true if all arguments are equal.

Return true if all arguments are equal.
sourceraw docstring


Return true if each argument is larger than the following ones.

Return true if each argument is larger than the following ones.
sourceraw docstring


Return true if each argument is larger than or equal to the following ones.

Return true if each argument is larger than or equal to the following ones.
sourceraw docstring


Return the absolute value of x. If x is a BigDecimal, abs takes an optional math-context argument.

Return the absolute value of `x`. If `x` is a BigDecimal, abs takes an
optional `math-context` argument.
sourceraw docstring


(approx= x y eps)

Return true if the absolute value of the difference between x and y is less than eps.

Return true if the absolute value of the difference between x and y
is less than eps.
sourceraw docstring


(arity-dispatch x)
(arity-dispatch x y)
(arity-dispatch x y & more)


Return the quotient of the first argument and the product of all other arguments

Return the quotient of the first argument and the
product of all other arguments
sourceraw docstring


(fn-average f rng)
(fn-average f lower upper)
(fn-average f lower upper n)

Maps f across all the elements in rng and computes the average of the outputs. Instead of range, upper and lower can be provided, with an optional number of steps (default: 100) (see linspace).

Maps `f` across all the elements in `rng` and computes the average of
the outputs.  Instead of range, upper and lower can be provided,
with an optional number of steps (default: 100) (see linspace).
sourceraw docstring


(interpolate data)
(interpolate data x-key y-key)

Given data that consists of a sequence of collections (typically maps or tuples), this function will sort it by x-key and return a function that given an arbitrary x-val, will return the interpolated value for y-key.

If x-key and y-key are not provided, they default to first and second, for working with tuples.

If x-val is outside the range of the x-key values for the data, the outermost y value is returned.

Given `data` that consists of a sequence of collections (typically
maps or tuples), this function will sort it by `x-key` and return a
function that given an arbitrary `x-val`, will return the
interpolated value for `y-key`.

If `x-key` and `y-key` are not provided, they default to `first` and
`second`, for working with tuples.

If `x-val` is outside the range of the x-key values for the data,
the outermost y value is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(linspace lower upper n)

Outputs a range with n equally spaced elements, the first one being lower and the last one being upper.

Outputs a range with `n` equally spaced elements, the first one being
`lower` and the last one being `upper`.
sourceraw docstring


(max x)
(max x y)
(max x y & more)

Returns the greatest of its arguments.

Returns the greatest of its arguments.
sourceraw docstring


(min x)
(min x y)
(min x y & more)

Returns the least of its arguments.

Returns the least of its arguments.
sourceraw docstring


Return true if x is negative.

Return true if `x` is negative.
sourceraw docstring


(not= & args)

Equivalent to (not (= ...)).

Equivalent to (not (= ...)).
sourceraw docstring


Return true if x is positive.

Return true if `x` is positive.
sourceraw docstring


Return the power of x.

Return the power of `x`.
sourceraw docstring


Returns a rounded value of x. If x is a BigDecimal, a math-context argument is required. If x is a Ratio, it is converted to a Double before rounding. If a x is a Ratio and a math-context is provided, it is converted to a BigDecimal before rounding.

Returns a rounded value of `x`. If `x` is a BigDecimal, a `math-context`
argument is required. If `x` is a Ratio, it is converted to a Double before
rounding. If a `x` is a Ratio and a `math-context` is provided, it is
converted to a BigDecimal before rounding.
sourceraw docstring


Return the square root of x.

Return the square root of `x`.
sourceraw docstring


Returns the same type or unit-type with a value of zero.

Returns the same type or unit-type with a value of zero.
sourceraw docstring


Return true if x is zero.

Return true if `x` is zero.
sourceraw docstring

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