(cp src
{:keys [overwrite copy-attributes]
:or {overwrite true copy-attributes true}})
(create-temp-dir prefix)
(create-temp-dir path prefix)
(directory? path)
(ensure-temp-dir & body)
Create temporary directory in os-appropriate location. Useful when body code expects it to be available for file-caching but is running in a scratch container. The temporary directory is deleted when exiting scope.
Create temporary directory in os-appropriate location. Useful when body code expects it to be available for file-caching but is running in a scratch container. The temporary directory is deleted when exiting scope.
(file? path)
(image? path)
(ls path & {:keys [recursive]})
(mime-type path)
(mkdir path & {:keys [recursive]})
(mv src dest & {:keys [overwrite] :or {overwrite true}})
(rm path & {:keys [recursive]})
(truncate path)
(video? path)
(with-temp bindings & body)
bindings => [name [name "<file-name>"] ...] Evaluates body name(s) bound to temporary java.io.File objects in a location appropriate for the operating system. The temporary files are deleted when exiting scope.
bindings => [name [name "<file-name>"] ...] Evaluates body name(s) bound to temporary java.io.File objects in a location appropriate for the operating system. The temporary files are deleted when exiting scope.
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