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Change Log

0.0.1 - 2024-03-11


  • Initial project setup with Clojure namespace and required dependencies.
  • Basic structure for Deta database operations, including base and put functions.
  • Initial implementation of base function to validate and construct a base URL for Deta database operations.
  • put function to insert data into a Deta database, with support for optional key and handling of different data types.
  • Refined error handling in base function to provide more specific error messages.
  • Enhanced put function to handle different data formats and include an optional key for data items.

0.0.2 - 2024-03-11


  • Initial project setup with Clojure namespace and required dependencies.
  • Basic structure for Deta database operations, including base and put functions.
  • Initial implementation of base function to validate and construct a base URL for Deta database operations.
  • put function to insert data into a Deta database, with support for optional key and handling of different data types.
  • Refined error handling in base function to provide more specific error messages.
  • Enhanced put function to handle different data formats and include an optional key for data items.
  • Documentation for installation, getting started, example usage, and testing.
  • New get function to retrieve data from the Deta database.
  • Test cases for get function to ensure reliability and correctness.


  • Updated installation instructions to include Leiningen/Boot, Clojure CLI/deps.edn, Gradle, and Maven methods.
  • Simplified the process of initializing a database connection by providing a single example.
  • Improved error handling in put function to better manage invalid inputs and server responses.
  • Updated the base function to include :throw-exceptions false in the request headers, preventing exceptions from being thrown on server errors.


  • Removed redundant installation instructions from the README.
  • Removed outdated or unused code snippets and examples.

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