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(delete client profile-id report-id)

Deletes a report by provided profile-id and report-id.

Deletes a report by provided `profile-id` and `report-id`.
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(get-by-id client profile-id report-id)

Returns a report by provided profile-id and report-id.

Returns a report by provided `profile-id` and `report-id`.
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(get-list client profile-id opts)

Returns list of reports.

The result can be altered using various opts, which are described in the official documentation: [[]].

Options should be provided as a map with kebab-case keys.

Returns list of reports.

The result can be altered using various `opts`, which are described
in the official
documentation: [[]].

Options should be provided as a map with kebab-case keys.
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(insert client profile-id report)

Creates a report.

Creates a report.
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(patch client profile-id report-id content)

Updates an existing report.

This method supports patch semantics.

Updates an existing report.

This method supports patch semantics.
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(put client profile-id report-id content)

Updates an existing report.

Updates an existing report.
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(run client profile-id report-id opts)

Runs a report.

By default report is run asynchronously, this can be altered by providing option :synchronous true as a last argument.

Runs a report.

By default report is run asynchronously, this can be altered by
providing option `:synchronous true` as a last argument.
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