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(create client query)

Create a new query.

Create a new query.
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(delete client query-id)

Deletes a query by query-id as well as the associated reports.

Deletes a query by `query-id` as well as the associated reports.
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(get-by-id client query-id)

Return a single query by query-id.

Return a single query by `query-id`.
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(get-list client opts)

Return a list of all saved queries.

Return a list of all saved queries.
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(run client query-id run-query-request)
(run client query-id run-query-request synchronous)

Run a stored query to generate a report.

Query can be run in synchronously or asynchronously. This behavior is controlled by synchronous parameter. When true, this funcrtion will not return until the query has finished running. When false or not doubleclick-specified, this function will return immediately.

Run a stored query to generate a report.

Query can be run in synchronously or asynchronously. This behavior
is controlled by `synchronous` parameter. When true, this funcrtion
will not return until the query has finished running. When false or
not doubleclick-specified, this function will return immediately.
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