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(encode-collection es gen)


(encode-keyword x gen)


(encode-str o gen)


(module {:keys [handlers]})

Create a Jackson Databind module to support losslessly encoded tagged values.

This provides both encoders and decoders and is a means of using jsonista to replace something like transit, while still maintaining support for more EDN types. Types are encoded using a JSON list and a customizable tag. For example, :foo/bar would serialize to ["!kw", "foo/bar"] by default, where the first string in the JSON list is a tag for what follows.

(def mapper (j/object-mapper
              {:decode-key-fn true
               :modules [(jt/module
                           {:handlers {Keyword {:tag "!kw"
                                                :encode jt/encode-keyword
                                                :decode keyword}
                                       PersistentHashSet {:tag "!set"
                                                          :encode jt/encode-collection
                                                          :decode set}}})]}))

(-> {:kikka #{:kukka :kakka}} (j/write-value-as-string mapper) (doto prn) (j/read-value mapper)) ; prints "{"kikka":["!set",[["!kw","kukka"],["!kw","kakka"]]]}" ; => {:kikka #{:kukka :kakka}}

Create a Jackson Databind module to support losslessly encoded tagged values.

This provides both encoders and decoders and is a means of using jsonista to replace something
like transit, while still maintaining support for more EDN types. Types are encoded using a JSON
list and a customizable tag. For example, `:foo/bar` would serialize to `["!kw", "foo/bar"]`
by default, where the first string in the JSON list is a tag for what follows.

    (def mapper (j/object-mapper
                  {:decode-key-fn true
                   :modules [(jt/module
                               {:handlers {Keyword {:tag "!kw"
                                                    :encode jt/encode-keyword
                                                    :decode keyword}
                                           PersistentHashSet {:tag "!set"
                                                              :encode jt/encode-collection
                                                              :decode set}}})]}))

   (-> {:kikka #{:kukka :kakka}}
       (j/write-value-as-string mapper)
       (doto prn)
       (j/read-value mapper))
   ; prints "{\"kikka\":[\"!set\",[[\"!kw\",\"kukka\"],[\"!kw\",\"kakka\"]]]}"
   ; => {:kikka #{:kukka :kakka}}
raw docstring


(serializer tag encoder)

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