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Core delta sharing client protocol

Core delta sharing client protocol
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Marker protocol that indicates an object is a valid delta-sharing client interface.

Marker protocol that indicates an object is a valid delta-sharing client interface.


(read-table-data client share schema table opts)

Returns a list of data files along with other metadata about the table and protocol.

Returns a list of data files along with other metadata about the table and protocol.


(query-table-version client share schema table opts)

Returns information about the version of a table.

Returns information about the version of a table.


(list-shares client opts)

Returns a list of all shares accessible to the recipient.

Returns a list of all shares accessible to the recipient.


(list-schema-tables client share schema opts)

Returns a list of tables in a schema.

Returns a list of tables in a schema.


(get-share client share)

Returns the information about a share.

Returns the information about a share.


(list-share-tables client share opts)

Returns a list of tables within all schemas of a share.

Returns a list of tables within all schemas of a share.


(list-share-schemas client share opts)

Returns a list of all the shemas in a share.

Returns a list of all the shemas in a share.


(read-change-data-feed client share schema table opts)

Returns a list of change data files along with other metadata about the table and protocol.

Returns a list of change data files along with other metadata about the table and protocol.


(query-table-metadata client share schema table opts)

Returns information about a table's metadata.

Returns information about a table's metadata.
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