A control flow handler defines a collection of functions which determine how requests and responses are handled through the Vault client. The goal of this is to enable consumers to decide whether they want the simplicity of synchronous (blocking) calls to Vault, the flexibility of async calls, or something more sophisticated such as tracing or automatic retries.
The library provides three flow handlers out of the box:
This is the default handler and blocks the calling thread until a result is ready. This is the simplest option, and matches the behavior in 1.x.
This handler returns a Clojure promise
to the caller, which yields the
result on success or an exception on error. Note that this returns the
exception, which is a little unusual. You can use flow/await
to have this
throw instead.
This handler uses Java's CompletableFuture
as an asynchronous container,
which will yield the result on success or throw an exception on error. Note
that this handler is not supported in Babashka.
To support further extension, the control flow protocol has a notion of an "internal state" which is distinct from the value that is ultimately returned to the caller. The client passes this state around its methods, and it may contain more information such as retries remaining, tracing state, etc.
In very simple cases, the state and the result might be the same - for example,
in the promise-handler
the state is just a promise
which is also returned
to the caller. When the request completes, the promise is fulfilled with either
the success result or the error exception.
This is an example of building a more advanced control-flow handler which:
'[ken.core :as ken]
'[ken.tap :as ktap]
'[ken.trace :as trace]
'[manifold.deferred :as d]
'[manifold.time :as mt]
'[vault.client.flow :as flow])
(deftype AdvancedHandler
[retry-interval retry-duration]
[_ info f]
(let [start (System/nanoTime)
deadline (+ start (* retry-duration 1000 1000))
span (atom (-> info
(assoc :ken.event/label :vault.client/call)
(merge (trace/child-attrs))
result (d/deferred)
result' (d/finally
(bound-fn report
(let [elapsed (/ (- (System/nanoTime) start) 1e6)
event (-> @span
(assoc :ken.event/duration elapsed)
(ktap/send event))))
state {:fn f
:span span
:start start
:deadline deadline
:result result}]
(f state)
[_ state info data]
(trace/with-data (:span state)
(ken/annotate info))
(d/success! (:result state) data))
[_ state info ex]
(trace/with-data (:span state)
(assoc info
:ken.event/label :vault.client/error
:ken.event/level :warn
:ken.event/error ex)))
(if (and (retryable? ex)
(< (+ (System/nanoTime) (* retry-interval 1000 1000))
(:deadline state)))
;; Kick off a new request
(let [f (:fn state)]
(mt/in retry-interval #(f state)))
;; Terminal error or out of retry time.
(d/error! (:result state))))
[_ result]
[_ result timeout-ms timeout-val]
(deref result timeout-ms timeout-val)))
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