Functions for working with lists.
Functions for working with lists.
(add-first xs x)
Adds an entry at the front of the list.
Adds an entry at the front of the list.
(add-last xs x)
Adds an entry at the end of the list.
Adds an entry at the end of the list.
(concat-all lists)
Concatenates a collection of lists.
Concatenates a collection of lists.
(from-array xs)
Like (from xs)
, constructs a list from an array. Extending protocols over
array subtypes is... maybe impossible.
Like `(from xs)`, constructs a list from an array. Extending protocols over array subtypes is... maybe impossible.
(list & args)
Constructs a new list. With arguments, constructs a list of those arguments.
Constructs a new list. With arguments, constructs a list of those arguments.
(set xs n x)
Returns a new list, with the element at idx overwritten with value. If idx is equal to ICollection.size(), the value is appended.
Returns a new list, with the element at idx overwritten with value. If idx is equal to ICollection.size(), the value is appended.
(slice xs start end)
Takes a sub-range of the given list from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive). Linear if this list is linear.
Takes a sub-range of the given list from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive). Linear if this list is linear.
(sort xs)
(sort xs comparator)
Sorts a list, optionally with a comparator.
Sorts a list, optionally with a comparator.
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