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What is this library?

This library is a Clojure wrapper over the Aerospike Java library. The Java Documentation can be found here.

For a complete reference of Aerospike Java client internals I warmly recommend reading the Java client examples.

This library wraps the Java code, hides all Clojure Java interop and supplies a more functional approach to Aerospike. It also adds a few handy features.

A note worth mentioning at the beginning is that the Java client has both synchronous and asynchronous APIs. This library however, only wraps the asynchronous ones. If a synchronous behaviour is still desired, it can be be easily achieved, as shown below.

Also, although possible to combine several namespaces in a single cluster, this library uses a single client object per cluster/client.



For this tutorial we will take advantage of a locally deployed Aerospike DB with docker container. The following command should download and install a docker image with the latest Aerospike image on your machine.

$ sudo docker run -d --name aerospike -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 -p 3002:3002 -p 3003:3003 aerospike"

The DB created contains a single namespace named test. On production, Aerospike is a distributed cluster composed of several nodes.


In order to follow the example further in this tutorial, you should run a Clojure REPL with the library located in the classpath. This can be done:

  • by cloning the library and running a REPL:
$ git clone
$ cd aerospike-clj
$ lein repl
$ lein try aerospike-clj "0.2.1"
user=> (require '[aerospike-clj.client :as aero])
  • -or- by referencing it in your project profiles.clj and running a repl there:
(defproject af-common-rta-aerospike "3.0.0"
  :dependencies [[aerospike-clj "2.0.0"]]
  ; ...


Client creation

First, let's create a client:

user=> (require '[aerospike-clj.client :as aero])
user=> (def c (aero/init-simple-aerospike-client ["localhost"] "test"))
;; Starting aerospike clients for clusters localhost with username null

That's it. A client creation requires only a vector of servers to bootstrap from and a namespace name. Behind the scenes the client constructor is called with a default ClientPolicy. In order to further configure the client for your needs pass a configuration map as the last argument. The map is a flat map of string keys, corresponding to the ClientPolicy class. To use the Java enumerations, simply uppercase the first character:

user=> (def c (aero/init-simple-aerospike-client ["localhost"]
                                                 {"failIfNotConnected" true
                                                  "AuthMode" "INTERNAL"
                                                  "username" nil
                                                  "password" nil
                                                  "maxCommandsInProcess" 0}))
;; Starting aerospike clients for clusters localhost with username null

Currently, almost all configuration (except default batch/info/query/scan policies) can be passed to init-simple-aerospike-client in the conf map. This includes ClientPolicy and EventPolicy configurations, flattened together (e.g maxCommandsInProcess) :

The Java client can cache all API related policies for you, and then uses them when a nil policy is passed to the API call. This is worthwhile because most of the time, the same policies are used throughout the application lifetime. Those caches are initiated with the (mostly sane) defaults. You can change them by creating custom ones:

user=> (require '[aerospike-clj.policy :as policy])
user=> (def new-wp (policy/map->write-policy {"CommitLevel" "COMMIT_MASTER" "sendKey" true}))
user=> (.commitLevel new-wp)
Reflection warning...
#object[com.aerospike.client.policy.CommitLevel 0x2f1f3fef "COMMIT_MASTER"]
user=> (.sendKey new-wp)
Reflection warning...
Important note:

The functions map->policy and map->write-policy are slow due to reflection and are here to save you some Java interop. Since they are slow, do not use them to create one-time-use policies for each API call. Use them just to tweak the defaults:

user=> (def c (aero/init-simple-aerospike-client ["localhost"] "test" {"writePolicyDefault" new-wp}))
user=> (.commitLevel (.writePolicyDefault (aero/get-client c)))
#object[com.aerospike.client.policy.CommitLevel 0x2f1f3fef "COMMIT_MASTER"]

Those AerospikeClient fields are final hence can only be set on client creation, but you can also have a few useful policies defed somewhere and pass them later under the :policy key of the API calls.


Querying is only possible (read: easy) via the asynchronous APIs of the client. aerospike-clj also converts the callback model of the underlying APIs to a future based model (using promesa). This allows users to configure additional logic to happen when the response returns. But first, let's see a simple query:

user=> (require '[aerospike-clj.protocols :as pt])
user=> (def f (pt/get-single c "not-there" "set-name"))
user=> (type f)
user=> (deref f)

Joy! We got a future answer. In this case, the deferred result is nil, since the key "not-there" is missing. Futures can be composed with logic that happens once they are delivered (for a complete documentation, see promesa's docs here. Behold:

user=> (require '[promesa.core :as p])
user=> (p/then (pt/get-single c "index" "set-name")
  #_=>         #(if %1 (prn "good!") (prn "not there")))
"not there"

If the record existed we would get an AerospikeRecord:

user=> (pt/put c "index" "set-name" 42 1000)
#object[java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture 0x16283d4b "pending"]
user=> (def f (pt/get-single c "index" "set-name"))
user=> (deref f)
#aerospike_clj.client.AerospikeRecord{:payload 42, :gen 1, :ttl 284805805}

We observe a few new things:

  1. The put API also returns futures. Those will contain the operation's result when it completes.
  2. The put API requires an additional argument, the TTL. Although Aerospike cluster namespaces have a default TTL, and there is also a default TTL in the Java client, we chose to make your life harder here. This is because we believe that TTLs are too important to be default, and programmers must think about them.
  3. In the query result we got a Clojure record with a triplet: :payload with the value, :gen for the record generation, and a :ttl for the record TTL, in Aerospike format. This resembles the Record class. In order to convert the TTL to Unix epoch you can call expiry-unix on it (see below).

Unix epoch TTL

Aerospike returns a TTL on the queried records that is Epoch style, but with a different "beginning of time" which is "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z". Call expiry-unix with the returned TTL to get a TTL reative to UNIX epoch if you want to convert it later to a more standard timestamp.

user=> (-> f
  #_=>     deref
  #_=>     :ttl
  #_=>     aero/expiry-unix
  #_=>     java.time.Instant/ofEpochSecond
  #_=>     str)

Let's do it in an asynchronous manner:

user=> (p/chain (pt/get-single c "index" "set-name")
  #_=>          :ttl
  #_=>          aero/expiry-unix
  #_=>          #(java.time.Instant/ofEpochSecond %)
  #_=>          str
  #_=>          println)
#object[java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture 0x4a9620a9 "pending"]

We got a deferred back and some time later the whole chain of composed logic was triggered. We can also get the result once multiple required records return. We will simply get a sequence of AerospikeRecords once all of them arrive:

user=> (run! #(pt/put c (str %1) "set-name" %1 1000) (range 5))
user=> @(p/then (aero/get-multiple c (map str (range 5)) (repeat "set-name"))
  #_=>          #(map :payload %))
(0 1 2 3 4)
Sync Querying

Since the returned future objects can be easily derefed, simply adding a @ before queries makes them synchronous.

Using Transcoders

The library takes advantage of futures' ability to compose and allows you to configure a :transcoder to conveniently set this logic:

  • get Transcoders are functions of the AerospikeRecord instance, not the deferred value of it.
  • put Transcoders are functions on the passed payload. They are called before the request is even put on the event-loop.
On get:
user=> (pt/put c "index" "set-name" 42 1000)
#object[java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture 0x4a9620a9 "pending"]
user=> (defn inc-transcoder [rec] (when rec
  #_=>                                  (update rec :payload inc)))
user=> (p/chain (pt/get-single c "index" "set-name" {:transcoder inc-transcoder})
  #_=>          :payload
  #_=>          println)
#object[java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture 0x4a9620af "pending"]
On put:

The transcoder here is a function on the payload itself

user=> (pt/put c "17" "set-name" 1 1000 {:transcoder str})
#object[java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture 0x4d025d9b "pending"]
user=> @(pt/get-single c "17" "set-name" {:transcoder #(:payload %1)})

The transcoder option saves some boilerplate and can be easily used to do more useful stuff, like de-serializing or (de)compressing data on the client side.

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