(commit-then-push project-callback commit-message)
project middleware for wrapping an project editor in a commit then push flow project-callback returns chan that will emit either :done or :failure
project middleware for wrapping an project editor in a commit then push flow project-callback returns chan that will emit either :done or :failure
(do-with-detached-head project-callback token ref)
project middleware that does a shallow clone of the ref in a tmp directory to a specific sha returns chan that will emit the value returned by the async project-callback or close if there's a failure
project middleware that does a shallow clone of the ref in a tmp directory to a specific sha returns chan that will emit the value returned by the async project-callback or close if there's a failure
(do-with-files file-callback & patterns)
middleware for project handling - wrap project-callback in file iterator project-callback returns chan which emits vector of callback returns
middleware for project handling - wrap project-callback in file iterator project-callback returns chan which emits vector of callback returns
(do-with-shallow-cloned-project project-callback token ref)
project middleware that does a shallow clone of the ref in a tmp directory returns chan that will emit the value returned by the async project-callback or close if there's a failure
project middleware that does a shallow clone of the ref in a tmp directory returns chan that will emit the value returned by the async project-callback or close if there's a failure
(next-tag-from-show-ref-tags stdout)
(next-version last-tag)
(with-commit-on-branch project-callback {:keys [message]})
(with-pr project-callback {:keys [branch target-branch body title labels]})
(with-tag handler k)
(working-dir-clean? p)
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