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(request {:com.avisi-apps.gaps.http.core/keys [method body headers url base-url
                                               content-type auth query-params]
          :or {method :get content-type :json url "/" headers {}}})

Accepts the following options:

  • ::base-url:
  • ::endpoint: part of the url after the base-url
  • ::method: #{:get :post :put :head :delete}
  • ::query-params: a map
  • ::headers: a map with headers
  • ::content-type: #{:json} is :json by default
  • ::body: The body of the request will get converted to JSON by default
Accepts the following options:
* `::base-url`:
* `::endpoint`: part of the url after the base-url
* `::method`: #{:get :post :put :head :delete}
* `::query-params`: a map
* `::headers`: a map with headers
* `::content-type`: #{:json} is :json by default
* `::body`: The body of the request will get converted to JSON by default
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