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Figwheel Main Configuration Options

This page is a reference for all of the Figwheel configuration options.

You can enter these options in a figwheel-main.edn file that is in the root of your project directory.

Example figwheel-main.edn file:

{:watch-dirs ["src" "admin-src"]
 :css-dirs ["resources/public/css"]}

The options can also be entered as metadata in a Figwheel build file in your project's root directory. The name of a build file has the form [build-id].cljs.edn where [build-id] is an identifier of your choice.

An example dev.cljs.edn build file that supplies figwheel config options.

^{:watch-dirs ["src" "admin-src"]
  :css-dirs ["resources/public/css"]}
{:main example.core}

Any options provided in the metadata of build file will override the options in the figwheel-main.edn file.

Commonly used options (in order of importance)


A list of ClojureScript source directories to be watched and compiled on change.

The directories in :watch-dirs are passed to the compiler as source directories. For this reason, any entry in watch directories must be on the classpath and must point to the root directory of a ClojureScript namespace source tree.

I.E. If your example.core namespace is located at src/cljs/example/core.cljs you cannot use src as an element of :watch-dirs, you must use the path to the root directory of the namespace tree src/cljs.

:watch-dirs ["cljs-src"]


A list of CSS source directories to be watched and reloaded into the browser.

:css-dirs ["resource/public/css"]


A symbol or string indicating a ring-handler to embed in the figwheel.repl server. This aids in quickly getting a dev server up and running. If the figwheel server doesn't meet your needs you can simply start your own server, the figwheel.client will still be able to connect to its websocket endpoint. Default: none

:ring-handler my-project.server/handler


All the options to forward to the ring-jetty-adapter/run-jetty function which figwheel.main uses to run its ring server.

All the available options are documented here:

This will normally be used to set the :port and :host of the server.

Most uses of these options are considered advanced if you find yourself using many of these options you problably need to run your own server outside of figwheel.main.


By default Figwheel engauges a Rebel readline editor when it starts the ClojureScript Repl in the terminal that it is launched in.

This will only work if you have com.bhauman/rebel-readline-cljs in your dependencies.

More about Rebel readline:

Default: true

:rebel-readline false


When :pprint-config is set to true. The figwheel.main will print the computed config information and will terminate the process. Useful for understanding what figwheel.main adds to your configuration before it compiles your build.

Default: false

:pprint-config true


A path to an executable shell script that will be passed a file and line information for a particular compilation error or warning.

A script like this would work ie. in ~/bin/myfile-opener

#! /bin/sh
emacsclient -n +$2:$3 $1

The add this script in your config:

:open-file-command "myfile-opener"

But thats not the best example because Figwheel handles emacsclient as a special case so as long as emacsclient is on the shell path you can simply do:

:open-file-command "emacsclient"

and Figwheel will call emacsclient with the correct args.


Whether to include the figwheel.core library in the build. This enables hot reloading and client notification of compile time errors. Default: true

:figwheel-core false


Whether or not figwheel.core should hot reload compiled ClojureScript. Only has meaning when :figwheel is true. Default: true

:hot-reload-cljs false


Whether or not figwheel.core should reload reload the namespaces that depend on the changed namespaces in addition to the changed namespaces themselves. Only has meaning when :figwheel is true. Default:true

:reload-dependents false


The url that the figwheel repl client will use to connect back to the server.

This url is actually a template that will be filled in. For example the default :connect-url is:


The available template variables are:

For the server side:

[[config-hostname]]  the host supplied in :ring-server-options > :host or "localhost"
[[server-hostname]]  the java.InetAddress localhost name - "Bruces-MacBook-Pro.local" on my machine
[[server-ip]]        the java.InetAddress localhost ip interface - normally 192.168.x.x
[[server-port]]      the port supplied in :ring-server-options > :port or the default port 9500

On the client side:

[[client-hostname]]  the js/location.hostname on the client
[[client-port]]      the js/location.port on the client

If the url starts with a Websocket scheme "ws://" a websocket connection will be established. If the url starts with an http scheme "http" an http long polling connection will be established.


Either a boolean value false or a string that indicates the url that the figwheel repl will open in the browser after the source code has been compiled. A false value will disable this behavior.

The string value is actually a template that can provide optional template variables. For example the default :open-url is:


The available template variables are:

For the server side:

[[server-hostname]]  the host supplied in :ring-server-options > :host or "localhost"
[[server-port]]      the port supplied in :ring-server-options > :port or the default port 9500


Figwheel naively reloads clj and cljc files on the :source-paths. It doesn't reload clj dependent files like tools.namspace.

Figwheel does note if there is a macro in the changed clj or cljc file and then marks any cljs namespaces that depend on the clj file for recompilation and then notifies the figwheel client that these namespaces have changed.

If you want to disable this behavior:

:reload-clj-files false

Or you can specify which suffixes will cause the reloading

:reload-clj-files #{:clj :cljc}


The name of a file to redirect the figwheel.main logging to. This will only take effect when a REPL has been started.

:log-file "figwheel-main.log"


The level to set figwheel.main java.util.logger to. Can be one of: :error :info :debug :trace :all :off

:log-level :error


The log level to set the client side goog.log.Logger to for figwheel.repl and figwheel.core. Can be one of: :severe :warning :info :config :fine :finer :finest

:client-log-level :warning


figwheel.main logging prints out compile time syntax errors which includes displaying the erroneous code. Setting :log-syntax-error-style to :concise will cause the logging to not display the erroneous code. Available options: :verbose, :concise Default: :verbose

:log-syntax-error-style :concise


If there are warnings in your code emitted from the compiler, figwheel does not refresh. If you would like Figwheel to load code even if there are warnings generated set this to true. Default: false

:load-warninged-code true


Figwheel makes an effort to provide colorful text output. If you need to prevent ANSI color codes in figwheel output set :ansi-color-output to false. Default: true

:ansi-color-output false


Whether to validate the figwheel-main.edn and build config (i.e.".cljs.edn") files. Default: true

:validate-config false


Whether to validate the figwheel-main command line options Default: true

:validate-cli false


A String that specifies the target directory component of the path where figwheel.main outputs compiled ClojureScript

The default :output-dir is composed of:


The default :output-to is composed of:


If you are using the default figwheel.repl server to serve compiled assets, it is very important that the :target-dir be on the classpath.

The default value of :target-dir is "target"

:target-dir "cljs-target"


A boolean that indicates whether you want figwheel to automatically launch Node. Defaults to true.


A boolean that indicates whether you want figwheel to enable remote inspection by adding "--inspect" when it launches Node. Defaults to true.


A String indicating the Node.js executable to launch Node with. Defaults to "node"


A boolean that indicates whether to include binaryage/devtools into the your clojurescript build. Defaults to true when the target is a browser and the :optimizations level is :none, otherwise it is false.

:cljs-devtools false


A boolean that indicates whether figwheel should try and be helpful by adding classpaths to help you get started, or whether you want to have complete control over classpaths. Advanced users will want to disable this option.

:helpful-classpaths false

Rarely used options


The figwheel.repl client can direct printed (via pr) output to the repl and or the console. :client-print-to is a list of where you want print output directed. The output choices are :console and :repl Default: [:console :repl]

:client-print-to [:console]


The fighweel server has a notion of a :ring-stack. The :ring-stack is a composition of basic ring-middleware (think sessions) to wrap around a supplied :ring-handler.

The default :ring-stack is a slightly modified ring.middleware.defaults/wrap-defaults


The fighweel.repl server has a notion of a :ring-stack. The :ring-stack is a composition of basic ring-middleware to wrap around a supplied :ring-handler.

The default :ring-stack is a slightly modified ring.middleware.defaults/wrap-defaults.

:ring-stack-options are the options that figwheel.repl supplies to ring.middleware.defaults/wrap-defaults.

The default options are slightly modified from ring.middleware.defaults/site-defaults:

 {:urlencoded true, :multipart true, :nested true, :keywordize true},
 :cookies true,
 {:flash true, :cookie-attrs {:http-only true, :same-site :strict}},
 :static {:resources "public"},
 :responses {:content-types true, :default-charset "utf-8"},
 {:figwheel.server.ring/fix-index-mime-type true,
  :figwheel.server.ring/resource-root-index true,
  :figwheel.server.ring/wrap-no-cache true,
  :ring.middleware.not-modified/wrap-not-modified true,
  :co.deps.ring-etag-middleware/wrap-file-etag true,
  :ring.middleware.cors/wrap-cors true,
  :ring.middleware.stacktrace/wrap-stacktrace true}}

You can override these options by suppling your own to :ring-stack-options

If these options are changed significantly don't be suprised if the figwheel stops behaving correctly :)


The number of milliseconds to wait before issuing reloads. Set this higher to wait longer for changes. This is the interval from when the first file change occurs until we finally issue a reload event.

Default: 50

:wait-time-ms 50


The :mode indicates the behavior that occurs after a compile. Options: :repl :serve or :build-once

  • :repl indicates that repl sill be started
  • :serve indicates that a server will be started
  • :build-once indicates that a compile will not be follwed by any action

This is mainly intended for use when you are launching figwheel.main from a script.

Normally defaults to :repl


Figwheel broadcasts hot reloads to all clients that have connected since the figwheel process has started. Set :broadcast-reload to false if you want to only send hot-reloads to the client where the REPL eval occurs. Default: true

:broadast-reload false


In the past figwheel would broadcast REPL evaluations to all connected clients and then print the first result received in the REPL. Setting :broadcast to true will give you back this legacy behavior. Default: false

:broadcast true


The time (in milliseconds) it takes for the repl to timeout. Evaluating any given expression in cljs can take some time. The repl is configured to throw a timeout exception as to not hang forever.

This config option will determine how long the repl waits for the result of an eval before throwing.

Default: 8000

:repl-eval-timeout 10000 ;;waits for 10 seconds instead of 8


If you need to watch files with polling instead of FS events. This can be useful for certain docker environments.

:hawk-options {:watcher :polling}

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