We're going to walk through setting up a Figwheel build for a React Native project.
When working with React Native you will be using NPM packages. This guide assumes that you have read and understood the Using NPM docs page.
The React Native docs are great and well worth your time.
First you will need to make sure you have React Native and its dependencies installed.
On the environment setup page page you will
want to choose either the React Native CLI
or the Expo CLI
. I
prefer to start with the React Native CLI as there is less complexity
in the tooling to deal with making it easier to figure out what is
going on when you use it. However, Expo
has its benefits and is very
Install your CLI of choice according to the instructions on that page.
Once things are installed you can then follow the instructions below to get an ClojureScript project setup for Figwheel development.
Initialize a project:
For React Native CLI
$ npx react-native init MyAwesomeProject
For Expo CLI
$ npx expo init MyAwesomeProject
In Expo choose either the
This will create an initial React Native project. Before you go any further you will want to ensure that everything is setup so that you can launch and run your application in a simulator.
Change into the MyAwesomeProject
directory and launch a simulator like so:
$ npx react-native run-ios # or run-android
If everything is set up correctly this should launch a phone simulator
with the RN application defined in App.js
This may be a good point to familiarize yourself a bit with React Native development.
If you have any problems with setting up an application please consult the React Native documentation. I really recommend reading all of the React Native documentation as it is well written and will more than likely save you lots of headaches.
If everything is up and running go ahead an close everything so that
we can setup a ClojureScript application that uses figwheel-main
support hot reloading and a REPL.
Now we'll start setting up a basic Figwheel project.
Create a deps.edn
file in the MyAwesomeProject
{:deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.773"}
com.bhauman/figwheel-main {:mvn/version "0.2.12"}}}
Create a ios.cljs.edn
file in the MyAwesomeProject
^{:react-native :cli} ;; use :expo if you are using Expo
{:main awesome.main}
Remember to use :react-native :expo
if you are using Expo.
Create a src/awesome/main.cljs
file in the MyAwesomeProject
(ns awesome.main
(:require [react]
[react-native :as rn]))
(def <> react/createElement)
(defn renderfn [props]
(<> rn/View
#js {:style #js {:backgroundColor "#FFFFFF"
:flex 1
:justifyContent "center"}}
(<> rn/Text
#js {:style #js {:color "black"
:textAlign "center"}}
(str "HELLO"))))
;; the function figwheel-rn-root MUST be provided. It will be called by
;; by the react-native-figwheel-bridge to render your application.
(defn figwheel-rn-root []
(renderfn {}))
We are almost ready to launch our ClojureScript application, however if you are using Expo we'll need to make a few adjustments first.
If you are using Expo edit
and change"main": "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js"
to"main": "index.js"
. Also delete the originalApp.js
file at the root of the project as it leads to compilation problems in certain Expo templates.
Now we are ready to launch our ClojureScript application:
First we will start the figwheel-main
process to compile our project
and create a Websocket for REPL communication.
$ clj -m figwheel.main -b ios -r
Wait for the compile to complete up until the REPL is trying to
start and connect. At this point your ClojureScript code has been
compiled and you are ready to open your application. In another
terminal window change into the MyAwesomeProject
directory and start
using the correct command for your chosen CLI.
Currently for both CLIs you can run:
$ npm run ios
For Android:
$ adb reverse tcp:9500 tcp:9500
$ npm run android
When using figwheel-main
, it will take care of auto refreshing the
application for you when figwheel reloads code.
You can see this behavior by editing the src/awesome/main.cljs
file. Try changing the "HELLO"
. You should see
the application change when you save src/awesome/main.cljs
Using the :launch-js
Figwheel option
you can set it up so that when you run Figwheel it will launch your
React Native tooling.
For example:
^{:react-native :cli
:launch-js ["npm" "run" "ios"]}
{:main awesome.main}
Now when you launch Figwheel it will take care of launching React Native for you.
This may or may not work for you and is highly dependent on the behavior of React Native tooling. Currently this set up works for me but your mileage may vary.
You will want to compile for production before you create a release build for your native project.
You can advance compile the above sample project using the command:
$ clj -m figwheel.main -O advanced -bo ios
Compiling for production carries the same caveates as usual. Please see the Advanced compile docs.
The React Native Figwheel bridge code automatically refreshes the application by forcing an update on the root element of the application. You may want to control the code refreshes yourself.
After application is loaded a figwheelBridgeRefresh
function is
registered on goog
. You can call this function to force the root
element to reload.
So for the above example you could set the
option to false
In ios.cljs.edn
this looks like:
^{:react-native :cli
:react-native-auto-refresh false}
{:main awesome.main}
and you can then control reloading via figwheel.main
's reload
Using our src/awesome/main.cljs
an example of this looks like:
(ns ^:figwheel-hooks awesome.main
(:require [react]
[react-native :as rn]))
(def <> react/createElement)
(defn renderfn [props]
(<> rn/View
#js {:style #js {:backgroundColor "#FFFFFF"
:flex 1
:justifyContent "center"}}
(<> rn/Text
#js {:style #js {:color "black"
:textAlign "center"}}
(str "HELLO"))))
(defn figwheel-rn-root []
(renderfn {}))
;; adding the reload hook here
(defn ^:after-load on-reload [] (goog/figwheelBridgeRefresh))
Thanks to Microsoft publishing react-native-macos and react-native-windows we can use React Native along with ClojureScript to create desktop applications.
The setup for MacOS is very similar to the above.
You will need to setup a RN MacOS project according to the instructions.
Then just follow the instructions above for the React Native CLI.
The only difference is that you need to launch the React Native MacOs tooling with:
$ npx react-native run-macos
And there you go.
I haven't tried this for react-native-windows but it should work in the same manner.
This uses
to bridge the gap from React Native to figwheel, feel free to read the
code and learn more about the details of how this is all managed.
This also introduces a compiler pass taken from
Krell to support
of images and assets.
Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Bruce Hauman, Daniel Schlaug & Michael SalihiEdit on GitHub
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