(abstract-websocket-connection connections)
(add-cache-buster url)
(add-listener f)
(after-reloads f)
(asyc-http-polling-middleware handler path connections)
(available-names connections)
Reusable browser REPL bootstrapping. Patches the essential functions in goog.base to support re-loading of namespaces after page load.
Reusable browser REPL bootstrapping. Patches the essential functions in goog.base to support re-loading of namespaces after page load.
(broadcast-for-response connections msg)
(connect & [connect-url'])
(connect* connect-url')
(connection-closed! url)
(connection-established! url)
(connection-send {:keys [send-fn] :as conn} data)
(connections-available repl-env)
(create-connection! ring-request options)
(debug msg)
(dynload ns-sym-str)
(ensure-websocket thunk)
(eval-connections {:keys [focus-session-name] :as repl-env})
(eval-javascript** code)
(evaluate {:keys [focus-session-name repl-eval-timeout broadcast] :as repl-env}
(exponential-backoff attempt)
(figwheel-require src reload)
(fill-server-url-template url-str {:keys [host port]})
(fill-url-template connect-url')
(focus session-name)
(focus* session-name)
(get-state k)
(hook-repl-printing-output! respond-msg)
(http-connect & [connect-url'])
(http-connect* attempt connect-url')
(http-long-polling-connect ring-request respond raise)
(http-long-polling-endpoint ring-request send raise)
(http-polling-connect ring-request)
(http-polling-endpoint ring-request)
(http-polling-middleware handler path connections)
(http-polling-send conn data)
(json-response json-body)
(launch-node opts repl-env input-path & [output-log-file])
(log & args)
(long-poll msg-fn connect-url')
(long-poll-capture-respond comm-atom respond)
(long-poll-send comm-atom msg)
(make-url connect-url')
(naming-response {:keys [session-name session-id type] :as conn})
(negotiate-id ring-request connections)
(parse-query-string qs)
(ping conn)
(ping-thread connections
{:keys [interval ping-timeout]
:or {interval 15000 ping-timeout 2000}})
(poll msg-fn connect-url')
(print-receivers outputs)
(print-to-stream stream args)
(queued-file-reload url)
(queued-file-reload url opt-source-text)
(receive-message! data)
(reload-file {:keys [request-url] :as file-msg} callback)
(reload-file-in-html-env request-url callback)
(remove-connection! {:keys [session-id] :as conn})
(remove-listener f)
(repl-env* {:keys [port open-url connection-filter]
:or {connection-filter identity
open-url "http://[[server-hostname]]:[[server-port]]"
port default-port}
:as opts})
(repl-env-print repl-env stream args)
(require-resolve symbol-str)
(respond-to {:keys [websocket http-url] :as old-msg} response-body)
(respond-to-connection response-body)
(response-for {:keys [uuid]} response-body)
(run-default-server options connections)
(run-default-server* options connections)
(send-for-eval {:keys [focus-session-name broadcast] :as repl-env}
(send-for-response connections msg)
(send-for-response* prom conn msg)
(set-log-level logger' level)
(set-state k v)
(setup repl-env opts)
(switch-to-http? url)
(taken-names connections)
(trim-last-newline args)
(try-port port server-fn)
Try running a server under one port or a list of ports. If a list of ports is supplied, try each port until it succeeds or runs out of ports.
Try running a server under one port or a list of ports. If a list of ports is supplied, try each port until it succeeds or runs out of ports.
(unprovide! ns)
(wait-for-connection repl-env)
(worker-import-script request-url callback)
(ws-connect & [websocket-url'])
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