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A Clojure library for IP geo-location.

It wraps the MaxMind GeoLite2 and provide support for different levels of resolution.

The MaxMind GeoLite2 database is available here: and it is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

To meet the attribution license requirements please include this in your product/project.

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from

It supports the following feature:

  • IP geo-location with city level details
  • IPv4 and IPv6 support
  • 3 levels of output details: just lat/lng coordinates, concise, full.
  • Simplified database update
  • Fully automated database update
  • caching of common IPs


Add the dependency in your project.clj

[com.brunobonacci/ip-geoloc "0.2.0"]

then require the namespace:

(require '[ip-geoloc.core :refer :all])

You can download a MaxMind GeoLite2 City database from this page: and put it in a folder of choice. As you'll see this can be done automatically, the library takes care of downloading the latest copy of the database for you, but if you don't want the library download the DB automatically (maybe because the production environment doesn't have outbound internet connection) you can specify a local database-file.

;; start the geo-ip provider and connect to the database
(def provider (start-provider {:database-file "/tmp/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"}))

;; now you can start looking up for IPs in three formats

;; The concise format
(geo-lookup provider "")
;;=> {:continent "NA",
;;    :countryIsoCode "US",
;;    :country "United States",
;;    :subdivistions ["California"],
;;    :city "Mountain View",
;;    :postCode "94040",
;;    :latitude 37.386,
;;    :longitude -122.0838}

;; the coordinates only
(coordinates provider "")
;;=> {:accuracy-radius nil,
;;    :average-income nil,
;;    :latitude 37.386,
;;    :longitude -122.0838,
;;    :metro-code 807,
;;    :population-density nil,
;;    :timezone "America/Los_Angeles"}

;; the full format
(full-geo-lookup provider "")
;;=> {:continent {:code "NA"},
;;    :most-specific-subdivision
;;    {:name "California",
;;     :id 5332921,
;;     :isoCode "CA",
;;     :confidence nil,
;;     :names
;;     {"de" "Kalifornien", "ru" "Калифорния", "pt-BR" "Califórnia", "ja" "カリフォルニア州", "en" "California", "fr" "Californie", "zh-CN" "加利福尼亚州", "es" "California"}},
;;    :city
;;    {:name "Mountain View",
;;     :id 5375480,
;;     :names
;;     {"de" "Mountain View", "ru" "Маунтин-Вью", "ja" "マウンテンビュー", "en" "Mountain View", "fr" "Mountain View", "zh-CN" "芒廷维尤"}},
;;    :subdivistions
;;    [{:name "California",
;;      :id 5332921,
;;      :isoCode "CA",
;;      :confidence nil,
;;      :names
;;      {"de" "Kalifornien", "ru" "Калифорния", "pt-BR" "Califórnia", "ja" "カリフォルニア州", "en" "California", "fr" "Californie", "zh-CN" "加利福尼亚州", "es" "California"}}],
;;    :registered-country
;;    {:name "United States",
;;     :id 6252001,
;;     :isoCode "US",
;;     :confidence nil,
;;     :names
;;     {"de" "USA", "ru" "Сша", "pt-BR" "Estados Unidos", "ja" "アメリカ合衆国", "en" "United States", "fr" "États-Unis", "zh-CN" "美国", "es" "Estados Unidos"}},
;;    :least-specific-subdivision
;;    {:name "California",
;;     :id 5332921,
;;     :isoCode "CA",
;;     :confidence nil,
;;     :names
;;     {"de" "Kalifornien", "ru" "Калифорния", "pt-BR" "Califórnia", "ja" "カリフォルニア州", "en" "California", "fr" "Californie", "zh-CN" "加利福尼亚州", "es" "California"}},
;;    :represented-country
;;    {:name nil, :id nil, :isoCode nil, :confidence nil, :names {}, :type nil},
;;    :location
;;    {:accuracy-radius nil,
;;     :average-income nil,
;;     :latitude 37.386,
;;     :longitude -122.0838,
;;     :metro-code 807,
;;     :population-density nil,
;;     :timezone "America/Los_Angeles"},
;;    :country
;;    {:name "United States",
;;     :id 6252001,
;;     :isoCode "US",
;;     :confidence nil,
;;     :names
;;     {"de" "USA", "ru" "Сша", "pt-BR" "Estados Unidos", "ja" "アメリカ合衆国", "en" "United States", "fr" "États-Unis", "zh-CN" "美国", "es" "Estados Unidos"}},
;;    :postal {:code "94040", :confidence nil},
;;    :traits
;;    {:user-type nil,
;;     :organization nil,
;;     :isp nil,
;;     :satellite-provider? false,
;;     :anonymous-proxy? false,
;;     :autonomousSystemOrganization nil,
;;     :autonomous-system-number nil,
;;     :domain nil,
;;     :ip-address ""}}

;; when you are done you can stop it
(stop-provider provider)

You can also use the convenience functions which use the global *provider*.

;; start it
(start-provider!) ;; default config

;; now you can resolve the IP in the same way
;; without having to pass the provider
(geo-lookup "")
;;=> {:continent "NA",
;;    :countryIsoCode "US",
;;    :country "United States",
;;    :subdivistions ["California"],
;;    :city "Mountain View",
;;    :postCode "94040",
;;    :latitude 37.386,
;;    :longitude -122.0838}

;; when you are done you can stop it


Here the possible configuration options:

  {;; location of the "GeoLite2-City.mmdb" database
   ;; if not specified the system will download the latest
   :database-file nil

   ;; when `:database-file` is not specified ip-geoloc
   ;; will attempt to download the latest database from the MaxMind website
   ;; This is the folder which must be writable where to store the
   ;; downloaded database.
   :database-folder "/tmp/maxmind"

   ;; whether or not the ip-geoloc must start a background thread
   ;; which attempt to check the presence of a new database
   ;; and download it
   :auto-update true

   ;; If `:auto-update` is true then how often the thread
   ;; must check for availability of a new database.
   ;; The time is expressed in milliseconds and it is
   ;; randomised.
   :auto-update-check-time (* 3 60 60 1000) ;; 3 hours

   ;; The MaxMind url for the database
   :database-url ""

   ;; The url of the MD5 signature to verify the database integrity
   :database-md5-url ""}


Copyright © 2015 Bruno Bonacci

Distributed under the Apache License v 2.0 (

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