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A library to manage application secrets and configuration safely and effectively.

A library to manage application secrets and configuration safely and effectively.
raw docstring


(configure {:keys [env key version] :as config-entry})
(configure config-client {:keys [env key version] :as config-entry})

Returns a configuration entry if found in any of the available configuration backends or nil if not found.


(configure {:key "service1" :env "dev" :version "6.2.4"})

;; => {:key "service1",
;;      :env "dev",
;;      :version "1.0.0",
;;      :change-num 1577379732258,
;;      :content-type "edn",
;;      :value {:config "the actual config" :password "S3cret"},
;;      :master-key-alias "alias/1Config/service1",
;;      :master-key "arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:1234567890:key/09f50161-01e7-44f1-9b39-fac39c7267eb",
;;      :user "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/john.doe"}

When config is not found:

(configure {:key "system-xyz" :env "dev" :version "6.2.4"})
;; => nil

Typical usage:

;; read the config and merge with defaults
(->> (configure
      {:key "user-service"
       :env (or (System/getenv "ENV") "local")
       :version "6.2.4"})
     (deep-merge DEFAULT-CONFIG))

for more information check:

Returns a configuration entry if found in any of the available
configuration backends or `nil` if not found.

``` clojure
(configure {:key "service1" :env "dev" :version "6.2.4"})

;; => {:key "service1",
;;      :env "dev",
;;      :version "1.0.0",
;;      :change-num 1577379732258,
;;      :content-type "edn",
;;      :value {:config "the actual config" :password "S3cret"},
;;      :master-key-alias "alias/1Config/service1",
;;      :master-key "arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:1234567890:key/09f50161-01e7-44f1-9b39-fac39c7267eb",
;;      :user "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/john.doe"}

When config is not found:
``` clojure
(configure {:key "system-xyz" :env "dev" :version "6.2.4"})
;; => nil

Typical usage:

``` clojure
;; read the config and merge with defaults
(->> (configure
      {:key "user-service"
       :env (or (System/getenv "ENV") "local")
       :version "6.2.4"})
     (deep-merge DEFAULT-CONFIG))

for more information check:
- the best practices:
- the general documentation:
sourceraw docstring


(deep-merge & maps)

It merges maps recursively. It merges the maps from left to right and the right-most value wins. It is useful to merge the user defined configuration on top of the default configuration.


(deep-merge {:foo 1 :bar {:baz 2}}
            {:foo 2 :bar {:baz 1 :qux 3}})
;;=> {:foo 2, :bar {:baz 1, :qux 3}}
It merges maps recursively. It merges the maps from left
to right and the right-most value wins. It is useful to merge the
user defined configuration on top of the default configuration.


``` clojure
(deep-merge {:foo 1 :bar {:baz 2}}
            {:foo 2 :bar {:baz 1 :qux 3}})
;;=> {:foo 2, :bar {:baz 1, :qux 3}}

sourceraw docstring

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