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Quick start

NOTE: if you are upgrading from previous version please check: migration procedure

Quick start guide to install and use 1Config.

Install via brew

homebrew updates not available at the moment. This is to avoid accidental updates since the data format has changed.

Manual installation

OSX and Linux

mkdir -p ~/bin
wget`uname` -O ~/bin/1cfg
wget -O ~/bin/1cfg-ui-beta
wget -O ~/bin/1cfgX
chmod +x ~/bin/1cfg ~/bin/1cfgX ~/bin/1cfg-ui-beta
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH


  • Open a terminal window
  • Create installation dir md %userprofile%\1config\bin
  • Download and save it in the above folder
  • Download and save it in the above folder
  • Rename file into 1cfg.cmd with ren %userprofile%\1config\bin\1cfgX %userprofile%\1config\bin\1cfg.cmd
  • Rename file into 1cfg-ui-beta.cmd with ren %userprofile%\1config\bin\1cfg-ui-beta %userprofile%\1config\bin\1cfg-ui-beta.cmd
  • Add it to the System path:
    • On the Windows desktop, right-click My Computer.
    • In the pop-up menu, click Properties.
    • In the System Properties window, click the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.
    • In the System Variables window, highlight Path, and click Edit.
    • In the Edit System Variables window, insert the cursor at the end of the Variable value field.
    • If the last character is not a semi-colon (;), add one.
    • After the final semi-colon, type %userprofile%\1config\bin.
    • Click OK in each open window.


  • At this point your installation should be complete and you should be able to get the help page by typing 1cfg -h
  • Next you need to provide the credentials for the AWS account you wish to access.
  • Initialize AWS ENV variables
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx
export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1
  • Initialize DynamoDB table (only the first time)
1cfg INIT -b dynamo
  • Set your first secure configuration for application hello-world
1cfg SET -b dynamo -k hello-world -e test -v 1.0.0 -t txt 'secret password'
  • List the available configurations
1cfg LIST
  • Retrieve the configuration with the command line tool
1cfg GET -b dynamo -k hello-world -e test -v 1.0.0
  • Retrieve the configuration via the API in your application
(require '[com.brunobonacci.oneconfig :refer [configure]])
(configure {:key "hello-world" :version "1.0.0" :env "test"})

There is support for edn, txt, json and Java properties format. and supports Clojure, Java, Groovy, and other JVM languages (more to come)

UI Setup

If you managed to do the above step successfully you are ready to run the web UI with:

Server started:

Once the Server started message appeared you are ready to open your favourite browser at:

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