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Safely tracking.

safely has a comprehensive metering system. Internally it uses a library called TRACKit! which in turns it is a wrapper for the popular Dropwizard's Metrics library.

Out of the box by just adding the :track-as option in a safely block you get instrumentation metrics about how many times the safely block is executed, at what rate (calls per second), and various percentiles about the execution times.

For example let's take a look at the following code snippet:

(safely                                          \
  ;; an external call                 \          |
  (users/load-user :id "d548a66b")    | Inner    |
                                      /          | Outer
  :on-error                                      |
  :max-retry 5                                   |
  :default   nil                                 |
  :track-as  "myapp.mymodule.loadUser")          /

The users/load-user call is in a safely block, and we have added the :track-as "myapp.mymodule.loadUser" option. In this case safely will automatically instrument and push metrics based on the following groups:


The .inner group refers call container inside the block, in our example it is just the users/load-user call. While the .outer refers to the entire safely block as perceived by the caller.

For example here are the metrics which will be pushed just by adding a single :track-as line.

             count = 41791                  >- execution count
         mean rate = 182.41 calls/second    \
     1-minute rate = 186.48 calls/second    |_ execution rate
     5-minute rate = 100.60 calls/second    |
    15-minute rate = 45.20 calls/second     /
               min = 32.37 milliseconds     \
               max = 117.19 milliseconds    |
              mean = 42.04 milliseconds     |
            stddev = 7.74 milliseconds      |
            median = 40.45 milliseconds     |_ execution time
              75% <= 43.39 milliseconds     |
              95% <= 53.48 milliseconds     |
              98% <= 62.67 milliseconds     |
              99% <= 74.44 milliseconds     |
            99.9% <= 117.19 milliseconds    /

             count = 41791
         mean rate = 182.26 calls/second
     1-minute rate = 186.34 calls/second
     5-minute rate = 97.71 calls/second
    15-minute rate = 40.50 calls/second
               min = 32.39 milliseconds
               max = 79.93 milliseconds
              mean = 41.18 milliseconds
            stddev = 5.97 milliseconds
            median = 39.84 milliseconds
              75% <= 42.67 milliseconds
              95% <= 51.92 milliseconds
              98% <= 60.91 milliseconds
              99% <= 69.67 milliseconds
            99.9% <= 79.93 milliseconds

             count = 33                     >- errors count
         mean rate = 0.14 events/second     \
     1-minute rate = 0.16 events/second     |_ errors rate
     5-minute rate = 2.98 events/second     |
    15-minute rate = 4.86 events/second     /

             count = 0
         mean rate = 0.0 events/second
     1-minute rate = 0.0 events/second
     5-minute rate = 0.0 events/second
    15-minute rate = 0.0 events/second

All these metrics can be published to a variety of monitoring systems. For more information about reporting metrics please refer to TRACKit! documentation.

If you are using a circuit-breaker with safely the following additional metrics are published.

For example let's take a look at the following code snippet:


  ;; an external call
  (users/load-user :id "d548a66b")

  :max-retry 5
  :default   nil
  :track-as  "myapp.mymodule.loadUser"
  :circuit-breaker :userLoad)

With the :circuit-breaker :userLoad, in addition to the previous metrics, the following metrics will be published as well:


With the count and rate of the particular error type, for example:

             count = 0
         mean rate = 0.0 events/second
     1-minute rate = 0.0 events/second
     5-minute rate = 0.0 events/second
    15-minute rate = 0.0 events/second


  • .errors.execution represents the errors triggered by the inner execution block. Typically the actual external call.
  • .errors.queue_full is triggered when the circuit-breaker request queue if full. It typically means that the external system is getting slower and it is trying to generate some back pressure. If situation doesn't recover the circuit will be triggered open. In this case it is NOT a good idea to increase the queue size.
  • .errors.timeout - this error is triggered when the external system (or inner block) call is taking longer than you are willing to wait for.
  • .errors.circuit_open - This error is triggered when the system is trying to process requests while the circuit is open. In this case requested are rejected immediately.

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