(-main & args)
Compile clojure script and run specs. args can be empty or have the type of command: auto (default) - watch files and recompiling and re-running affected specs once - compile and run specs (if enabled) once spec - just run the specs (assumes compilation is already done)
Compile clojure script and run specs. args can be empty or have the type of command: auto (default) - watch files and recompiling and re-running affected specs once - compile and run specs (if enabled) once spec - just run the specs (assumes compilation is already done)
(auto-run build-options)
(build-reverse-deps deps)
(build-spec-map rdeps deps timestamp)
(config-with-defaults config)
(configure! config build-key)
(find-updated-specs rdeps deps timestamp)
(modified-time file)
(on-console m)
(on-error error)
(project-ns? ns)
(rdeps-affected-by rdeps updated)
(run-specs & {:keys [timestamp auto?]})
(run-specs-auto page timestamp)
(run-specs-once page)
(timestamp! file)
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